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I trail along like a lost little puppy after him , back to the kitchen but another direction this time, through a long corridor towards another set of double doors.

Trigger waits outside though , on his phone , enlightening me to the fact that he is sending a mass text to invite everyone here , because this is probably the most awkward way to introduce his long lost daughter to anyone, so obviously the best option .

He could have informed his club before so they were expecting me.But no , he plans to introduce me the day I arrive with clothes two sizes two small against my frame , my chest straining against the material causing me to feel self-conscious.

Trigger's phone beeps a couple of times whilst we're just standing here and he doesn't bother to look at me , or make any conversation and I stand stiffly , wondering if I should say something , anything to break this awkward silence.

"Ok they're coming now" he grunts as if this is the last thing he wants to be doing here today , it's been five years , surely there'd be things he'd want to ask me or talk to me about , instead he waits a couple minutes more before he opens the door and walks in , I follow suit into a room filled only with a table and chairs. He motions for me to take a seat beside him and I drop my bags by the doors before sitting down, whilst he lights a cigarette and kicks his feet up.

I'm not even sat for a second before some of the men I saw outside start flooding in, taking a seat around the room or choosing to lean against the wall with their arms crossed. None of them are my brothers and I wait anxiously to meet them. I'd hoped they'd be here when I first walked in but the longer I'm here the more unlikely that seems.

I'm surprised when some women walk in as well, some going towards their men and others taking a seat , soon the room is almost packed to the brim and im tense at the front as all their eyes seem to find me. It's a stifling feeling and I try not to grimace or show the effect it has on me instead choosing to sit up and look as confident as I can, my subconcious picking out all the nearby exits . They all begin their own discussions and soon I am unable to concentrate on just one thing as everything becomes overwhelming to me.

Suddenly there's a change in the room. A man enters. He's easily the largest man I've ever seen and probably the scariest. I feel his raw presence from where I sit. He moves like an animal , like an animal someone accidentally let into the house.

He moves closer and closer the view of his face getting clearer, his steps are slow , methodical. His shoulders broad and pulled back , head high. Like nothing could affect him. Nothing could touch him.

Anger . Raw anger is displayed on his face , a strong jaw clenched hard and eyes narrowed , hostile, as he moves over across from me taking a seat. I see the looks everyone gives him , choosing to move out of his way , the seats around him vacant now, even the men look uneasy and their voices quieten. It seems they recognise the threat this man possesses, they know him but they can't predict what he'll do.

You never can with wild animals.

He looks up and our eyes meet , cold , hard , nothing. They drag slowly down my body but nothing is given away , he just stares emotionless , but I feel a heat begin from my cheeks down to my stomach. He's not pretty , in all honesty his nose looks slightly crooked , and a scar runs the length of his right cheek . But there's something so captivating about him.

The  noise drowns out in the background , I can't focus on anything but him , him with the largest hands I've ever seen, clenched tight into fists on the table, him, whose making me lose any coherent thoughts. Him who looks like he could ruin me at any moment. Him who I don't even know.

A tingle begins to form , I can't locate it but it's getting worse the longer he looks at me , so I look away.

I don't need the kind of attention he's giving me but I can't help but look back . I'm drawn to him. To the raw power he's exuding. I feel goosebumps line my skin , am I scared ?

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