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Lydia Pov:

I groaned as I heard the alarm clock go off next next to me. I banged it with my hand to make it stop. 6:30am. I then realized that it was that start of summer holidays and I forgot to not set my alarm. Damm.

I heard noises down stairs. I knew Dunno would be up. He started work at 7:00am today.

I got slugged down the stairs to a very cheery Dunno. "Morning Squids." He said. Squids is a shortened down version of Squidegy and that is a shortened down version of LydiaMuckSquiderer! My little nickname. I saw that Dunno was baking some pancakes and that there was a plate of 4 of them of the kitchen counter. I grabbed them and Dunno whined.

"Hey, those were mine." As I started to tuck into them. "Well if you snoose you'll loose." I said. He sighed and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "So, are you looking forward to work?" I asked. "Yeah, the cemera's are starting to film today and what are you doing to today?" He said.

"Oh, cool. I've got plans to go with Georgie, Molly and Paige (My three best friends) to go to the mall." I said.

"Can't you come down to the beach instead!" Dunno said.

"But we've already made plans!" I told him.

"Yes, but surley you can change them!" Dunno whined. He is slightly overprotective of me.

"Fine" I said. I texted Georgie, Molly and Paige: Change of plan, can we go down to Bondi today.

Molly: Yeah, that will be fine, what changed you're mind.

Me: Dunno!

Molly: K, see u there. Have u texted Georgie and Paige?

Me: Yeah! see u there.

Georgie: Did Dunno want us to come to the beach today?

Me: Yeah, Unfortunaley!

Georgie: We'll I don't mind. At least I get to see Maxi

Maxi is one of the lifguards down at the beach. And he's the cittest!

Me: No fair. I told you I called gun shot on him. You got Jessie! Molly got Marbles (Max) and Paige got Gonzo (Troy)!

Georgie: Fine! Just trying to trick you!

Me: Yeah, sure were. see you there.

Just then Paige texted, Obivously Molly had texted Paige about my change. We'll Dunno's.

Paige: Well what can you do about overprotective brothers. See you there.

Me: Yeah, you can't help it. see yeah.

Then I texted Georgie back.

Me: I'll see u later!

Dunno had finished his pancakes by the time I finished texting the girls. "We'll I'll be off. I see you later! he said. "Bye" I said. And with that he kiss me on the forehead again and walked out the door. I quickly finished up my breakfast. Ran upstairs and got ready. I put my biniki underneath my shorts and my top (Dunno wouldn't approve). I ran back downstairs and grabbed my phone frome the counter. Along with a towel that's hanging on the beloconge. We only live a short walk from the beach. From our kitchen you can see the beach. I walked down stairs that lead out from our house. Opened the gate from there you can see the massive lifeguard tower glooming over the beach. There was already quite a few lifeguards there. I could see Terry cleaning the windows (that's how close we are). Went the opposite directions (left) from the tower as me and the girls normally meet up at Flat Rock. As I made my way to the beach there was already about 1,000 people down at the beach. Today was going to be a hot day. I thought. I went down the left ramp and made my way to flat rock where I already saw the girlsl. For us four we live about 1 minute from the beach which is amazing.

As I got to Flat Rock Georgie and Molly saw me and they taped Paige on the shoulder and they came and hugged me.

We had been at flat rock for a few hours the beach was swormed with people and it was hard to see the lifeguards anywhere. We'd been sun bathing and jumping of the rock for hours. A lifeguard Kerrbox had came and told us to try and be carefull as flat rock was more slipperey then usually. Unfortunlatey I look the exact same as Dunno. I'm surprised that nobody asked anything. That is until Kerrbox came by.

Kerrbox: "Hey, you guys need to be really carefull, the rocks are very slippy today." As he walks towards towards.

Kind of annoyed that he was spolling our fun. I said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, We'll be carefull." Not looking at him.

"Oh, don't give me that cheeck young lady, it's for your known safety." He shouted at me. And with that I wipped my head around. When I did that Kerrbox look slightly surprised and said. "Hey, I reconize you from somewhere."

I tried to lie. "Ummm, no I don't think you do. You've may of seen me on the beach but I don't think anywhere else."

"Oh, okay, but be carefull. I mean it. I don't want to deal with you lot in the tower. Got it! Kerrbox said. And with that he left.

Kerrbox Pov:

We'll that was sirently insteresting. That girl defenity looked like someone I knew. As I walked back to the Rhino that had Matt Dee in it. I sat in it. And told Matt Dee about the girl.

"Hey, Matt I've just come from flat rock and there was this girl that was strangley familiar." I told him.

"Oh, yeah, in what way?" Matt said jokly.

"Like she was a female person of someone I know!" trying to think who she looked liked.

"Come on, let's get you back to the tower. You've had to much sun today." Matt said looking at his watch it said 2:30 already.

As they walked into the lifeguard tower, there was Dunno, Jessie, Beardby and Maxi and Hoppo who were just walking out. Matt wa behind me. As I looked at Dunno I studdenly realized who the girl looked like. I turned to Matt Dee and said. "You know the girl I was telling you about back at flat rock."

"Yeah, the one who you said looked liked a female version of someone you know." Matt Dee said trying to hold back a laugh but failing. I glared at him. He suddenly stoopped laughing.

"It was Dunno!" I said.

"Dunno!" Matt Dee said looking at Dunno. "Oh, yeah I know what you mean."

I was slightly confused at who Matt Dee said. "What do you mean, by I know what you mean?" I said.

"Oh, you forgot, didn't you?" Matt Dee said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no, no I didn't forget." I said. "What did I forget?" trying to remember what I'had have meant to forgot.

"Dunno has a sister!" Matt Dee said slightly amused. "And who happens to look just like him too."

"Oh, yeah" trying to sound like I remeber. "Dunno was talking about her the other week, wow i didn't realise how much a like they were."

Lydia Pov:

Me, Georgie, Molly & Paige deicied that we should go home. As it was apporching 3:00pm. So we wanted to finish it on a high note. The crowd of beach gosers was starting go and the beach was getting quieter even though the lifeguards don't knock off until 7:00pm. There was still a good 10,000 people on the beach from the 35,000 people that were there earlier. As I was scanning the beach I got lost in my own thoughts and didn't realise how to edge was. Because we were about to jump in. When I looked back to the rocks the girls had already jump in and then all of a sudden a great big looming wave came up in front of me. (this is when i just turned my head around from scanning the beach) I had no time to think or to do anything. I was plunged into the water then all went black.

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