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Dunno's POV:

I managed to go with Lydia in the ambulance and I was asbouslety terrified for her even though she's as strong as anything. But when I was down at the beach putting the oxygie on her I noticed as well as the other lifeguards did her arms and legs where bleeding pretty badly with I asume where from flat rock. It's been about 1 hour and 30 since I got to the hospital and Lydia was taken from me and wheeled into x-ray. She peerked up a bit in the amubalance which was a good thing she was still very dazzed but she was getting better. Right now I'm just waiting to her some new about her she's been going back and forth in for a good serval times. I looked at my watch and it's just gone past 7:30pm the lifeguards would of finished their sifts about half an hour ago providing there was any mis fortuntune in the water or that some people didn't listen they will be probaly all about at home now. I've still got my lifeguard uniform which by the time i've left work it's normally in my locker. Oh well I thought to myself just gives a good chance to wash it when I get back home. Eventually, hospitals are always slow.

Just then I my fellow lifeguard Matt Dee come I he is the only one the really know about me the others have just found out today. Or in Kerrbox found out by memory. Typical boxie.

Matt Dee came up to me and said, "How is she?"

"Don't know been waiting for an hour and a half, nightmare, you know you didn't really have to come you know!" I said.

"I know." Matt sighed. "But I mainly wanted to see how you where. And as I guessed it you look like you're about to have a mental break down." he said trying to make light of the suitation.

Suddenly a doctor came out of Lydia's room.

"Lydia Foss?" said the doctor.

"Yes, I'm Dunstan her brother." I always hate it when I have to use my real name. I shook the doctors and hand. He look a Matt Dee and said "And who's this?"

"Hi, I'm Matt, Dunstan's friend friend and work collegue." he said.

Then the doctor looked down at my t-shirts and said, "Ahh, so you're the famous lifeguards at Bondi Beach then!" he said with a smile on his face.

"Well two of us yes." Matt Dee said chuckling.

"Doctor, how's my sister Lydia doing." I asked.

"Oh, yes sorry about very unprofessional of me. Lydia has no water in her lungs which is good news." me and Matt both breathed a sigh of relief but I knew that there was going to be a but. "But." the doctor said and I was right. "She has got some nasty scares from obivously when she fell of the rock, Lydia she also managed to get herself some dad bruising espically on her back but I may warn you in a couple of days it won't look so pretty. But apart from that her neck and spinal look asboulety fine and we are just going to keep her in overnight for obivison reasons and tomorrow she can go home. Now when she is at home she must need rest because her back is going to be shore so the rest means on going on flat rock, going out with her friends and no reaching for the remote." Lydia will love that I thought. "You can go and see her if you wish." and with that the doctor left.

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