A feast of thirst- 6

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Minho's pov
School had just ended around ten minutes ago, and today everyone was coming over so Chan drove us to my house.
I was a bit scared to see what Hyunlix might've done, i mean like yes i've known Hyunjin almost all my life but i do know that he is a hoe very literally. also he's pretty dirty minded (like the author and all of yall<3) and a playboy...
So I was a bit scared to enter but I knew I didn't need to be.

~ten minutes later~

I rang the doorbell two times, when finally Hyunjin opened the door

"Hii, come in" Hyunjin said smiling , leaving the door wide open so that everyone could enter.
I got creeped out by his neck, already knowing what they did. I didn't need to hear it from them.. so i ignored it. for now.

I realised that Chan and Seungmin were nowhere to be seen.
I went upstairs to my room and took Jisung with me. He wanted to see my room.

"Damn your room is pretty, I like it picasso" Jisung said looking at the paintings all over my room.
I slightly laughed as what he said was quite funny, Then someone knocked on the door,
"COME IN" I yelled
"So what do you want?" I asked felix.
"I just came to ask about Changbin Hyung" Felix said
"and I came to ask about Seungmin, where is he?" Jeongin asked
"about Changbin... we didn't talk to him, and about Seungmin I haven't seen him since we came in so I don't know" I said.
Jeongin looked a bit lost, meanwhile Felix was looking a bit... I don't know, maybe crazy?, her eyes were twitching while he looked a bit lost. I think she's high.
"Girl you good?" I asked Felix as his facial expression creeped me out a bit.
"Huh what? I'm fine" Felix said and that's when Hyunjin came in.

I noticed bandages on his neck with a lot of red and purple bruises, again. This time I decided to ask him about it, cause I wanted to see his reaction.

"Jin you doing ok?" I asked Hyunjin, him and Felix kinda creeped me out right now.
"o-oh I-I'm f-fi-fine" Hyunjin stuttered, while looking at Felix
"god damn are those hickies?" Jisung asked out of nowhere, examining his neck and.
Felix just started choking, out of nowhere. god damn wtf did they do while I was in school.

Felix's pov
(they're in felix's room now)

I didn't expect Minho to notice the hickies, but I kinda did.
I mean they're purple with two bandages, Next time I need to be more careful-
"Lix everyone is bombarding me with questions, HOW MANY DID U FUCKING MAKE" Hyunjin said screeching dramatically, while sitting beside me.
"whoa whoa calm down baby, I made just enough to mark you mine, or should I make more?" I said, smirking.
"No sir" Hyunjin replied, looking at me with a dramatic horrified face.
I just laughed and left a small peck on his head.

"shut up... anyways what do u want?" I asked Chan.
"Well... you're friends with Changbin right?" Chan asked shly,
I replied "yes why though?" i asked
"I- um- s-so here's the deal... i've known him since i was 13, and i'm still discovering myself. but recently i learned thatilikeguysandgirls, well mostly guys but still. i don't know what to do, you two know my parents." chan said kinda scared and feeling anxious
"I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT" hyunjin suddenly jumped up and hugged chan, it was really cute so i joined them as well.
"hyung you don't have to put a label if you don't want to first of all, second liking both women and men is completely valid.
I'm pretty sure you already know most of the sexuallities but just incase, liking both men and women is known as being bisexual. but you can have a preference like for example, minho hyung is bi but he has preference for men meaning he prefers men over women but still feels slightly attracted to women." felix said, explaining chan.

~meanwhile downstairs~

Jeongin's POV

"WAIT YOU LIKE WHO" minho and jisung, screamed in monotone.
"shush stop screaming" I slapped minho's head lightly,
"Sometimes I forget you're taller than me" Minho replied while looking at me with a horrified look on his face. It was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing.
"So moving on you're telling me that seungmin is coming to the party only for me? ME?" I asked if flustered,
Seungmin is what you'd call an anti romantic and he hates love or at least comes off like that, but it hurts hearing that he told others that he's in love but not me.
"yes or at least that's what he told us" minsung once again said in monotone.
"GOD how close are you two, l cause I swear to god you two share a brain cell goodness" I said.
"yah for real" seungmin said from behind the couch.
'How long has he been there? Istg if he heard anything I'm killing myself it'd be too embarrassing' I thought.

Someone's pov
"oh hi seungmin when did u come here?" Felix asked, sitting right beside Hyunjin on the couch.
"I just came actually" Seungmin replied.
"ok so everyone's here now right?" Minho asked.
"Yes, I think" I replied.
"So I'm throwing a party which all of you already know about so I'll divide each one of y'all into groups to help me decorate the house. Then go and change, the party starts at 9:30, it's 3:55 right now.
so hyunlix you two get the alcohol
Chan jeongin and seungmin get all the breakable or delicate Items out of the way
Meanwhile, me and jisung will decorate this room and the balcony.
I didn't forget anyone, right?" Minho spoke

"Nope, so me and hyunjin will get the alcohol brb" Felix said, wearing his shoes.
"don't forget your phone like always" Minho said in a protective tone.
"I have my phone on me but not my wallet so I'll grab the wallet and go.
"Oh ok let's get everything out of the way shall we?" Seungmin said, extending his hand out to jeongin.

~four hours later~

"Oh my god FINALLY" Minsung screamed as the house was finally decorated.
"Oh ok so now let's get dressed. I bought an outfit for you from your house as I knew you weren't gonna have a fit for the party" Seungmin told Jeongin, handing Jeongin a bag.

Minho's pov
"Hey when will this party start?" someone asked from behind me. It was Changbin!, I was a bit scared but I'd be lying if I said he didn't look hot.
"H-hey Changbin, im Minho i believe you're Lix's friend?" I tried to look cool but just then I saw Jisung behind Changbin.
God damn he looked gorgeous
"HYUNG WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS MOTHER FUCKING HOUSE RIGHT FUCKING NOW" Felix yelled running down the stairs with a knife in his hand, and Hyunjin just followed him. panicked while Chan started grabbing the car keys and some guns.

"WHOAWHOAWHERETHEFUCKINGHELLDIDYALLGETALLTHOSEFUCKINGWEAPONS?" I screamed, looking at everyone like they were crazy cause. they fucking were.
"Whore didn't you tell him yet?" jisung looked at felix with 'are u serious, i'm gonna kill you' expression.

"EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN WE'RE BEING TOO FUCKING LOUD RED LIGHTS MIGHT BE ABLE to fucking hear us, now shut the fuck up bitches and get in the fucking car if you wanna fucking live very fucking literally whores." Changbin snapped.
I was just confused, what mafia? Were all of them in a mafia and no one was gonna tell me?

(What do y'all think Is gonna happen next??
Also stream txts new comeback
Thursday's child)

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