Chapter 40 - Drinking, in many ways

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A.N sorry, fell asleep + sister was in hospital 


Caria let out a comfortable sigh as she sat down on my couch. "It's times like this I love that you are royalty. We can get comfortable breaks like this in the Castle."

"Well this is a party for the defeat of the retainer. Lance Aya managed to kill one yesterday," I said, grabbing a fresh fruit from the table. "So that's the reason your parents called you back." Caria sunk lower into the chair; not that I could blame her.

"The real question is, do they want me at the party as a princess or as their daughter," I sighed. The former would mean I'd have to meet people and the latter would mean that I'd- actually I'd probably still have to greet people.

"The party is tomorrow right?" she asked. "Yes, it also means you're going to have to dress up. If you don't have anything you can just borrow something from my wardrobe." I replied. I sat down next to her and the chair really was great. At least compared to the normal hard ground in the dungeons.

"Sure, do you have anything that might impress Darvus?" she questioned, her face red. "It's been years. Just admit that you like him already. Do you have any idea how many times I've struggled to not just tell him myself?" I exhaled in annoyance.

"But it's hard! Every time I get so nervous and I don't know what to do!" she yelled back. "Alright alright. Yes, I have something that would impress Darvus. But it's up to you to find it," I answered, finally giving up.

"Thanks, Tess!" She ran up and hugged me. After many hours of begging I finally allowed them to call me Tess. It didn't feel as bad as I thought. I thought I would be reminded of Art every single time but accepting his death seemed to negate it.

"You're welcome. But for now, what do you think we should do until tomorrow?" I questioned. Caria finally let me go and sat down again. "I mean, we could train. If there even is a place for that."

"We could, but I just want to rest. And visit Grandpa. I haven't really talked to him in years," I trailed off. "Go ahead and do that! Family is important after all," she pushed me out of the door. I shrugged and went to Grandpa's room. If I could even find it in these annoying endless hallways.

I soon came across Grandpa's room, and it was no easy task. I was about to knock when one of the guards stopped me. "Commander Virion isn't here right now. He's planning the party for the death of the retainer," he explained. "Oh, then please notify me when he is available."

"I will, princess," he gave me a small bow. I noticed his elven ears so I didn't bother to correct him. The other guard however had a really annoying mustache.

I walked back to my room when I saw Mom and Dad returning. I ran up to them. "Mom! Dad!"

They turned to me with a smile, their eyes had dark rings showing their lack of sleep. "Oh my baby! It's so good to see you again!" Mom pulled me into a hug as Dad stood beside us. "You've grown so big. I heard you're solid silver. Congrats!"

"Indeed. I'm so proud of you," Dad joined our hug. "I heard Father called you back for the party. I know it's hard on you, but please try and greet everyone you can," Dad continued.

"Honey, she just got back from the Beast-Glades and you want her to converse with nobles? Just let her be. She has friends now, remember?" Mom fought back. Dad got a little red. "Alright, just promise me to be on your best behavior. I was a teenager once too, I know what happens," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Dad. I promise not to do anything bad," I said in a fake condescending tone. "We'll see you tomorrow sweetie. Right now your parents need their sleep," Mom gave me one final hug before they disappeared into their room to sleep, even though it is only noon.

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