Two: True Identity

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The Imagined screamed with fury as she threw her sword across the room. Why didn't anybody ever listen to her? Still in a rage she pulled off her helmet and tossed it onto her bed, her fire-orange hair falling loose. It was rare for her to act so helpless, upset, and scared. 

Sinking down right in front of her bed, and hugged her knees to her chest. 

"Imagined? Can I come in?" a voice from outside her door asked. Imagined gave a small smile. Of course Scientist would come to check on her.

"The door's unlocked," she tried to hide the tremble in her voice but failed. The door opened with a swoosh and Imagined heard his heavy footfalls walking into the room.

"Hey, what are we crying about, huh?" he gently teased as knelt in front of her and wiped away a tear that she didn't know was there. Imagined raised one of her own hands to feel her other cheek. Sure enough, she was crying. Why didn't she know this sooner?

"I-I-I don't know," Imagined stumbled, hoping that she would have to tell the truth. But unfortunately The Scientist knew her too well. He sat down on her bed and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Come on, kid. What's bothering you? Is it about what happened at the meeting this afternoon?"

The Imagined hesitated before turning her head to face her friend. "Scientist....did I do the right thing? Or did I just contact Paradigm because I miss her and want her back?" 

"Maybe it was a little bit of both. I know how much you've struggled with her being gone. I have too—she was my best friend. As long as you think you did the right thing, then maybe it is," Scientist tried to comfort her. 

"But what if it wasn't!" Imagined stood up and turned away, hugging herself. "What if I am just that soldier who rushes into everything and doesn't listen to orders! What good am I then?" Her voice cracked at the end of her rant, and she did everything she could to stop the tears from flowing.

"You are everything," Scientist practically leaped off where he was seated and pulled the young woman into an embrace. "You are everything to me and Paradigm. To Order! It doesn't matter what the others think, yeah? Just as long as you think it's right and nothing holds you back. Understand?"

Imagined held onto her friend, her father-figure, as tight as she could before letting tears fall. This wasn't the first time he had to comfort her, and this certainly won't be the last. "Paradigm isn't here, and no one is going to welcome her back but us...."

"Maybe so. But right now the others have no choice. We are in a war we need to win and Paradigm can get us there," Scientist soothed Imagined.

They both hugged each other for a long time after that.


Imagined wasn't talking to The Origin or The Foundation. Not after the way they spoke about the Paradigm. Couldn't they see? They needed The Paradigm! And....and maybe Imagined just wanted her back. Paradigm was always her mother figure. She was the one she could go to when she needed help, comfort, and many more. The Scientist was always there too, but Paradigm....

Paradigm was always there too, but in a different way. She was never as busy as Scientist was, so Imagined had grown more attached to her. She began to see The Paradigm as the mother she couldn't remember—maybe never had. 

That's why it hurt so much when Paradigm sent her rocket into the Zero Point, exiling herself from The Seven. 

She placed her hand on the wall as she slowly lowered to the floor, laying her head against it. Her room slowly darkened as the clock turned 2000 hours. Everything started to grow a bit farther away as she slowly let the sleep that she had not had in 2 days catch up to her.

That's why Imagined quite literally jumped when someone ran into the building, shouting, "Foundation! Where is The Foundation?" The voice was pitched with pain and exhaustion. Could it be...?  

Immediately footsteps came pounding as Foundation—only his footsteps could be that heavy—came bursting through the courtyard, followed by others. The Imagined ran out of her room, praying that everything was alright.





"ORDER!"  she screamed

Her sister was bent over, clutching her side and using the other hand to balance herself on the wall. Standing in front of her were the other four, Visitor and Scientist gently helping to hold her steady. 

"ORDER!" Imagined panicked, trying to rush over to her injured sister's side. Origin grabbed her arm, pulling and holding her back. Order's condition was even worse from this perspective. Her helmet was cracked, revealing a blue eye that was haunted, dull, and full of pain, and a part of her mouth. Blood was slowly trailing down her mouth and where she clutched her side. 

"The....Order....Doomsday....Collider....device....Tilted—dried up rivers—" was all she managed to say before collapsing. 

The Visitor caught her before shouting: "Medic!" Origin dashed out of the room, and Foundation gently placed a shoulder on her shoulder before he looked at Scientist. "Get Imagined out of here. Get some rest. We'll take it from here."

"But my sister—" Imagined tried to protest before Scientist dragged her out. 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No! My sister is injured!" she nearly shouted as Scientist carefully yet forcefully sat Imagined down on her bed.

"Get some sleep. Got it?"

"At this rate I'll get no sleep!"

"Just—please. Just get some sleep," Scientist pleaded before leaving the room.

Imagined curled up in her bed and cried. Her sister was bleeding! Injured! In pain! And The Foundation gave the command to leave it be!

She barely slept that night. How could she?

The Imagined: Everything Needs a Little ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now