Ep. 7 "Flashback"

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"Your new Kage, Rihanna Fenty." The old Kage announced and Rihanna appeared with a smile and wave.

"I wanna be kage next." Normani smiled and Solána laughed.

"In a million years." Solána continued to laugh and Normani huffed.

"I can beat you in a fight right here and right now." Normani roared.

"Girls! Stop your nonsense." Rihanna warned.

"Sorry ma'am." Solána and Normani muttered as Montero snickered.

"Montero." Rihanna also warned and Montero stopped.

"Sorry." Montero bowed.


"Do you think she's attacking today?" Rihanna asked Beyoncé as she watched Gabriella get healed up.

"If Dinah's plan worked, then hopefully not." Beyoncé shrugged.

"Though I disagree with this plan. I understand why Dinah did it but I feel that she just pissed Normani off even more." Rihanna sighed and Beyoncé wrapped her arm around Rihanna's shoulders.

"It'll be aright." Beyoncé reassured...

"So many decisions so many decisions." Justina grinned as Normani read over the scroll.

"Last resort is to kill me? Interesting." Normani laughed.

"You won't die right sensei." Enzo wondered.

"Of course not but in this world, other people dying by your hand is acceptable." Normani patted his head.

"Ohh." Enzo face lit up.

"Who?" Ryan rose her eyebrows.

"Dinah." Normani shrugged as she walked outside.

"Oh." Ryan followed her.

"I mean—they are all the same Ryan, that's why I left. I would love to obliterate their whole village and everyone in it but I have to take care of someone first. I'll leave that task to you all." Normani ushered to her clan.

"Fun!" Justina stuck out her tongue and Enzo did the same thing causing Justina to laugh.

"Justina, you will take charge and Ryan, please protect Enzo." Normani sat down.

"Okay." Ryan nodded.

"Mkay." Justina also says at the same time as Ryan.

"What is sensei doing?" Enzo waved his hand in Normani's face.

"Getting ready for the battle." Ryan told him.

"She's healing her scars and replenishing her chakra." Justina stated and Enzo eyes widened as his jaw drop.

"I'll go train just in case." Enzo runs off and Ryan sighed.

"What's wrong?" Justina questions.

"Normani isn't annoyed, she's more heart broken that the lightening girl broke her trust." Ryan noted.

"I don't blame her." Justina puts her hands behind her head.

"I cannot wait until tomorrow!" One of the member, Becky mentions.

"Same, destroying a whole village sounds like so much fun." Naomi replied to her.

"Just don't get yourselves killed. Normani cares about all of you even more than she cares about her as well as her own family." Ryan announced and everyone nods.

"If something bad was to happen to Normani, I feel as if you should take over." Justina smirks and Ryan blushed before looking to the side.

"Whatever." Ryan muttered causing the group to laugh , they split up to gather resources for dinner...

"Tomorrow it is." Rihanna sighed in stress and in relief.

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked as the ninja doctor left.

"She'll attack tomorrow." Rihanna reassured.

"How do you figure?" Montero tossed his knife up and down.

"Mother's know best." Rihanna shrugged.

"If she was being logical, she would attack outside of the village and just destroy it and everyone inside." Solána points out.

"Don't say that." Gabriella frowned.

"It's Normani though, she won't target the village." Solána shakes her head.

"What do you mean?" Rihanna furrowed her eyebrows.

"Her target will either but us or Dinah." Solána stated and everyone eyebrows rose.

"Dinah?" Montero was the first to ask.

"She knows what Dinah has done, Normani loves love so if you break her heart then she will retaliate. Well that's what I think now about her anyways." Solána sits down.

"Right..." Rihanna trailed off quietly...

"Dinah you need to rest." Lauren crossed her arms.

"Cannot do that." Dinah continues to train.

"I get you have a lot on your mind but you have to be prepared to fight her." Lauren stated.

"Fight her?" Dinah stops training to look at Lauren.

"Not like you haven't done it before." Lauren noted.

"Whatever Lauren, I'm not going to hurt her." Dinah was about to strike the dummy but Lauren spoke again.

"She'll kill you, I hope you are very aware of that." Lauren tells her.

"What are you on about?" Dinah wondered.

"She's not the same Normani we knew. Based on Gabriella's report, she was ready to kill even her own family." Lauren sighed.

"You're wrong." Dinah crossed her arms as well.

"You think she still trust you after what you did?" Lauren asked.

"What I did was to protect her and this village." Dinah shrugged.

"That doesn't matter! She hates this village and if she loved it she would've stayed. You chose this village over her and she will do the same." Lauren huffed.

"We'll see." Dinah went back to training as Lauren disappeared.


"I cannot believe that your mom actually became the kage." Dinah smiled brightly at the smaller girl and Normani smiled back.

"She's very strong and skilled, but as usual I'll surpass her." Normani giggled.

"But you won't surpass me though." Lauren stuck out her tongue playfully.

"I will, you may be a descendent from the legendary 7th hokage but I will be the strongest shinobi to ever exist." Normani declared.

"I don't think any could be stronger than the 1st hokage." Dinah points out.

"Whatever, I'll still be one of the strongest." Normani huffed.

"Sure Manz." Dinah laughed as Lauren laughed as well.


"Hello village hidden in the light!" Normani spread her arms open, maskless.

Normani noticed that it was quite quiet and she turned to Justina.

"Oh?" Justina smiled widely.

"I think destroying people homes would be better than ending their lives. Began your mass destruction." Normani ushered and Justina preformed a jutsu.

"Let's get busy." Justina licked her lips as she claps her hands together.

"We cannot allow that to happen." Beyoncé furrowed her eyebrows as she appeared.

"I'll take care of her." Justina chuckled as the rest of the clan went to go do as told.

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