Chapter 7: Hiro

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"Hey newbie! Glad you could make it!" I walk straight up to the posh boy who just arrived in what looked like a freaking carriage, obviously the horses were robots, but still. I put out my fist for a fist bump. Poshy just stares at it in complete confusion. My grin flattens in confusion.

"What? You never done a fist bump before?" The boy just looks at me as if I was an alien, with the green skin, antennas, and everything. "Well, we'll have to fix that won't we?" I was thrilled when he didn't try to shove past or glare at me like Ginger over there. I set out to teach this boy the most awesome thing in the universe, the art of the fist bump.

"So, you put your hand into a fist, now hold it out- OW! You don't actually punch me!" Poshy's got an arm on him. On and on it went until after the most painful two minutes of my life, I finally managed to teach the boy how to fist bump. Poshy looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, . . . that was quite . . . robust." From the sound of it he was trying to be polite. I heard Kimora cough; it wasn't lost on anyone that she was trying to hide her laugh. I didn't blame her; I was also using a lot of self-control to try and keep a straight face. What kind of person talks like this? What kind of person doesn't know how to fist bump?

He noticed Kimora's failed cough and I could see a slight blush touch his cheeks. Well at least I know he's slightly human. I look over my shoulder to gauge Kimora's reaction to all this when I see her very longing gaze. I bursts out laughing, I clutch my ribs as I double over in amusement. I can feel everyone's stares, but I only manage to gasp out, "Hey newbie, looks like you got yourself a lover already!" Then a fresh set of laughter overtook me.

I only laughed harder when through my tears I saw Poshy's face go red as a tomato and stared at me as if I had yelled out a very bad swear word. I also see Brittany's lips twitch into a- is that a smile? It vanished almost instantly leaving me to wonder if I imagined it. That filled me with a different kind of pleasure, a more gentle and warmer feeling. I sober enough to finally wipe the tears from my eyes.

Kimora then puts on what must be her warmest smile and gestures for a girl I hadn't noticed to come closer to the group. "Come join us for the introductions while we wait for these gates to open." She seemed shocked; I wonder if she's used to being ignored. But ever so slowly she came forward to join us. Jeez, if she had been any farther away, she might've just disappeared. But I see what Blondie was trying to do and accepted the offer with both hands.

"Good call blondie. We need to get to know each other, since we're gonna be living in each other's pockets for the year. We should start with names and go on from there. I'm Hiro." I gesture to Brittany; she rolls her eyes.

"Brittany." That girl needs more social skills. Poshy's next.

"My name is Royal-" That undoes me, I'm practically crying through my peals of laughter.

"Seriously? That's your name?"

"Hey back off! You wanted us to introduce ourselves, so stop being a baby and shut up. You were saying Royal?" Blondie must still be sore about the lover's joke. Though I could see she also thought his name is strange. His royal majesty continued.

"My name is Royal, but you can may me Roy."

I couldn't resist, I give him a mocking bow. "As you wish your Highness."

With that Brittany was in my face, she grabbed me by the collar and whispered in my ear. "Do you know what real pain tastes like?"

All colour drained from my face. She didn't seem like the kind of girl who made idle threats, but why did I also want to see what she'd do? Kimora continued with the introductions.

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