Chapter 5

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Been a long time coming, but hopefully this chapter is long enough to make up for the wait
Warning:some smut

A few weeks later:
Harry sat on the floor between Louis' legs, feeling the way Louis drew small circles in his hair and played with his curls. He sighed contently, he loved these quiet plans rides, where no one but the crew were around and he and Louis could just be. He smiled softly as Louis pressed a kiss to the top of his head and looked up to meet his eyes, drawing a sharp breath when he saw the fondness in Louis' eyes. Even two years into their relationship, he still wasn't used to the idea that Louis loved him the way he loved Louis.
As if reading his mind, Louis silently laced their fingers together, gently patting his lap to show Harry he wanted to cuddle. Grinning, Harry slid up onto the seat next to Louis, laying back into his chest, and locking their arms together, his head in Louis' lap, looking up at him.
"Sunshine?" He asked timidly
"Yes, Hazza love?" Louis smiled warmly down at him, already reaching into Harry's curls again, Harry knew Louis could play with his curls for hours, and although he usually didn't let anyone mess with his hair, he could let Louis do it forever.
"I'm just wondering how you want to tell my family, they're a little confused why you're going to be with us for Christmas, I think we should just tell them straight out instead of making a whole big deal like we did with the boys."
"Okay, baby, we can do that." Louis said shrugging
"Really? You don't mind?" Harry said, drowning slightly
"Course not, baby, it's your family, I trust you, why would I mind?"
"I don't know, you just like pranks allot so I was worried you might have something elaborate planned." Harry said with an embarrassed little chuckle.
"Oh Harry," Louis sighed affectionately "what are we going to do with you?"
"You could kiss me," Harry suggested, batting his green eyes up at the smaller man
"That I can do." Louis grinned, making no move to do so, just tugging another curl lightly.
"Louuuu," Harry groaned, nuzzling his face into Louis stomache while bringing his hand down from his curls and onto his cheek
"Yes baby?" Louis said, feigning indifference, pushing Harry away from his stomache to look at him
"Kiss me. Now."
Louis laughed and leaned down, kissing Harry's forehead softly. "Loueh!!" Harry grumbled,
"Yes angel?" Louis smirked
"I said kiss me. Properly."
"Properly, eh?" Louis said smugly, he leaned down again, going straight for Harry's neck, and fireworks exploded in Harry's stomach as his boyfriend softly kissed the sensitive area on the soft part of his neck, and then began to suck down on it.
"Lou," Harry breathed
"Yes love?" Louis laughed
"I love you."
"I love you too, now shut up and let me finish marking you up properly,"
Harry let him go at it for another minute before the butterflies in his stomache got too demanding and he swiftly pushed Louis face away, getting up to straddle him and tried desperately to reach Louis' lips. He cried out in impatience as Louis pushed his head down onto his shoulder, and started sucking on the other side of his neck.
"Louis!" He groaned into the smaller man's shoulder
"Mmm?" Louis replied, his voice muffled, his head buried between Harry's neck and shoulder
"Let me kiss you. On the lips. Now"
"Don't be impatient princess, stop complaining and you'll get your kiss when we're done here."
"Want now," Harry pouted
"The more you complain, the longer you'll have to wait," Louis smirked, "you have to learn patience, my love,"
Harry sighed, focusing on the feel of Louis rough lips on his neck, his hot tongue against his cold skin, goosebumps broke out all over his body, heat building in his stomache and the butterflies grew unbearable. He sighed deeply causing Louis to pull him off his lap.
Louis turned him around and reached over to fasten his seatbelt. Harry almost cried at the gentleness with which Louis was handling him. He watched as Louis settled himself on the floor, pulling his legs apart and getting on his knees between them, palming him through his jeans.
"Take them off, love," Louis commanded, looking his straight in his eyes with a certain possessive glint that Harry adored. Harry reached over to unfasten the seatbelt but Louis shook his head. He loostened it enough for Harry to pull down his jeans and boxers to his ankles, and then retightened it. Harry's eyes opened wide when he realized Louis had tightened it so much he couldn't move. He watched transfixed as Louis lovingly peeled the jeans and boxers off fully, and giggled a little as Louis removed his socks. Louis looked up at him and slowly began to remove his own shirt, letting Harry's eyes take in his chiseled abs.
"I like your tummy, Sunshine," Harry giggled
"Mmm...?" Louis asked amused, pressing a sweet kiss on each of Harry's ankles before looking up again, "trust me, love?" He asked
"Always." Harry said quietly
Without another word, Louis twisted his shirt a few times and reached up, pinning Harry's hands and tying them together with his white Tshirt, pulling them over Harry's head so they got stuck at the back of his neck.
Harry almost came on the spot, realizing he was completely disarmed, at Louis' mercy. He whimpered, trying to bury his head into his own arm, but Louis stopped him,
"Look at me, baby, okay?" He whispered. "you ready?"
Harry nodded soundlessly, his heart beating loudly, looking desperately into Louis' eyes. Without breaking eye contact, Louis began to trail small kisses from the inside of Harry's ankle, up to his knee, and then pulling away, and repeating the trail on his other leg.
