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I have absolutely no idea what just happened , I feel like I was in some sort of trance , Riot,at least that's what I think his name is, was something I didn't expect , a whirlwind, one second I'm in a crowded room and the next he consumes me.

There's no one but us.

All them seconds alone with him , pure sexual energy so hot, his voice deep with barely contained anger, the roughness of his actions engrained forever in my mind.

The women look at me weirdly when they return to the room , some in disbelief and shock and others looking at me in pity. I wonder when I'll reach that stage of boredom where I'll be forced to start conversing with them. I don't want that right now, not when they look at me so strangely. I wouldn't mind Savannah , she seems similar in age to me , the rest who are here are older , wives. No time for a temporary stranger who will be nothing but a distant memory when she no doubt leaves , after realising there's nothing here for her.

I realise midway that maybe it's an insecurity I have , getting close to people and making excuses for them, why am I assuming they would think like this? Maybe they would like to get to know me but I'm putting major bitch vibes out there causing them to remain distant. I save this thought as material for a another day , It's a slippery road realising you might have another deep rooted insecurity you may need to work on.

Now I'm sitting back on the couch,ignoring the looks of those around me and all I can think about is a dull ache. I'm feeling deep in my chest and between my legs , it feels empty. I've never felt like this before and I wonder if I'm affecting Riot as much as he is me.

I don't see him again for the rest of the evening, he completely disappeared behind me . It doesn't stop my eyes searching for him, hoping everytime I hear the doors of the meeting room open, he'd appear so I could feel that addictive energy once more.

It's late now and I'm tired of sitting here doing nothing so I decide to relax in my room , when I'm there I catch a glimpse at myself in the bathroom mirror and I'm shocked at my reflection, My throat is a little red , and there's blood smeared across it , he's psycho. A neanderthal. Wiping the blood of a guy he's most likely fought , or maybe it's his own blood that got on me while his hands were wrapped around my throat, god why is that so hot. It was like this dominating force , like he was the one in control of my movements. Pure fucking alpha male.

lying here in bed, I don't know what to think of Riot, I know nothing about who he is. I question whether it's good that we seem to be attracting each other's attention , mine harmless , his with the promise of my ruin.

I've only ever been in one real relationship , Shaun Adkins although I don't know if it count as a relationship since It never went far ,only about a week long , considering he called me a whore and slapped me . I put an end to that as fast as I could. So I guess realistically I've never actually been in a relationship and the thought doesn't bother me , I know most people my age would have more experiences under their belt but when you witness only the toxicity and pain people can cause each other , it sticks with you like a permanent stain on any of your own relationships.

I don't know though maybe it's just the virgin in me.

I lie awake now listening to the noises in the house decline gradually as everyone falls asleep , and I'm suddenly aware that my bedroom faces the window. This would be a much better vantage point to perv on Riot than the kitchen , he definitely would not be able to see me from here. And before I can even contemplate my decision I'm out of bed.

My feet are cold against the hard wood floor of the room as I walk over to the window excited that I've discovered some enticing midnight entertainment. I hope he doesn't see me, I have no curtains and I'm only wearing a cami and panties, I really don't want to be seen right now . Or do I ?

I snort softly , I guess I need to work on what it is I want.

Once at the window with my nose pressed softly against the cool surface of the glass I wait with bated breath for any sign of movement. Nothing .

I consider moving to put on my robe but I stay motionless my arms wrapped tightly around my chest.

It's about five minutes of waiting before I see a light flick on from below and then another few seconds before I see Riot. My angle of him is from above and so it's hard to see the expression on his handsome face, I only hope he moves down the backyard so I can get a better view.

The tire looks bigger today and his grunts are harder for me to hear but nonetheless I stay rooted to my spot, Riot isn't even 10 minutes into his workout when he stops, frozen , he doesn't move and then he cocks his head slightly and stares straight ahead of him.

Maybe there's someone there distracting him , I huff in frustration why is someone determined to ruin this beautiful specimens workout , surely they should be asleep right now ?

It's like my thoughts are being projected so loud that he can hear them. One second I'm staring at the top of his head admiring his beautiful brown hair and the next I'm looking at his eyes. A reoccurring series of events.

His eyes are narrowed , locked on to me. I feel them as they roam all over me causing me to tighten the grip I have around myself. My nipples stand hard through my cami and the ache between my legs returns. He looks vexed now and I'm puzzled at his sudden reaction . Is he annoyed that I'm watching him today? Riot continues to look but his eyes are drawn to my chest , surely he cannot see that my nipples are standing in response to his presence. It's dark in my room , the moons soft glow casting only a small sliver of light.

His eyes are piercing and do nothing to extinguish the heat that's rising in me , his jaw is clenched hard, his face contorts as if full of rage. Suddenly I don't think he's looking at me like I'm looking at him , I'm admiring him and he's sending me major hostile vibes .

My eyebrows furrow together as I struggle to work out the complexity that is Riot . Damn I wish I knew his real name so I could mentally scold him . Maybe he doesn't know it's me standing here and that's why he's annoyed? But surely he knows this is my bedroom.

A yawn escapes me as I internally argue about the reasoning behind Riot's sudden attitude change and I decide to take one last look , yup still angry and return to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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