Chapter 15 - Attack on Xyrus

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I followed my father to an isolated part of the dining hall. "I must say, I'm impressed. To make so many powerful allies. While I'm not so sure about the Fairweather girl, I'm sure you have your reasons. I was worried about the unnamed man but after learning he was supported by the Denoir's my confidence was restored."

He patted my shoulder. "Good job."

I nodded and returned to everyone. I was annoyed. All my life I was taught that a Highlord doesn't need friends. Only servants, allies and associates, and for a while, I believed that. But after going to school that view changed. I now know friends are important, not just for me but for others as well.

Seeing Grey–a person that barely tells anyone anything about himself–trust in me and rely on me really helped me. I barely did anything for him, I don't give him money, I don't give him resources to get stronger, I don't let him use my authority and yet he still wishes to stay around and be my friend.

He might be getting these things from Caera but I doubt that, he isn't that kind of person. I hope I can be like Grey. Not in combat strength but rather, personal strength. He doesn't care what people think, he does what he wants.

I walked up to Enola when I noticed Grey wasn't around. "Where's Grey?"

"Oh, he just went to get some food. Glad you're back by the way, we were worried you'd miss the performance." said Enola as she grabbed my arm. "Will Enola go out with me if I ask?" I pondered, hopefully she'll say yes.


"How did an unnamed brat like you get into this party? Did someone take pity on you and invited you as their guest?" asked the old man. "Nope, I was invited by the Director himself," I answered.

"Ya got some weird delusions boy. I'm just going to believe my first assumption." laughed the old man. I sighed, it made sense, who would believe that. "Anyway, the name's Alaric." the man said as he held out his hand.

"I'd shake your hand but I'm afraid I'd get drunk myself if I got any closer," I said. Alaric just laughed, "I like you kid, I'll see you around."

"No thanks," I chuckled as I left the drunk still on the balcony. "We'll see about that!" shouted Alaric.

I made sure my clothes didn't smell of alcohol–which luckily wasn't the case–and returned to everyone just in time to see Eujean had showed up. He hadn't noticed Caera yet, probably because he hadn't realized she was here.

"So, the plan is that I beat him up if he challenges me to a duel?" I asked as I snuck up on everyone. "Grey!" exclaimed Caera as she hugged me. We quickly separated since we were in the middle of a party. Since grabbing Eujean's attention won't be difficult with Caera around we decided to just have small talk until the moment came.

Soon the man himself came up to us. "Hello Lady Caera, I hope I am not interrupting anything," said Eujean as he bowed to Caera, ignoring the rest of us. "You are, I was in the middle of a conversation with Valen Remseyer," replied Caera. Eujean looked at Valen with a bit of hostility but stopped once he realized Enola was grabbing Valen's arm. He then looked at Seth to see Mayla hugging his arm. He then looked at me and Caera; this time, Caera wasn't holding my arm.

Through the process of elimination Eujean came to the conclusion that Caera was single. While he wasn't wrong he is the last person Caera would date. Plus, nothing was official between any of us, although, seeing how everyone is acting it wouldn't be long till that was no longer the case. "Lady Caera, if you could do me the honor of accompanying me this fine night," said Eujean as he held out his hand so Caera could take it.

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