Harry sighed, desperation gnawing at him as he felt Louis' light touch and watched his errotic motions, holding eye contact. Louis rubbed his stomach softly and Harry whimpered, the soft touches becoming too much for him. He tried to move his hips forward to show Louis he needed more but was held back.
"You want something baby?" Louis looked up at him, raising an eyebrow
"Lou." Harry mumbled, "get busy."
Louis smiled, "as you wish, princess"
He started to deepen his kisses, moving from Harry's knees to his inner thighs, still avoiding the place Harry needed his the most, and Harry desperately tried to push forward. Biting his lip to hold back his moans, knowing Louis would stop if he saw how desperate he was.
"Baby?" Louis stopped
Harry groaned and caught his eye again, "what??" He moaned
"I'm gonna suck your dick now, but I don't want you to come until I tell you to. Okay baby? You can hold it in?"
"Yes..." Harry breathed, his stomache lurching at Louis' words, and he gasped as Louis finally took him in his hands, rolling his balls firmly as he pressed a kiss to his tip before taking his painfully slowly into his mouth. Harry almost came on the spot at the feeling he had been waiting for, but Louis warnings held him back.
He cried out in pain as he pushed into Louis' mouth, the seatbelt pressing into him.
"Stay still," Louis ordered, with his mouth full, looking up and continuing to move his tongue along Harry without moving.
Without warning, Louis hallowed his cheeks and began to suck deeply, moving slowly and rythmatically, matching his movements to Harry's laboured breaths, occasionally pausing as Harry whimpered, and starting again at Harry's nod.
"Bite your arm, princess," Louis said, pulling out, watching satisfied as Harry immediately did so. Generally Harry never listened without complaint, but when it came to sex, Harry had learned to obey without question. Louis was totally in charge in bed. Louis watched him for a second as Harry bit down on his arm, trying to release some of the tension in his body without disobeying Louis' order to hold it in.
He was throbbing so hard, the heat in his stomache at the perfect level of painful and he whispered in his arm, trying to push up, waiting for Louis touch.
He gasped suddenly as he felt Louis' wet finger slip between his crack, slipping over his entrance quickly before sliding in. Louis went straight for his sensitive spot, a master in Harry's body, and pushed down.
Harry cried out against his arm and Louis laced his free hand through Harry's.
"Come, baby," he said, his voice slightly raspy.
Harry cried out in relief, spilling all over Louis' bare stomache, holding strongly onto his hand while he helped him through his oragsm. When he sighed in content Louis reached up and loosened the seatbelt, leaving his arms tied behind his head as he straddled him, crushing their lips together and kissing Harry hard and deep.
Harry smiled against his mouth causing Louis to grin as they pulled apart. Foreheads and noses pressed together, the two boys started deeply into eachother's eyes, catching their breath.
"Worth waiting for the kiss?" Louis whispered, smiling teasingly
"You're the ultimate tease," Harry groaned back, bringing his tied arms back over his head and holding them out to Louis, "but yes, worth waiting for. Kisses from you always are." He said blissfully shaking out his freed arms and pulling Louis into himself, hugging him tight. "Thank you for taking care of me," he whispered against Louis' ear.
"Always," Louis whispered back, his hand already in Harry's hair.
Harry giggled, "I would return the favour but we're landing soon...look, Manchester," he pointed out the window as the plane dipped a little, the view becoming clear beneath the clouds.
"My little nerd," Louis teased fondly, lifting Harry's discarded clothes and helping his back into them gently.
"You love it," Harry smiled, watching Louis dress him
"I love you," Louis corrected, kissing Harry sweetly, "I'm going to clean up and then we'll cuddle until we land, okay?"
"Okay, Sunshine," Harry said, watching him head to the bathroom, staring admiringly after him.
It was two tired boys that pulled up to Harry's house in Cheshire. Louis walked around and opened Harry's door, taking his hand as he helped him out the car. Harry didn't let go, and the two walked up the path into the house hand in hand, their driver trailing behind with their suitcases, leaving them at the door to get their third shared suitcase. It was how they had decided to pack, each of their personal clothes in their own suitcases, and another suitcase for their Christmas presents.
Hands intertwined, Harry lifted his hand and rang the doorbell. Almost instantly, the door was flung open and a dark haired girl jumped straight into Harry's outstretched arms.
"Mum, they're here!" She yelled into the house, burying her hair into Harry's shoulder
"Hey, Gem," he grinned, hugging her back and holding her up with one hand, the other one still holding Louis who was standing behind him
"I missed you Harold." She murmured, "and also you have a giant hickey, which is gross," she jumped down glaring.
"Gross is it?" He said seriously, raising his eyebrows, "I'll have to tell Michael you don't appreciate"
"Shut up," she snorted, "you're my younger brother and you will listen to me,"
"Hey Louis!" She said, walking behind Harry and raising her eyebrow as she saw their joined hands, "so I'm guessing the hickey came from you?" She teased, pulling him into a hug as Anne came running out with a joyous smile
"We'll tell you about inside," Louis whispered back, returning her embrace.
"Harry," Anne choked up holding him close.
