Ash X Harvelle reader

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Ellen was at the bar serving drinks to Sam and Dean as she told them about the case about a killer clown. Just as the two were getting ready to leave, a man with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) walked out from the back.

"Hey kid. Finally up I see. Ash keep you up again?"

He turned to look at the roadhouse owner, smiling at her lightly. He looked exhausted, the bags under his eyes making that clear.

"Sorry I slept so late, Ash was helping me calm down from a nightmare. I'll work an extra shift tonight to make up for it"

"Nonsense sweety, you can just work the normal hours. Why don't you go check on that boy of yours."

He nodded and headed over to the man with the mullet. The Winchester's gaze lingered on him before they turned back to Ellen.

"Who's that?"

Dean asked as he took a swig of the beer Infront of him.

"That's (y/n), he's my son. He's three years older than Jo."

"Is he a hunter?"

She started at Dean silently before her eyes flickered to the two men sitting at one of the tables. She let out a small sigh before turning her gaze back to the two hunters.

"He used to hunt, he was pretty good at it too. 'Course I was against it but he just went off on his own for a while so I had no choice but to support him...but this one hunt, he was captured by a demon, a real nasty son of a bitch."

"How'd he escape?"

Sam asked softly as he could tell that it was a sore subject.

"He didn't. He was missing for almost two weeks before some other hunters found him. By then the demon had left, it must've thought that (y/n) was dead. If the guys hadn't found him when they did..."

Ellen shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath. The boys watched with sad eyes before glancing at the man they were talking about.

"He still has nightmares about what that demon did to him. He doesn't talk about what happened, the person who probably knows is Ash. He helps him calm down after a nightmare."

"They seem close"

Sam looked at the two men and noticed how close they were sitting to eachother and the smiles they had.

"They are. They're dating, absolutely smittened with eachother. Ash helps him when he thinks he's back at that place and he's been with him every step of the way. He keeps my boy safe"

Ash wrapped his arm around his lover, kissing his head gently as the boy snuggled against his neck.

"You alright, baby?"

His voice was quiet and soft, filled with love with a hint of concern. He had been up for most of the night to make sure his boyfriend didn't have another nightmare or go into a panic attack like he sometimes did.

When (y/n) had comeback barely alive three years ago, it was like his heart and been ripped out of his chest. When they got to the hospital, the boy looked dead. He was wrapped in bandages, his leg in a cast, cuts and stitches covered his face and his skin was sickly pale. The doctors didn't think that he'd make it due to the deep stab wounds he had sustained, not to mention the internal bleeding. But he recovered, his wounds healing but he was never the same after. He quit hunting as he couldn't bare leaving the safety of the roundhouse where all the monsters lurked.

"Just tired"

He hugged the man closer to him, his grip tightening slightly. He was always tired, memories of three years ago continued to torture him every night. Sometimes the only way that he could sleep peacefully was if he got completely drunk and passed out.

"I'm sorry I can't help you (y/n). I really wish I could"

"It's ok... time heals all wounds right? Mine's just talking a bit longer, is all. You don't have to apologise, you did nothing wrong"

He have the man a kiss before hugging him again. He knew that it would take a while for him to get back to being semi normal like he was before. But as long as he had Ash and his family, he'd make it through.

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