Chapter 8

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WARNING: slight gore

“Toaaast! Toaaaast!” At the sound of my name, I perk up from my reading. Suddenly Ghostbur’s head jabs into the library through the wall. “I’m getting evicted.” He states. “I- what?” I stutter back. “Yeah I got a letter in the mail saying I have to move out of here so it means you kinda can’t stay here either.” At this, my eyes fill with tears. Where will I go? How will I survive? What about my friends? I- “Hey hey hey don’t worry Toast! I know just where we can go! Our brother Techno’s house!” My tears stop. “W-what?” Ghostbur floats all the way into the room.

“Yeah, we’ll be safe there! He’s really nice, and I bet he would love to see you again as well!” He exclaims, waving his hands around as he describes this place and person. “O-Ok, I trust you.” I get up and quickly grab my belongings, which includes only my memory book. After I follow Ghostbur up to the surface and begin following him. 

As we walk, it begins to get colder. My breath turns to steam as I exhale, floating out in front of my face before softly dissolving. I don’t like the cold. It doesn’t really matter though, as I couldn’t feel it even if I wanted to. I can’t feel anything. 

Suddenly, a little puff of white descends in front of my face. And suddenly, we are surrounded by the tiny flecks of white, floating from the soft gray clouds above. I hear a hiss to my left and to my shock see Ghostbur melting. I balk in utter horror as the flesh of his cheek drips down his face, burning away in the now blue snow. “Gho-GHOSTBUR!” I shout, running over to him. “Are-are you o-okayYy oh my gosh oh my gosh you’re- you’re MELTING! Please be ok please be-” Ghostbur gives a painful chuckle, and smiles at me. “Don’t worry, this just happens sometimes when I get in the rain. Water in general really. I’ll be fine though, just give me some food and I’ll be better in a jiffy, nothing to worry about!” I frantically grabbed food from my small pack and shoved it in his hands, shaking so badly I nearly dropped it. 

Ghostbur calmly ate it, and just like that the melted flesh seemed to get sucked back into his face, the only evidence he was ever hurt being the blue dripping from his face, staining the snow blue. The wind blew around us, and even though I can’t feel temperature, I shivered. “See look, I’m all better now! Oh- but one thing why aren’t we getting wet anymore?” Ghostbur asked. I looked around. It was still snowing.

“Oh look Toast, I know!” Ghostbur shouted excitedly, pointing up. I looked up, trying to find where he was pointing. “Your natural body heat is evaporating all the snow! When water goes from a solid to a gas it’s called sublimation, did you know that? The snow’s sublimating, Toast!” As he says this, my eyes latch onto a bit of snow making a path to land on me. However a couple of feet before it would have hit me it steams into nothing. “Am I killing the snow?!” I ask, horrified. 

“What?! No, of course not silly! You’re just changing how it looks! It’s a gas now, steam. It’ll go back up into the clouds, sit in there for a while, and then rain back down somewhere else! It happens all the time, you did nothing that wasn’t already going to happen.” He reassures me. “Really?” Ghostbur gives a huge smile. “Yeah, it’s called the cycle of water. All the water on earth has always been here, it’s just been recycled a bunch through the cycle! Isn’t that crazy?” I look at another nearby piece of snow as it steams away. “Y-yeah, that’s really cool.” 

Ghostbur straightens up, putting his hands on his hips triumphantly. “And now, I won’t melt away! You’re protecting me Toast! You’re like my umbrella! Heat umbrella! Toastbrella!” I hesitantly chuckle. “I s-suppose so.” I respond. “Come on, we should keep going to Techno’s. I’ll just have to stand reeeaally close to you now so I don’t melt away. My Toastbrella!” I smile a little. “Yeah, I-I’ll be your Toastbrella!” I proclaim, sublimating a good amount of unsuspecting snowflakes as I pump my fist in the air. 

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