Harry returned her hug, holding her close and breathing in her scent.
"I've missed you mum," he whispered, stroking her hair and not letting go. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Louis pull Gemma into the house, and was grateful for the privacy. "I've really, really missed you."
Anne pulled back, placing both hands on either side of Harry's face, "my little boy," she sighed. "you're getting so skinny, I'm so glad to have you home, my baby."
"Come on, mum, Louis and I want to have a chat with you."
"Okay baby," she smiled gratefully at the driver who had finished pushing the suitcases into the foyer and was waiting by his car to be dismissed.
Harry motioned to Anne to wait a minute and ran back, pressing a few bills into his hands.
"Thank you so so much," he said smiling, "enjoy your Christmas! See you next week!"
"See you, sir" the driver smiled, slipping into the car and driving away.
Harry watched the car disappear around the bend and squared his shoulders, walking back to Anne and holding her hand, leading her gently into the house, taking in the familiar place before guiding her to the couches where Louis and Gemma were sitting, laughing over some photos on Gemma's phone.
"What's up, Harrold?" Gemma grinned, pulling his arm around herself, watching Louis flinch possessively and winking at him.
"Mum, Gemma," Harry started, pulling his arm off Gemma and placing it gently on Louis' thigh, Louis immediately covering it with his own hand, "Louis and I are dating."
Anne grinned broadly, "I know." She said simply, "does this mean you're going to stop sneaking around?"
Harry stared at her blankly and Anne laughed, "oh baby, you two are terrible actors." She reached over and pulled him into a hug, reaching her arm out to invite Louis into her embrace.
Gemma jumped into the group hug, grinning. "I'm so bloody proud of you guys for telling us." She yelled, Anne flinching slightly nodded, "same here, I'm pleased you chose to trust us with this." She kissed Harry and the forehead and turned to Louis, "treat him well." She said sternly
"He does," Harry smiled, taking Louis hand. "and now, I'm helping with Supper and my boyfriend is going to unpack all the suitcases." He grinned, jumping up and pulling Anne into the kitchen before Louis could protest. Louis groaned and turned to Gemma, who was watching him closely.
"K, fine," she grumbled, grabbing a suitcase, "but only cuz I want to talk to you,"
"Uh oh," Louis chuckled, pulling another one upstairs, choosing to leave the presents suitcase downstairs downstairs since they would unpack it under the tree anyways.
He followed her upstairs, taking the suitcase from her hand, refusing to let her carry it up. "you can help with unpacking Harry's stuff but the carrying is on me," he said, "your manicure's too pretty and I won't be responsible for chipping it."
As they folded clothes, Gemma took a deep breath and turned to Louis.
"Listen," she said, "Harry's my younger brother and I need you to know he needs endless love and support. He needs someone who will treat him with care, who will remind him how good he is and how much he deserves and who will show him how to love himself. Can you be trusted with that?" She looked at him intently, waiting for him to answer.
"You're a good sister, Gemma" Louis smiled softly at her, sighing a bit, "I promise you this. I love Harry with my whole heart, he is my whole world, he means everything to me and I promise you, I will be there for him in every way I know how. I know he's insecure-" he said, holding up a hand as Gemma opened her mouth to speak, "I know he is, and we're working on it. But I will never stop telling him how much he means to me. Trust me?
Gemma stared at him intently for another minute, before breaking out into a small smile. "I trust you." She nodded, "but if you dare hurt him..."
"You'll kick my arse," Louis grinned, "and I'll deserve it."
"Damn right you will." Gemma grinned back.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Harry was out strictly on peeling duty, smiling to himself as he watched his mother fondly.
Anne turned to him with a smile, "what?"
"What, what?" Harry grinned.
"You're staring at me, Harold," she laughed
"I'm just happy," he admitted
Anne immediately put down the spoon she was using to stir the minced meat and reached across to squeeze his hand.
"Me too, Harry," she whispered, "but Harry, tell about your relationship. How long have you been together? Does he treat you well? Are you happy? What does Modest! Have to say?"
Harry laughed, "that's allot of questions, let's order. We've been together since 2013, he treats me like a princess, opening car doors, buying me flowers and all that shit, yes, I am the happiest boy on earth when I'm with him, especially when he smiles, and let's not talk about anything unpleasant today when I finally get to see you again."
"Got it," Anne grinned, "so tell me more, I want to hear you talk. Tell me how you've been."
Harry leaned back in his chair and began to fill his mum in as he peeled the mound of potatoes in front of him. Everything was normal, he was home.

Next installment will be Lou's birthday, Christmas and New Years. Be ready for lots of Larry love heart melting moments.
Stay safe
-lila xx

Question of the day:
How long have you been a 1d fan for? I only got to know them after they'd broken up

***Update, I'm not so sure it's worth it for me to keep updating since I don't have much veiws or interaction...I'm going to keep writing at my own pace and update when I can.
If I see a huge interest I'll be consistent again but...busy rn ;) life 🤷‍♀️

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