Three: Fear

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Imagined shot up, gasping. It wasn't the first time she had had nightmares, and she knew it wouldn't be the last only....they never seemed like dreams. They always seemed to be....memories? Sighing, she stood up and started putting her armor on. Another day, another fight, another argument. 

Another day to be in pain. Yet another day to have hope.

Looking into the mirror she owned, Imagined picked up her brush. Just as she was finished with her hair and added just a touch of makeup to hide the dark bags under her eyes, there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," she called out. She gave a concerned smile as Scientist slowly walked into the room. "Scientist...?"

"Come. Order's stable, and the medics think she'll wake up soon. We both know how she reacts to waking up in a medbay. She will need you," Scientist slowly admitted, as though he had just told her someone died. 

Imagined grabbed her helmet and dashed through the door, bolting down the building and didn't slow down until she reached the medbay. 

Origin and Visitor were talking outside the room but she didn't acknowledge them as she pushed past the two into the room where her sister was. 

She had already lost one....she couldn't bear losing her other. 

"Order?" she whispered as she entered. The strong stench of medicine, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products hit Imagined in the nostrils quickly. Everything around her was as clean as it could be. The sound of machines filled the silence. Order was propped up on the medical bed. Her skin was pale, too pale, her eyes closed, and painfully still. She was dressed in a plain cotton hospital gown, and there were tubes in her arms. Braces were on her arm and leg, along with bandages showing through the neckline of her cotton gown. 

"Order...," Imagined choked, taking one of her sister's hands and holding it in her own. It was way too cold for Imagined's preference. She didn't know how long she sat there, with her sister's hand in her's, but she didn't care. Order needed her. 


The Origin sighed. Everything that had happened that week was driving him crazy. The fact that The Imagined disobeyed his every order and clearly hated him didn't help. This was a time of war and so surely differences should be pushed aside? But if he brought that up, Imagined would make him bring Paradigm back. 

"Hey, you good?" Visitor asked. "Helloooo. Reality Zero to Origin. Orig?" he started snapping his fingers in front of his visor. 

"Hm? Oh, sorry. Just have a lot on my mind," The Origin sighed. 

"I understand. Order showing up without us knowing while being injured, trying to warn us about something the IO is doing, and then falling into a coma. Poor kid, she's been through a lot. So has The Imagined," Visitor sighed.

That shocked Origin. He should have known that both sisters had been through a rough time but surely they got over it quickly? That's how he was raised, anyway. 

The minutes ticked by and Origin got a little impatient and felt a little guilty. Just because The Imagined was a little brat to him didn't mean that he should have held her back. He knew the feeling of losing a sibling that one was close too, and he remembered how he felt when his brother died. 

That rage, that thirst for revenge, the desire to slaughter every person who he thought was responsible. 

He shouldn't have held her back. For all he knew Order would die without ever waking up and Imagined never would have gotten to say goodbye. 

He....was cruel. The Cube King had never left him.


So I'm going to try and not leave notes at the end of every chapter, but I just want to clear some things up. I'm going to try and keep this story close to canon and the comics, but also put my own flair to it. So leaked spoilers for comic issue 3 of Zero War ahead!



Wolverine x Imagined does not happen. It's weird and I'm honestly pissed off about it. As for the thousands of years that everyone has lived, not happening either (Except Origin). The ages of the Seven (The Sisters' age they gave themselves), Jones, and Slone as of my headcanon and this story will be:

The Foundation: 50
The Origin: 49 (Human years)
The Visitor: 48
The Scientist: 47
The Paradigm/Singularity: 47
The Imagined: 21 
The Order: 21
Jones: 25
Slone: 36

More age headcanons will come later but I did just want to clear a few things up. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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