Liking the danger of the "I don't know" -10

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"OH MY FUCKING LORD GO IN A MOTHER FUCKING ROOM HYUNG GOD" Seungmin screamed, as he saw Changbin putting his hands under Chan's shirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEND PUPPY" Jisung screamed, from downstairs

At this point both of them had stopped making out and were just standing there like "🧍‍♂️"

"The fuck you two waiting for go downstairs" Seungmin said, and both of them ran downstairs as they ACTUALLY got scared of the younger.

"Haha um h-hi d-don't tell us y'all just saw that please, I'll kill myself" Changbin said, standing infrot of everyone while holding Chan's hand.

"We actually did see it but we're just gonna ignore that cause y'all have probably seen worse also just date already" Hyunjin replied and everyone nodded

"N-no I'm straight" Chan replied, looking nervous.

"Oh yes you're straighter than a circle " Minho replied ,staring Chan dead in the eyes.

Just then the bell rang...

"Oh my- they're already here, we didn't even get a chance to clean LORD" Jeongin suddenly screamed.

"Hellor" Felix said, opening the door

"Hey" Beomgyu and Yeonjun said, in sync

"YAH" Beomgyu yelled and hit yeonjuns arm playfully.

"Oh my- don't start here. um hi I'm Wooyoung and this is San, the one who just spoke to you is Beomgyu and the one who's just... THERE is yeonjun, i apologise if they start bickering out of nowhere" Wooyoung said, holding San's hand.

"Haha it's ok, come in and..." Felix started speaking and Hyunjin interrupted him

"Ig-ignore the uh d-dead body" Hyunjin said, scratching his nape nervously

"Ahaha its fine our house is worse trust me" Yeonjun replied

"Oh i can agree for SURE" Jeongin replied

"Ohk so um now shall we talk about the real reason we're here or should we introduce ourselves first?" San asked

"Let's introduce ourselves first, y'all seem really fun" Jisung said, while sitting on the couch and patting a spot next to him for Minho.

Who was just standing there awkwardly and didn't know what to do, Minho went and sat with Jisung and when everyone was settled they started in a circle, first was Hyunjin.

"Hi, so uh my name's Hyunjin, I'm 16 years old and im a part of chan's mafia.. I have a tik tok account with over 700k followers and I'm dating Felix." Hyunjin introduced himself, next was Felix.

"Hey, so as y'all already know I'm Felix, I'm 16 years old, I can rap, dance and sing.. And I'm dating Hyunjin as y'all already know, I use all pronouns so uh yeah" Felix said and next was Wooyoung.

"Hello my name is Wooyoung, I'm 17 years old, I can sing, rap and dance. And I'm dating San" Wooyoung said and it just kept going like that

~Skip to a few hours~

"Ohk so now that we've all introduced ourselves, let's get to the actual info we found about Hyunjin's parents." Beomgyu said, as everyone knew each other now.

"Wait what... my parents?" Hyunjin whispered the last part, he looked really flustered.

"Um I'm assuming Jeongin didn't tell you, he suspects that his parents and your parents might be a part of the other mafia. As your parents are never home and you don't know what they do. And Jeongin's parents just go on "business" trips and he also doesn't know what his parents do so yeah" Wooyoung said.

"So I'll let San and Beomgyu tell y'all about everything as they found out almost all the info." Yeonjun said, pointing at San and Soobin.

"So we pulled up their IP addresses and tried to find every record of their jobs and we found well..." Beomgyu said, paused looking at San.

"nothing, no records" San finished Beomgyu's sentence.

"Wait, how is that possible?" Chan said, looking confused

"Yes exactly how did you get MY parents numbers? I just met Jeongin i don't think he would have my parents numbers" Hyunjin asked

"Well, i wouldn't be surprised if he hacked into your phone for your parents numbers honestly" Chan replied.

"Uh so I'll let Jeongin explain that" San replied pointing at Jeongin.

"So I did hack into your phone, I'm sorry" Jeongin replied and Hyunjin just looked at him in surprise.

"Oohhhk so let's continue" Beomgyu replied.

"So I found no records, but what I did find was the other hacker's ID aka THEIR hacker's ID meaning, their hacker is really bad... so in conclusion i found the ID, i hacked the ID and found their IP and hacked the IP and found their ID's like their passport ID and guess who it is" San said.

"Dude, You were talking too fast. just get to the god damn point for fucks sake" Changbin replied and everyone nodded.

"Ugh fine fine the point of all that was that some of the members of red lights are Hyunjin's mom and dad and Jeongin's dads so yeah, you have to be really careful around both of them cause you don't know what they might try to do." Beomgyu replied.

"Oh wow-" Felix said, looking really flustered.

"Wait so my parents might already know we're here cause, technically they own this house" hyunjin asked.

"I mean i guess, but they have bad intentions towards starlost aka your mafia" Wooyoung replied

"Do they already know we're a part of this mafia then?" Chan asked

"I mean probably not, for the last few months we didn't even know that our closest friends were in here so how would they know?. Besides, their hacker is really bad right?" Hyunjin asked.

"I mean yeah probably" Chan said.

"Wait, do you four wanna join our mafia?" Changbin asked, YeonGyu and WooSan.

"Sure why not" Beomgyu and Yeonjun replied

"Hm we'll have to think about it" WooSan replied

"Ohk so Beomgyu and Yeonjun um welcome i guess, you'll have to tell me all your details and everything later, so don't forget and Hyunjin will show you two around."  Chan replied.

"Oh ok what about you two?" Yeonjun asked WooSan

"I also want to join but I'm unsure" San replied.

And everyone looked at Wooyoung for an answer

"Yes but only if San joins" Wooyoung replied.

"San?" Beomgyu asked in a 'do you also want to?'  tone.

"Hm you know what... Yes, I wanna join." San replied looking at Wooyoung

"Me too then" Wooyoung replied.

"Ohk so all four of you follow me and the rest of you can rest or just do whatever except Changbin, you come with me" Chan said, getting up and giving a message
(through the mark he made) to Changbin telling him to get up.

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