chapter six: good inside

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hey i'm back from vacation :] hope everyone is doing well. just had my birthday so i'm catching up on that and genshin rn. i'm grinding primos for kazuha and also near the point i can finally meet xiao <3

anyways thanks for waiting !!


Marcy made her return to the castle she used to stay at. Many newts stayed in Newtopia, though now, many toads and frogs did as well. Both Olivia and Yunan had already made their way back into the town, expecting that the girl would have made her way to the town.

"How was your chat with Andrias? Is he holding up well?" Olivia asks. Marcy nods in excitement

"He seems to be doing well. Our conversation was nice and so needed from where we left off. He does seem to be aging a lot though, did he stop using robotic mechanisms to keep himself alive?"

"Yes, he thought it was for the best he could live the last of his days free from the Core. It was the reason he had added all those robotic pieces to himself anyways."

"That makes a lot of sense. I'm just happy he's free again."

Even if Andrias wasn't technically free, emotionally he was. Marcy didn't fail to notice the broken chains on his wrists and ankles. He had served a justified sentence for failing to rule fairly. Andrias didn't disobey as it was the least he could do to own up to his actions. The consequences haunted him and all the townsfolk, so this was his way of apologizing and reassuring their safety. Marcy theorized that the Planters had something to do with his release. She knew how influential Hop Pop was. So he probably made a compromise to set him free and in exchange, Andrias helped grow crops for everyone. She knew that Andrias did care for his planet, and he didn't seem in the slightest unsatisfied with his life now. 

Marcy thought of her friend, her eyes briefly flashing green in the process.

"Marcy? Your eyes right now... they were green." Yunan points out concerned

"Green? But that would only mean- No it wouldn't."

"Are there still remains of calamity power in this world?" Olivia questions. "That would be the only explanation for this. I'm sorry, I know you want to go back to Newtopia and say hello to everyone again. However, we need to go see Hopediah and Valeriana."

"This is urgent. Well, I do have plenty of time, I'll come back before I leave for sure."

The three get on Joe Sparrow and head for Wartwood, hoping that there was an answer for whatever was just seen.


"Anne! ANNE!" Marcy calls out, running towards the Planters' household. Anne bursts out with a worried look on her face.

"We need to find Sasha!" The two say in unison.

"Did your eyes flash the color of your gem too?" Anne asks. Marcy nods, holding onto Anne's hands. Anne quickly blushes but regains her composure due to the situation. 

"Yeah they did. Hop Pop told me that the Calamity Goddess kept some power hidden underwater and it was uncovered when I destroyed the moon. We can get our powers but we don't know the consequences."

"Well it seems we already have our powers back, huh?"

"Yeah, and this time, I can teach you and Sasha how to control them like I did. Although I need a refresher myself."

The two laugh to themselves, as Yunan and Olivia managed to inform Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly of the situation. Hop Pop took initiative and went to go find Valeriana. Bessie became his seeing eye snail and helped him traveling, more than she did before. Bessie knew her duty and was very well trusted to help the elder frog find the witch.

"Marcy, Anne!" Sprig approaches the women. "Sasha should be at Beatrix's. They're most likely celebrating her return. If we're going to start anywhere, it's there."

"I'm coming too! Besides, you'll need a tech expert sooner or later." Polly calls out with a grin on her face. 

"That's true. We may need to temporarily do something with the door if this gets out of hand." Anne remarks. "No more risks are going to be taken."


AA sorry i believe this chapter is a bit short but i could not write it for the life of me for whatever reason. i was literally able to meet xiao in the timespan of me making this. and pretty geo lady in liyue (ofc i mean madame ping /j)

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