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"just be careful okay" i pat down chloe's pink dress as she nods soon running off to the small park where other children where playing around.

sitting down i cross my legs before continuing licking my ice cream cone enjoying the nice weather here. if i was still in new york it'll be probably raining then sunny then rainy all over again in the span of an hour.

i made sure my eyes were still stuck on chloe as she started playing with a small little boy around her age, both shaking hands and running across towards the black slide connected towards the stairs.

with a small smile on my face i soon realize some of my cookies and cream ice cream dripping into the sides of my lips and onto my chest making me groan and grab a quick napkin.

i made sure my chest was clean and ny lips were done only for me to mutter profanities soon realizing it'll make everything just sticky sooner or later.

"guess someone is having a bad day" i hear a deep male voice startle me making me look up to come to view with a tall man sitting down on the bench where i was currently at.

he had wide shoulders as he wore a simple black t-shirt with sweats. his hair was everywhere but the good looking way as he had stubble across his jaw and a bit over his upper lip.

i also saw he had nice deep green eyes and a small tattoo below his ear and on the nape of his neck making me feel dry in an instant. he was handsome.

"excuse me?" i question to what he had said as i stopped drooling over the man now next to me.
"you were just cussing out every cuss word you could think of" he laughs it off making me embarrassed he had heard that.

"i'm alejandro" he places his hand out for me to shake as i take it in mines and shake it. his accent was very prominent and could honestly make anyone go buzzard.

"jane. i'm jane" being polite i give him a smile in which he responds back with one. before i could open my mouth once again i hear chloe run towards me breathless. she pats on my knee making me look down at her.

"jj can we stay a bit longer please! javier wants to play more!" she asks with a toothy smile now as i look up to see the same little boy she was playing with tapping his shoes onto the cement nervously.

his hands were placed together as he played with the hem of his shirt making me let out a giggle. "sure but only for a few more minutes. remember your parents are going to be back soon."

chloe nods before running back off with javier leaving me and alejandro back alone. "you babysit?" he questions as i respond with a quick nod and he hums.

before we knew it we both were enjoying a nice conversation together. i got to find out he works at this really nice restaurant around here called parallel 35. as well as the basic information like where does he live, his age which now i know is 23 therefore makes him a year older than me. (just like dominic)

even though i enjoyed this nice conversation with him a lot i realized it was now time to head back towards the hotel due to amber and dominic now returning back.

as i called out for chloe to come i look back to see alejandro following my lead and standing up as well. "it was nice meeting you" he hums before taking out his phone. "here. let's meet up sometime. get to show you spain you know."

at the generous offer i nod typing in my number before he sends me a quick text for me to save his.
finally holding onto chloe's hand i wave him bye with my free one soon leaving him.

"he's cute" chloe 'whispers' to me while crossing the road making me chuckle out loud. "yeah. he really is" i 'whisper' back towards her making it now her turn to let out a giggle and scrunch her nose up.


"sorry for being late. we were at the park" i excuse myself towards them both as chloe runs towards amber to give her a kiss on the cheek and talk about javier and what they had played at the park earlier.

taking a seat down at the table they decided to eat dinner at i look towards my front to see dominic staring at me subtly. i could sense his foot touching mines as i let my heel step on his toe making him groan and wince due to the pain.

"are you okay baby oh my" amber quickly asks dominic who glares at me before smiling at amber and holding his hand out for her to place her own intertwining them together.

"i'm fine amor" he quickly takes her lips in his giving her a lovely passionate kiss making me look off to the side and internally gag in my mouth at the act.

viewing the vendors pass by selling decorative items and sweets, i look further down to see the view of the beautiful beach as the sun settles behind the waves making it more beautiful to see.

spain was a beautiful place to be at thats for sure.

"what may i get you guys tonight" a deep voice spoke making me freeze at the sound of it. as i let my head snap to the side i see alejandro dressed in a white button up with his sleeves rolled up and some black slacks.

he looked very different from what i had seen earlier as he looked... rich. his eyes meets with mines before smiling down at me as he realized who i was.

trying to hide the blush reflecting on my cheeks i hear chloe gasp and point towards alejandro. "cute guy! see jane! that's cute guy from park!" her act was as innocent as she could be. but the outcome wasn't.

"excuse me."

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