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Brandon was seated at an outside table when I arrived and he'd ordered two large iced coffees. When he saw me he stood, his eyes widening at my appearance.

A woman at the next table slid her appreciative gaze over Brandon. I glanced around for my cousin, but she wasn't there. With an uneasy feeling, I saw the table he'd chosen was for two. "Where's Lindsay?"

"She doesn't know I'm here."

Warning bells rang like the liberty bell. "I'm sorry. I thought I was meeting both of you." Lindsay would be livid if she knew I was meeting her fiance behind her back, and rightfully so.

"Please sit down, Lucy. Just give me five minutes. I've been worried about you." His eyes were warm and friendly, and there were a lot of people around.

Still, I stood my ground not liking this at all. "Thank you, but I can't stay without Lindsay."

"Lindsay thinks you're upset we're getting married." He wasted no time getting to the point.

With a sigh, I reluctantly took the seat across from Brandon. He would be family after he married my cousin, and I could not have him think I was still carrying a torch for him. "Brandon, I'm happy for you and Lindsay. The two of you belong together."

"Do we?" he asked, leaning forward and propping his elbows on the table. "Because I'm not sure."

I blinked, startled. "I don't think I'm the person you should be confiding in. Talk to Lindsay."

He reached out, covering my hand with his own. I snatched it back. His gaze snagged mine.

"I miss you." He leaned in again, and I breathed in a heavy whiff of his overpowering cologne.

Sitting back in my chair to put space between us, I spoke each word clearly. "You're marrying my cousin."

"Lindsay is everything I want in a wife. She's gorgeous, rich, and comes from an influential family, but I don't feel the same way about her as I did with you."

"You're getting married in two months. I've got an invitation to your wedding."

"We should go out again," he announced as if he'd just come up with a brilliant idea.

"No. We shouldn't."

"I regret breaking up with you. If you'll give me another chance, I can prove I don't care about money and connections as much as being with you."

We had no relationship, and he did not break up with me. I longed to shout this at him, but there was no point in continuing this one-sided conversation.

He wasn't hearing me. I started to get up, but his arm shot out and grabbed my arm.

"Is this about that guy Lindsay mentioned?" he asked with undisguised irritation. He didn't wait for an answer. "You look like someone has knocked you around. Who is this loser?"

"That would be me."

The deep, achingly familiar voice slid over me like warm honey. I turned and my heart wept at the sight of him.

Kyle stood casually with his arm propped above his head on the brick wall to his left. His gaze fastened on Brandon's hand, which held my arm.

Stepping from behind me, I saw that his mouth was pressed into a firm line and his eyes glittered dangerously.

Brandon eyed him warily, releasing my arm, and clearing his throat.

I met Kyle's hot blue gaze, all of a sudden realizing why he was here. "Jase called you."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now