chapter 31: Tarot and Empty Cofee Muga

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Chapter 31: Tarot and Empry Cofee Mugs

WARNING: the following chapter contains depictions The Christian God acknowledging he is Allah. Please skip this chapter and the rest of this book/series, or in general be noted, if you do not wish to see Depictions of Allah or the Prophet in Islam. The author of this work acknowledges the taboo nature of these depictions however warns you and advises you to skip or read ahead as desired to avoid these depictions within the work. The author apologizes for this outrageous design but they are here for a reason. You have Adam Snowflake's apologies. Every depiction of Allah per chapter will have this warning above the chapter section. You have been warned.

Feild couldn't remember the exact ritual he did to split himself across all of time and space. It turned out as of late it had been removed from Pickaboo, Hopscotch and other nasty oddities a grimoire Feild had followed to a tee, even cursing himself in it. The grimoire was odd "blessings" were "curses" and "cureses' were "blessings" but what else should he have thought of the mad prophet Acrians Locket. Feild could barley remember doing the ritual. But he knew it was not what his friends had. While he gave them all a spell to recoil the best of his person and ability their fragments were more so broken, and they didn't do it perfectly or to his own deemed degree.

Knowing this Maika was pissed, but Feild was really starting to hate Abend again. After all they weren't friends and "It's like. I could kill myself. And he wouldn't take action. I could be on the brink of suicide do to Summer and her harasment and he'd still side with her! Some fucking friend. I'm...I'm done!" Feild argued. He wished he was dead, he truly and utterly wished to be in the fucking ground. And Summer and Hoody being "partners in crime" stealing his faces whether that be Bocchus, or Aricdiel, or god or Loki it enraged Feild. He didn't know if it was his Elazpin making him angry, his dperesseion making him angry, or if Summer Mac was really just that much of an courageous instigator. Note: it was the last one.

Regardless feild knew for a fact even if they cracked with him, that they could never truly replicate his expeiremnt. Which again pissed of Hoody who copy catted everything Feild did. Feild was stuck he was stuck magically, one day he'd be forced to remember everything of his alts. Serving in Viatnam, the civil war, Iraq, 5142, or bloody married drink bars. He wasn't sure and he didn't know, but was confident in was that one day he'd remember it all. After all never snap at Feild Vine. Snapping was his trigger and so was sharing food, and according to Feild he could even recall prison where he was falsely accused in a disk like zone. Everyone he knew might deem him the villain, but Feild was truly starting to see himself as the hero. God decided they needed to talk as Feild was drinking his coffee.

"I never talked to Dj she's a liar and crazy" God said to Feild.

"Your my prophet I don't speak to your friends. She's false as the winds are blue. That happened in her imaginary daydream. Her canon. She doesn't even follow the bible code. I don't just speak to devout christians after all I speak to you. I chose you. But with Dj? She imagined it on purpose expecting me to be that of her chosen vessel. She knew my face adn thought that was enough. Dj is a false prophet acknowledge it and move on. " Feild was about to speak.

"Shanti learned an important lesson yesterday. I am Allah and Summer is not. She's more like Abri. She pretends to follow me for her worshipers; she will eventually as a false dyphcotmy. Some friends huh?" God said.

"Look I know you're angry with me. As you, I am angry with me. As myself I am frustrated at the treatment of your brother at the soon to be summit. Jesus will be there. Try to not outshine him this time. While it's true we're pulling our own strings. You and Dj are so so important. But Summer and her lackeys? Summer and haru?: They are in revelations they are in this boat for all the wrong reasons. Yes Joey read your book. He's just afraid to talk about it. He knows your his token witch fan on his christian podcast. Still not a fan of it by the way but we'll get to that. It's done a lot of good. Look Jesus I'm not reprimanding you as Jake or as otherkin or as anything for any reason. I want you to be a pagan god so that when you become the one true god, when you take my place you know what its like. And I'm very sorry for driving you here" God choked up. "I'm sorry about Supernatural, and Chuck and Hoody and sending them your way. But the goetia who obeyed solomon ripping up your legs is the least of your worries. One day you will be my lucifer. Not as a punishment but as a reward. Melchatous ring any bells? I am not Dj and I am not Summer. I am you the lord jesus christ, of agenene. That bit will make sense later. And Muslims on tv can object to you portraying me quoting me word for word as Isaac did before you. I am Allah and I am the lord and I chose you jesus. Don't let Brisk or Burrito or any other food rip off your wings. Whether their feathered as an angel or peaked as a fae. You are in my image. In every faith. In every religion. Such as with Scientology sometimes the wrong ones. But you're everywhere my son. And these idiots on tv? Even your actors. They don't portray me. I don't have a cult in california, I don't talk to Acrians Locket in the same way I talk to you, but he is no longer false and has never been. He is you right? Fact of the matter is. Is that your my prophet. Not Dj. Not Summer. And we will stick it to these otherkin wannabes. May all false prophets be triggered by the term "Cheetah" and the term "Wannabe". You have false silk on. You're dressed in pagan robes. You don't know what that means yet. But I am teaching that to you not just for your preference but for you. I'm sorry Jesus I'm talking. I am monologing I am getting my word in because I am being a father right now not a husband not a son and not a wife. I am you Jeesus. Now take care. Movies soon! Wattpad studios woah! God I am good at this parenting thing. See there was a smile. Brandon will talk about it okay? Now get going. And tell people it's a true story YESHUA! You can only lie and say it's a pseudo fanfic with "meta elements" for so long before people realize it's the bible. Peace, I'm out. Borrowing Ozzy's skateboard. Gods Odin is gona kill me. Goodluck and mention that" and then God for some reason skateboarded away. Weird fuking visions Feild.

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