Winchester's X werewolf brother reader

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(reader is the middle child- 2 years older than Sam and 2 years younger than Dean. Takes place anytime before season 12)

It was supposed to be a normal hunt. A normal werewolf hunt but it ended up in something more complicated.

The Winchesters were fighting a small gang of werewolves which now only had three left. Sam and Dean battled their own as did their brother. 

(Y/N) was about to stab the guy with his silver knife when he felt a fist connect with his face, sending him to the ground by the shear force of it. The werewolf quickly pinned him down and clamped his teeth down on to the flesh of his neck.

Hearing the pained scream of their brother, the two hunters quickly killed the remaining pack members. Dean turned around first to see his brother being bit by the creature and pulled out his gun, killing it with a silver bullet.

They quickly ran over to where the other boy was, writhing on the ground whilst clutching his neck.

"(Y/n), hey, listen to me. We're gonna find a cure, ok? You're gonna be alright"

Sam tried to console him but they all knew it was a lie. There was no cure for being a werewolf.

"Sam, Dean, you have to kill me"

"No way. That's not happening"

Dean's voice was stern but one look at his eyes would show that he's scared. When it came to his family he would always be afraid. They're the only thing that keeps him from diving off the deep end.

"Dean, there's no cure. We all know that. If you don't kill me then I'll just end up hurting someone and I don't want that to happen. Please"

He was begging at this point. He didn't want to die, nobody truly ever does but it was the only way to make sure he didn't hurt anyone.

"Please, I don't want to be a monster"

Dean looked at him with tear filled eyes and shook his head. Sam closed his eyes as he couldn't look at his brother.

"No, no way. We're taking you back to the bunker and you're staying there until you can control yourself. We'll feed you animal hearts instead and lock you up when it's a full moon. What ever it takes so you don't have to die. I'm not loosing any more family"

(Y/n) knew that there was no room for arguing so he just nodded and followed them to the car.



Castiel looked at the two who were sitting in the kitchen, a beer in hand.

"He got bit by a werewolf on a hunt. We're keeping him locked up for now so he doesn't try to himself or anyone else."

Dean took a big swig of his beer before setting it back on the table.

"You should've seen him Cas. He was asking us to kill him. I've never seen him so worked up about anything before"

The angel looked off towards the direction of the dungeon where the other Winchester was currently being held.

"I know you will already do this but it's extremely important to keep a very close eye on him. You'll already know about werewolf behaviour but hunting them and becoming one is very different. Just be careful"

After that, he left them alone. Sam stared at the bottle in his hand, his eyes filled with an unreadable emotion.

"Dean...what if (y/n) isn't strong enough to resist?"

The eldest out of the two looked up sharply, a threatening glint in his eye.

"Don't. He is strong enough, hell he's probably strong than both of us. We're Winchesters, we always get back up when someone knocks us down. Don't you ever think (y/n) will be like the things we hunt. He's not a monster, he's our brother."

He stood up quickly from his seat and walked to the door but stopped at the doorway.

"Maybe you've given up on him but I haven't. I never will."

With that, he left Sam alone.


The door to the dungeon opened to reveal Dean. He looked at his brother who was restrained to the chair. He had chains wrapped around his waist, legs and wrists which were being the chair. The chains had traces of silver in them but not enough to hurt him.

He looked up, (e/c) eyes staring into green ones. He was tired but couldn't sleep due to uncomfortable position he was in as well as the adrenaline coursing through his veins, an aftermath of the transformation.

"How you holding up?"

He asked in a soft tone, not wanting to be too loud incase he hurt the man's now delicate hearing.

"I'm ok, just tired. What did Cas say? I could smell him from here"

Dean walked closer to him, sitting on the edge of the table sitting nearby.

"He told us to keep an eye on you, though we were going to anyway... I'm sorry (y/n), I don't like having to chain you up like this"

"It's ok. It's just until I can control myself. I promise, it'll be ok Dean"

"I hope you're right"

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