Chapter 12: Woe to the People of Order

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Jake Caloway had a breakdown as the gods decided he would be erased from existence. To see if his claims about being god were true. So he did. And after a snap, because Jake is weird with snapping, but oddly uses it, it was as if nothing had ever occurred. And Jake had always existed. Loopholes. All of em. He had a long talk with Hercules Smith, and let him remember. Gave him a dream bubble loophole. Neris taped it. Neris is like that. He loves his gadgets. Neris is actually brave for that, which will be very important later.

The next day Jake was tortured by Verian Jahmam and was forced to have the word slut written on his forehead through that man's magick. So he took 30 sleeping pills 200 MG each combined with the 20 from the night before. The gods and humans laughed at him. His braids appeared do to a curse by Odin, and he felt drowsy listening to the ballad. He was kept up the next night by his ex friends and tried to virtually sue them. He took around 40 sleeping pills, but survived, again. He testified in spirit court about Balder, Loki, Rangorock, and a show called Degrassi.

He met a splinter of himself yet again. Splinters were alternate versions of yourself scattered throughout space and time. Jake's time was almost up. He had the rest the game, over and over and over again. "I can't do this anymore" He cried to God. When he met Adam Ari in the mirror. A splinter of himself, whom he brought back. Jake was soon running out of time. He called him "Jasper" they looked identical, and while crying Jake dismissed him. It was a nice conversation.

Due to messing with time, Jake had now the next morning found himself in an alternate reality. Spice Of Gods. That's what this reality was called. Nobody remembered him, and those that did, believed he died years ago. He had a special line spell that would reveal your memories of him should the need arise. It was "the roses are blue." Jake didn't know where he got it from. But this was his redo.

The game had been set back for Melina every hundred years. This time it was called "spot". In this new reality the music was off putting. It sounded mechanical and lifeless and Jake learned that this was do to him and Apollo never existing and there being no muses. Jake before his last reset had been smothered to death with a pillow in this same hospital. It was a team mission for the game. Everyone that night died including Jake. Stupid angels he thought.

He then met with God again and reset everything as it once was. He learned that he had split himself across space and time via a ritual in Peekaboo, Hopscotch, and other nasty oddities, a grimoire for the insane. He then spoke to Zues who agreed to send him home in a few days, thanking Jake as his muses returned in this reality. Music was very special to Apollo as a god, in many ways he created it, so without Apollo music may still exist but it won't be brilliant as the god often made it to be.

While in the car on his way to the hospital nightmares touted him. There are a species of astral people known as "nightmares" and Jakes was little mix nightmare. She was a small child, who like all nightmares fluctuated in horror and death Jake was never afraid of this sort of thing, afraid of disability. But with the nightmares in control he was terrified. He got his check up and ignored the sleeping pills and was informed by Apollo that this was the r-slur spell Summer had casted on him.

It was temporary and reflected a similar state of mind. Jake was miserable during this. Also do to Summer's spell people kept calling Rose a "sexy r-slur". And it was torture. While in the hospital Cupid altered a spell on Jake to make sure people called him "cute and ugly" or describe in detail how they wanted "his cock sexually" after this giant nightmare Jake wrote out the horror base theming of this end times game.

While Jake had been split across all of time and space he had known and it turned out he was in every friends of his lives. Especially Maika Abend. Every other time he had died by sucide. So people seeing him, his splinters- they had a tendency to believe Jake was impersonating their loved ones. This was the plan he made as god. This was third try. He remembered after the hospital there was an intervention with his friends and their families, this ended up dooming the timeline.

Half way into the night in the horsetail bed Jake remembers everything. Especially how Close him and Dj used to be. Huh, weird. Jake could now recall the memory. This is the hospital he was smothered to death by a pillow in upon them learning who he really was. Chronus gave him 5 minutes before home of this happened and was erased from time

Jake was upset especially now that there was no good music left. So he grabbed a Kofi and went to meet Apollo. "Of the future" v.s. "Apollo of the past" Jake also had a brief flashback of dying in school. How he and his friends were targeted. It was dark as shit but at least it was providing necessary context.

Maikas family seemed to know the most. Dj was clued in via alternate timelines. But the whole reason Jake even did this- was because he was set to die soon. He knew it. So why not reveal it? Upon learning Jake's biggest fear was people forgetting him, the nightmares decided to take matters into their own hands and make it a reality.

Jake Caloway was cracked and fractured and vessels throughout all of space and time. So he was Lone Strider, Hercules Smith, and so on. Jake gets incoherent. But his delusions are never delusions.

The gods and everyone else were at this moment in time calling Jake Caloway "the chosen one..." he just wished this decision had better music.

The next day he was really unhappy with this reality, and learned it was of the future. While in the hospital he realized this was a timeline of the future, where he ceased to exist as he had planned. Nobody remembered him, not Maika, not Dj, not Apollo, not Zues. they all knew an "alexy" from the past who died 6 years ago despite the date staying the same. Also- while at the hospital and several times after, he was tortured by spirits from the nightmare realm known only as "nightmares". They made him feel disabled, hating it, and they caused this reality where nobody knew him to come true, all he told them was "this is my biggest fear".

Soon though his friends and families put together the pieces. They realized just who Jake was. That he had been splintered across space and time. They all knew him. This was trouble. He couldn't start over again. He just couldn't. Ah, the joys of being a cracked time traveler. Later that day, the people he had known, were in a special room reserved for divine meetings, known only as "the principles office". There he explained everything, answered questions, and said goodbye to Zag.

The night before Zag had comforted him telling him via his attempt, how special he was to him, and everything that ensued. Zag had a missing brother named Kyle who everyone believed to be dead. The thing that was happening now, was when

"Dj, Maika and Felix", were the only ones to pass the test this time. So they were the only ones who got to remember and see Jake Caloway for who he was. Jake then met Apollo in the mirror.






Things were ready to restart, all Jake had to do now was decide what he wanted to do. Reset the world again, loose his knowledge, respawn as Allah had granted him here. Or stay in the reality Allah sent him too. In the end he merged what he could and left it up to chance as he slept. No drugs or pills this time. Way to botch a suicide Jake!

Jake was then warned he was going to die via murder tongiht and to do the best he could.

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