Days gone by (Mary X Hunter reader)

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(Y/n) watched from across the street as Mary and John left the church, their friends surrounding them cheering as the couple smiled and kissed. He cast his eyes away as they teared up. He never got the chance to ask her to marry him, instead of her being John's wife. He had waited too long.

He came from a family of hunters so he understood the struggles of trying to fit in with everyone else who are oblivious to the world around them. It wasn't until his family moved that he finally met someone who understood what it was like to grow up in a family of hunters and to want something more. The Campbell's lived on the other side of town but the two took to eachother like a house of fire. The two sixteen year olds were quickly best friends before they started dating a year later.

Everything was going fine until she met John. At first they couldn't stand each which eased his worries. But then they somehow started to get along with eachother one day out of the blue and it was clear that feelings were blossoming. (Y/n) tried his best to ignore it but he knew that he was loosing her and she just kept stringing him on. Until one day, he had enough.

"Do you love him?"

Mary looked up from the lore book she was reading, looking at the other hunter who looked serious but had a hint of fear and sadness in his (e/c) eyes.


"John Winchester. Do you love him? And don't lie to me"

She closed her book and stood up. She walked a few steps until she was Infront of him. Her eyes were sad as she looked at him, her eyes giving him confirmation to what he already knew. He moved away from her and moved towards the kitchen of his house.

"Then go be with him. I won't make you stay with me when you don't love me anymore. It would be too cruel for both of us"

She hugged him tightly as he avoided any eye contact. If she saw his eye she would know that he wasn't ok with this at all and that he was close to breaking.

"Thank you. You'll still be my best friend"

With that she left to go tell John, leaving a broken man behind.

Mary had invited him to the wedding but knew that he most likely wouldn't come as he didn't like John for obvious reasons but she did insist him to come to their house after their second son was born.

"Uncle (y/n)!"

A young boy ran up to him as he walked into the living room with Mary Infront of him. The boy hugged his leg as he looked up at the man, his green eyes shinning with excitement.

"Hey Dean. You've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

The man smiling at the boy who reminded him so much of the woman he loved. He had grown older and has changed alot from when he was younger. His voice was deeper than it had been, his eyes wary and tired from everything he's seen, a large scar covering the lady side of his neck and partially coming onto his face, his muscles were more defined and he had grown taller. As he has changed so had Mary and he found her so heart breakingly beautiful.

"Let's go show uncle (y/n) your brother, Dean. he hasn't met him yet"

Mary smiled as lead the two upstairs into the nursery where a crib was on the center of the room. They walked over to see a tiny baby staring at them with wide brown eyes. 

"This is Sam"

She watched as he ex lover looked at her second son with awe and eyes that screamed ' protecty'. He was the Same when he had first been introduced to Dean. He may not be happy that their father is John but they were Mary's children and they were so much like her so how could he not instantly love them.

"I can tell he'll grow up to be great. Just like his brother"


The night he found out about Mary's death it was like the world had stopped spinning.  His eyes were wide as John told him what had took a few minutes for him to realise that he was still on the phone as sobs climbed their way up his throat.

"Are Sam and Dean ok?"

His voice sounded deeper as he tried not to cry.

"They're fine. We're gonna stay at a motel for now. If you wanna visit the boy just call me first."

As soon as John hung up the cries he was holding in were freed. He sobbed so hard that he struggled to breathe. It had been years since they had broken up but he still loved her. And now she was gone.

He cried for hours until he remembered her children. He knew that John would be a wreck and would need some help looking after the kids despite both men being in agony.  He grabbed his coat and headed to the door but paused to look at the picture frame on the tablet. It was a picture of him and Mary from before they had started dating. It was when they had gone to the park after having ice-cream. It was a nice memory that brought back the tears. But he shoved them down, instead focusing on his nephews who would need his help.

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