Chapter 3

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??? POV

Warmth. That was the first thing I felt. As I began to wake up, I stretched my tired muscles. I opened up my eyes, and was hit by the sight of orange, yellow-orange and red. I looked around, realizing that this red and orange liquid was what was generating the warm and comforting feeling surrounding me. Lava. That’s what this was. Lava. I love lava, I decided. As much as I wanted to stay submerged in this warm substance, I had this gut feeling that I needed to get out soon. Like I had to do something.

Sighing to myself I slowly rose to the surface of the lava and stuck my head out. I looked around, realizing I was in the nether. I don’t know exactly why I knew this, but I knew it immediately. I wonder if this’ll happen with other things. Just knowing what they are. That’s helpful, I guess. I then rose my body fully out of the lava. It was a bit colder, and I definitely preferred the lava but it was still nice. 

I looked up, spotting a bridge made of cobblestone and obsidian. I flew up to the top of the bridge seemingly on instinct, and looked around at it. Lying on the bridge near where I had just flown up was a compass. I looked at it and went to pick it up, when my eye caught the sight of my hand. I looked at it, surprised. It looked fiery, and a lot like lava. It glowed very slightly as well. You wouldn’t notice it unless you looked very closely. The lava- like part of my hand then faded down into grey skin. I blinked at it. Although I can’t remember my hand ever not looking like this, I had this feeling that it was different. That my it had changed, somehow. 

I dismissed the feeling and turned back to the compass. As I picked it up, the glass over the needle shattered from the heat pressure, making me jump a little. I turned it over, examining it. There was something engraved on the back of it. “Your Tubbo” it said. It felt familiar… somehow. I turned the compass back over to inspect the needle. It was pointing to my left so with nothing better to do, I decided to follow it.

I floated along the bridge, following the needle. Even though I could fly, I stuck to the path that the bridge laid out for me. Pretty soon I found the end of the path. It connected up to this shabby looking building with chests lying near the walls. I opened one, singeing the lid. Inside were stacks upon stacks of cobblestone. I think I like cobblestone. I proceed to take a couple of stacks. I then closed the chest and looked back at what was in the center of the building. 

An obsidian glowing portal stood there, and my first impression was that I liked the purple swirls of the portal itself. I looked back down at the compass. The needle was pointing directly at the nether portal. I didn’t really want to leave the nether. It was warm and comfortable, my home. But for some reason I knew I had to go through this portal and find what it led to. I just had to. Looking back at the nether for one last time, I landed on the floor and walked to the portal, going through. 

As I stepped out of the portal, I was instantly hit with a wave of cold. I shivered, rubbing my hands on my arms in an attempt to warm myself up. I looked around, and suddenly I felt really scared, like I wasn’t supposed to be here. That’s impossible. I’ve never been here before, and nobody’s ever told me not to come here so why do I feel this way? I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down a little. I’m fine. 

I returned my attention back to my surroundings, taking it all in. It felt vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on why. Whatever. I looked back down at the compass, picked my bare feet off of the ground and began to float in the direction of the needle again. I soon found myself on this strange wooden path, and decided to follow it. 

I was careful to keep my feet safely above the ground so I wouldn’t burn it. Something told me that it would be the last thing I want to do, so I followed the instinct. I took in my surroundings one at a time. A big fortress to my left that I had flown over to get here. A strange brick house behind me. An alien ship building. A weird white building with purple windows. 

I looked back down at the compass, still following the path. It pointed to the right, but I figured I’d get there eventually. I then went back to taking in my surroundings. I found myself feeling different things as I looked at each of the buildings and formations. However I soon turned my attention back to the path because there was a big hill in front of me. Floating above the stairs, I floated up. 

When I reached the top I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Why? I couldn’t tell you. But I just instantly liked this area. My attention was soon grabbed by a tree near the edge of a cliff to the right. I floated over to it, finding there was a small wooden bench facing the edge of the cliff. There was also a jukebox a couple blocks away from it. The bench looked like it carried a lot of memories. Not really thinking, I reached out to touch it. Mere centimeters away from it I heard a voice and froze. “Tommy?” I turned around slowly, and saw a tall man whose skin was half black and half white. Wait. That name. It triggered something in me. An uncomfortable tugging feeling in my chest. I knew that name. And I also knew I didn’t like it.

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