8. Territorial Claiming

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Since that talk with Eren the other day, things between us seemed a bit better. He didn't keep shutting me out, instead he often started to ask me more and more questions. The one question however that I was unable to answer, was due to my heats. I'm sorry, but I couldn't discuss that with him. Maybe once he was older it wouldn't be as awkward.

As it is now. His alpha side still has yet to take over, this meant he still didn't sense my heats that hit once a month. But once he notices them, I don't know what I will do. Perhaps he can stay over at a friend's house during the worst days. With topics like this, I wish he was back to his five year old self. Innocent and unknowing about this sort of thing.

But sadly, Eren's ignorant age of all things omega came to an end when he was seventeen. His birthday was months away, and I already knew he was undergoing the change. You could see it on him. This meant my guardian over him and Carla's money ended in a couple of months.

He would be of the age to decide if he wanted to move out. This scared me, I wasn't ready for such a change. Would he want to move on? Or stay here with me?

Sitting across the table from him one morning on the weekend. I stared at the once five year old boy. He was definitely a young man now. He already surpassed me in height years ago, it was straining on my neck to look up at him. He decided he wanted to grow his once short hair out. It was now shaggy and fell around his face. It suited him though.

"Your birthday is coming up Eren." I spoke casually.

His turquoise eyes shot up and eyed me suspiciously. "And?"

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips. "Well, what would you like to do to celebrate it?"

"It's still months away, why talk about it now?" He mumbled but sighed. "Please Levi. No party, I really don't want one."

"You sure?" I was shocked. Watching him shake his head I questioned him again. "Will you spend it with your friends then?"

Another shake of his head was given in answer. "No. I just want to spend it with you."

Blinking my eyes I looked at him. "Well if that's what you want. Shall I take you out for dinner?"

You could see him thinking it over before nodding. "Okay, dinner then we come back here and watch a movie or something."

My heart raced. He wanted to spend his birthday with me and not his friends. This made me feel special, and truly like family. "Then that is what we will do." Smiling, I ate some food then I looked at him again. "Have you decided on what you will do after you graduate?"

Eren looked at me and laughed deeply. "What you meant to ask. Once I am of age and get access to my mothers money, will I move out?" A sheepish laugh left my lips. "Don't worry Levi, this is my home. I'm not ready to move out, or to leave you." His turquoise eyes gazed at me. "I am staying here with you for as long as I can. I got my acceptance letter into the local college here."

Smiling more, I clapped my hands. "Well done! See I told you, that you would get accepted. And yes this is your home. I wasn't planning to kick you out any time soon."

"Good, because I am not leaving." His voice went deeper. Something about that tone made me shiver, but I pushed the thought away.

After breakfast, Eren went upstairs to play his video games in his room. While I did some cleaning. Getting a phone call about work, I answered it and dealt with the issues before hanging up. If you all wondered. I still work at the cafe from those years back. But now I am actually part owner, and my work is more behind the scenes now. Meaning I made good money since those years ago, allowing me to barely dip into the money Carla left for Eren.

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