Chapter 44 - A force to be reckoned with

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(A.N early chapter to spite another writer. And my beta reader went all out.)


Trodius Flamesworth stood upon the wall, facing all of us. Next to him was Lance Ohmwrecker. My team and I stood among the thousands of people ready to face the upcoming hoard. For 3 years we've fought in this war and now finally the enemy is about to unleash a huge attack.

It's estimated that thousands of controlled mana beasts will storm the wall. Curtis was pulled back to the castle because of his father, but Kathyln managed to stay here. The air was tense as if you could cut it with a butter knife.

Sweat dripped down my brows, as well as down the foreheads of everyone around me. A stench of sweat attacked the nostrils of everyone, sweat not from exercise, but from fear and stress. My hand gripped my rapier so hard that my fingers began to hurt. My nails dug into my other hand forcefully enough to draw blood, not that I noticed.

The bustling shops which were filled with people everyday have been completely dismantled as the owners fled for their safety. No one could blame them, they weren't awakened and thus didn't have the requisite strength needed to fight back. They would've been more of a hassle anyways had they stayed, as we would not only have to worry about defending the structure of the Wall but also the noncombatants within. Without the mummers of bartering and polite conversation that normally flowed through the open areas, the blacksmith sounds which used to be drowned out were now louder than ever.

Blacksmiths were busy creating new weapons of all sorts so that even if a blade broke, you could run back and get a new one. Alchemists brewed potions to enhance mana, even despite the cost. Even a unit made entirely of healers was stationed with tents to take in the wounded. Despite how well organized and how efficient they had been, everyone here was already aware of the fact that they would soon be deluged by sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers that won't ever be able to make it back to their loved ones.

Even Kathyln, and her normal cold exterior was replaced by the façade of a seasoned warrior who was ready to fight. Despite the clear fear she held within her eyes, you could see the stubborn refusal to give up without putting up a fight on her face, something rare when one considers her typical cool demeanor. Theo stood his ground, his head towering over everyone else, standing at a huge six foot ten, projecting sheer unadulterated confidence.

Even Arthur's parents were here to help. His father reached light orange stage and was placed at the front lines just underground. His mother was in the back lines healing the wounded. I haven't spoken much to her since the incident, but I knew she had garnered immense respect among the soldiers for her brutal efficiency and her ability to bring people back from what most considered certain death.

Everyone here knew they could die today, myself included. Yet despite that, we all stood here waiting, waiting for our moment to shine. The conjuror's acknowledged the augmenter's strength and courage for being on the front lines. This incredibly rare display of camaraderie only served to emphasize how unnervingly different today was from any other day in the war.

It just goes to show how much all of us loved and valued our continent. After a few more moments taking in the ambience and atmosphere of this once-in-a-lifetime display, I remembered something Arthur said just before the incident.

I was sitting in the DC room doing paperwork while Arthur sat across from me. He and I were mere acquaintances at the time, I did talk to him a few times, but it's not like we were friends. I decided to spark a conversation.

"So, why did you come to Xyrus? I mean other than just to learn," I began. It was the simplest possible question, meant only for a conversation starter. He seemed to notice my intention but played along.

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