Home Sweet Home

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Lydia's POV:

Today, was the day I was finally allowed to go home and I couldn't wait. I had been in hospital for three days and I was already bored out of my mind by the second. But my friends had been keeping me company and a few of the lifeguards have popped around to see how I was doing.

Dunno was going to be pick me up soon and the doctor had already been in to give his is final verdict. And he had let me come home, at this point in time I had just got changed into some shorts and and a tank top. I wasn't bothered about what people where going to think about me. Mainly because I had scrathes all the way up and down my legs on both sides. Besides, I was just going to go home and rest, so it wasn't like I was going to run a marathon. And to between you and me I was very sour indeed and I didn't feel like going anyway, so it would be just me Gossip Girl and some Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream, my idea of heaven.

Just then Dunno popped his head around the door, "Are you ready?"

"Well it would be a bit late now, if I wasn't." I said saracasitly back to him.

"Are you ready to go home, little sis?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.

"But remeber what the doctor said rest, rest and more rest." Dunno said.

"Yeah, yeah I hear you." I said and Dunno frowned.

"Can we go now." I asked.

"Yes, but I just have to sign some release papers at the front desk before we leave then we can go." Dunno said.

We walked out of my room and headed over to the front desk, once Dunno had signed the papers. We walked out of the hospital, needless to say I was a bit slow, so we took our time. We got in the car and dove back to Bondi where we lived.

We got home and we went straight indoors.

"Right, I have to go back to work, but call me if you need anything and if I can't come one of the guys will, got it?" Dunno said kissing me on the forhead, whilst I settled down on the sofa with my Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream and my box set of Gossip Girl. I highly doubt anything was going to happen apart from Serena and Dan having sex.

With that I settled into watching Gossip Girl!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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