The Rescue

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Sorry for not updating sooner it's because i have a life and school has been a nightmare. I have a lot of course work and i've almost finished most of it, so i'll be updating more frequently now. Hope you enjoy. Lydia.


Dunno's POV:

It was around 4:30pm and a lot of people has started to clear the beach and I knew the other lifeguards where thinking of ever bed or food when they get home. Maybe even both in Maxi's case.

I had my binoculars and was scanning the beach and I saw there was some quick movement around the beach. Just as I watched the seen unfold. My radio went off and it was a call from Matt Dee who was down near flat rock with Box where the scene was happening.

"We've got an unconscious patient we need an oxygie mask, strecher and a defib on the bot." he said.

I grabbed the equiment, and raced down the steps to the rhino and zoomed of towards flat rock. I didn't even have time to think if it was my little sister was in trouble.

As I got to the scene a crowd of teenagers started forming what we know as the 'circle of death' at that point I had an easy feeling in my stomach. As I made my way through the crowd I looked down at the patient an suddenly realised who it was. I then kicked into overdrive.

Box was neeling besides Lydia.

"She's breathing thank god, where just going to help her with it." Box said with sympathy in his eyes.

Just then Lydia coughed we all gave a sigh of relief but she was not out of the woods just yet.

I went down on my knees so I was up by Lydia's face. Box still had the oxygie mask over Lydia mouth but her eyes where open. We got her on the stretcher and started to get her on the rhino when Hoppo radioed in and said the ambulance has been stuck in traffic due to an accident. So I went with Lydia on the rhino and got her up to the tower, the ambulance said that they would be 15 minutes late. We got her on the bed still in stretcher, she was coming in and out conscious. But was still breathing. Luckily

Sorry it's a crappy chapter I will do better as I said course work is a nightmare at the moment! Lydia!

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