One: The Imagined

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The day was warm. The bright green leaves fluttered in the breeze and the salty, blue waves lazily rolled onto the sand. The sky was a beautiful blue, and the sun was a golden yellow as it delivered its light to the land. Animals chased each other around and birds soared across the sky. It was peaceful, and the redheaded girl breathed in the salty air, her eyes closed, grateful for this peace.

The Imagined smiled as she opened her blue eyes. It was rare to get breaks like this one. She scooped up some of the sand that was in front of her and let it fall out of her hands. How she wished she could jump into the water and swim, but she had already used up 15 of the 20 minutes she had of spare time. There was still a war going on; a war that had to be won.

Sighing, she picked up her helmet that she had put down next to her and placed it on her lap. She wondered if she had ever been swimming as a child, if her and her sister Order had any other siblings, parents who pretended that everything she did was a miracle.

She wondered why she couldn't remember anything a few weeks before she turned ten.

The only things she had known were her date of birth, along with the things one would learn in school. Only, she didn't remember who taught her, the name of the school she went to, the names of her friends if she had any, or if she had a family other than her sister. She couldn't even remember her own name, or her own age! Still couldn't.

It was painful. She and Order gave themselves an age. 21. It's not lying if you don't know.

Now, here she is. The maverick. It sort of made her bitter, knowing that all she had ever known was survival. Why didn't she have a normal childhood? Did she have one? Who knows.

Thankfully, her imagination didn't wander too far as she heard her comm beeping. Putting on her helmet, she sighed as the visor masked the world.

"Imagined! You have got some explaining to do!" The Origin practically roared through the comm.

"Chillax, Old Man. You're gonna make me go deaf if you keep yelling, sheesh," she sniped, her attitude getting the best of her.

"Get over here and explain your actions right now! Having that Looper contact The Paradigm for you? Do you know how idiotic that was?" Origin thundered.

"Do you mean how genius it was? Clearly I am doing more than you are! The Paradigm could lead us to victory! Just because she broke out of a prison she had to rescue you from, doesn't mean that she's a traitor! Am I the only one who understands this?" Imagined was losing her patience. Here she was, having a nice peaceful moment which was rare these days, and then The Origin had to come and disrupt it! The deep hatred she had for him boiled inside of her. 

"Can you two stop yelling at each other?" The Scientist sighed. "Let's talk this out in person. Imagined, come here please. The Foundation and Visitor want to talk about your actions."

"Ugh! Fine!" Imagined threw herself up from the ground she was sitting on and stormed into the main control. Sure enough, the other four were standing there, everyone seemed pissed except Scientist.

"Well? If you are going to lecture me, get on with it!" she snapped, crossing her arms. "Just know I stand by my decision."

"Why did you go behind our back to contact her, Imagined? You know how dangerous that can be! What if she is siding with the IO? We don't know where she stands!" Foundation fumed.

"Oh, I am so sorry for doing what you taught me—to always do what you think is the right thing!" Imagined nearly choked on her words.

"Let's settle down. Imagined didn't do this alone. I supported her in this and encouraged her. Right now we need to put aside our differences as we need every person we can get in this fight," The Scientist argued.

The Foundation sighed, not responding. The Origin seemed to be fuming, and Visitor was pissed.

Hello! So to my readers: I don't know if you saw my latest announcement but I am editing the first two chapters of this book. I am trying to stay as close to canon as possible, so I needed to change a few things. More will be on it's way!

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