chapter two: transform

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The girls packed their bags, now equip with any essentials they'd need. Biding their goodbyes and a promise for a safe return. Amphibia will be a whole lot different than the way they left it. Heck, it'll be even better than the way they entered it.

Anne contacted Terri, who still keeps the portal for emergencies. Who knew what crazy adventure would come next? Today was that day.

"I knew you three would need this again. I think I'll be able to power this baby up with the stones you gave me. But I will need to tell you something that a bit.. experimental." Terri breathes out her teeth nervous.

"Whatcha got? Oh lemme guess!" Marcy excitedly answers. "Did you make the portal a door so it powers on and off? So the stones power can last longer as long as the door is opened for short periods of time?"

Terri looks somewhat shocked, but smiles at Marcy's knowledge on video games and anime. Clearly all that knowledge did pay off.

"Yep, that's exactly what I have. This door will connect somewhere in Amphibia, most likely the same place you entered before. When you're ready to go back, just open the door in that world and someone will be here to help you out. I'll have myself, Dr. Jan, and some others on shifts just in case."

"Wow you have this all planned out surprisingly fast, Terri." Sasha looks in awe

"Well, have to have something ready. Who knows when your next adventure would be?"


It was finally time, everything was set to go. With no dramatic buildup, the three entered Amphibia. The same place Anne had landed during her return.

Surprisingly, there was a warm greeting waiting for them. Valeriana stood there, dressed in her white cloak and gloves.

"I've been expecting your return. I was made aware you found more stone shards?"

"How'd you know?" Anne speculates. "Is there more weird stone biz we were never filled in on?"

"Oh there was a lot of things we didn't have time to discuss. But you three will be here for a while now huh?"

"Only a couple weeks. After that we won't return. For good this time."

"We could say that, could we?"

"What are you getting at, Val?" Sasha questions. "Are you telling us we spent ten years not coming back when there was a way this whole time?"

"Well, yes and no. The stones wanted you to return to your lives and only come when you were needed. In this case, they might need you to return for the needs of yourselves. You haven't been here in a decade. It's time for a reunion."

"Oh. My. Gosh. Look!" Marcy calls the attention of Sasha and Anne, who look in the direction the green gem holder in pointing. It was the beautiful landscape of Newtopia, now adorned with beautiful plants and technology. Not only newts were seen on the outskirts, but toads and frogs as well. Who knew Amphibia had grown this much just in ten years.

"You three had left such a great mark on everyone here. Another reason you had to leave for a while. While on their own, they learned to prosper and grow as a diverse world. They learned to explore, adventure, and be the change rather than being someone who waited for it to come to them."

"Before we go anywhere," Anne chimes in, "Is it really okay that we're back?"

"Yes, of course. You deserve it; they deserve it. Go make it another great adventure."

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