Chapter 7

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It's been a while, but this Chapter is 100% worth it. All the feels...enjoy x

Louis wandered aimlessly around the house. Harry and Gem had been out for four hours already and his already tiny patience was basically maxed out. Huffing, he tried to FaceTime Stan, who rejected his call straight away. Sending a middle finger emoji his way, he tried Zayn. No answer. Liam. Didn't even go through.
Frustrated, he threw his phone across the room and pulled out his gift for Harry, turning his attention to wrapping it carefully. Just as he was taping down the last bit of paper, his tongue poking through his teeth in concentration, he heard his phone buzz across the room.
Louis rolled his eyes. Typical Stan, too spineless to take the flip off in stride, probably calling to yell at him, he picked his phone, about to answer when he paused. The ID read 'ElanouriPhone'
He stared for a minute, not at all in the mood. It's not that they had bad blood. He and El were good friends, they had been for years despite the strain that had been put between them when they became a PR couple. Still, Louis was grateful that she had gone along with it, he couldn't imagine it being anyone else, at least El was quiet and respectful, and non judgemental as well. It was just that they were on break and he resented his little bubble being intruded on by PR. Still, he picked up before it went to voicemail.
"Hey El, long time no speak"
"Nice way of putting three months Lou"
"Yeah, yeah, you know me, anyways, is everything okay? Do you need anything?
"I don't need anything Louis," she said softly, and Louis picked up the, 'youre really gonna hate what I'm about to say' that was laced into her voice. "Simon wants Christmas pictures from us."
"Course he does." He sighed, kicking one of Harry's stuffed giraffes under the bed in frustration,
"I'm sorry Lou."
"Oh shut it, El, not your fault, you know I'd never hold it against you" he said, softening. She was a great girl, and he knew his situation was making it hard for her to find a partner with all the non disclosures and red tape, "it's just bloody complicated."
"It always is," she whispered over the phone
He knew that. It always was. But this time it was more, because he was in Cheshire and there was no way they could take pictures in Harry's house
"El, let me figure out some things on this end, I'll call you back tonight okay?"
"Alright, my guy" she sounded a little happier, "speak soon"
"Cheers," he hung up with a sigh and lay on the bed, facing the ceiling. Harry was going to hate this. Frustrated, he tried Liam again hoping to work through his thoughts now that the boys knew. But the call didn't go through again.
As a last resort, he tried Niall.
To his surprise, the blonde lad picked up on the second ring, looking adorably comfortable in a cream fuzzy sweater, curled up in what looked like a giant beanbag.
"Louis the Tommo Tomlinson! To what I owe the pleasure lad?" He yelped down the phone, a huge grin on his face
"What's up Nialler? Are you somewhere private?"
"I can be," Niall smiled, "Yo, Mum! Thalia! Can you give me the room?!" He yelled
Louis grinned, hearing a muffled, "we're cooking Nialler, get your bloody beanbag out of the kitchen and find another perch for your lazy arse"
"Well, I tried" he rolled his eyes, "give me a minute Tommo,"
Louis sat up, and pulled the giraffe out from under the bed, Harry hated when he messed with his stupid stuffies.
"Alright Lou, I'm all yours."
Louis sighed, "remember you said I could be open around you."
"You mean when I bloody forced you to come out?"
"Yeah that." Louis grinned, "I just wanted to ask your advice."
"I'm all yours Babycakes"
"Oh fuck off you," he rolled his eyes, "it's like this, Simon wants me and El to take Christmas pictures for PR,"
Niall scoffed, "bastard"
"Yeah well, I'm in Cheshire, and we can't take them here because it's Harry's house, and the fans know everything, and I don't want to see her now Ni this our private time, me and Harry said we'd have a bubble, I can't go telling him I have to go take pictures with her, El and Taylor already strain our relationship so much, he's going to be so upset and I hate when I he gets sad, and I'm so bloody annoyed with Simon and pissed at the world and fucks sake I don't want to do this Ni."
"Jesus that's allot, Lou."
"Yeah, I'm done now I think,"
Niall was quiet for a minute, a rarity. "You really want my advice?" He asked
"I trust you Ni" Louis answered shortly
"My advice is not to leave Cheshire for some bloody pictures, let her come there and take the pictures in a fucking motel or something. Or even better, let Harry take the pictures...that would be bloody hilarious actually, one for the grandchildren. But pictures aside, I think you and El, and Harry and Taylor, should double date and talk things through. Set boundaries, rules, and just clear the air with them. The girls deserve it and quite frankly, you and H deserve a say in these relationships also. It's only fair."
Louis stared at him through the screen. "You know Niall," he said, "you're quite wise for a blonde"
"I'm the wisest in the band ya little cunt" Niall scoffed, reverting back into the loveable child Louis knew so well, "and I'm not even a natural blonde so fuck you,"
"Sure, when?" Louis teased back
Niall visibly started "oh shit, no, fuck off, gross, never say that again."
"Come on luv, I know you want a piece of the Tommo," he chuckled
"No thank you" Niall shivered, "but in all seriousness, good luck, I love you mate"
"Yeah love you too Niall, thanks for hearing me out, and your advice weren't shit either."
"Cheers lad, merry Christmas "
"And you mate," but Niall had already hung up.
Feeling surprisingly lighter, Louis headed downstairs with his fully wrapped gift, and headed over to the tree to deposited it there. As he was positioning it, his phone buzzed again. Harry.
Angel: Save me, Lou, Gemma's taken me into a bloody bra shop
Louis: ohhh spicy, send pics x
Angel: louissss
Angel: I miss you
Louis: I miss you so much too baby x
Angel: can you just come get me
Louis: no chance, Love, you have to spend time with Gemma
Angel: but I miss you :(
Louis: I know, baby, but I'll see you soon okay?
Angel: okay! Can't wait! X
Angel: *image attached*
Louis grinned down at the selfie his boyfriend had sent. Harry had his long hair pulled into space buns and he was wearing a purple lace bra with a tiny checked skirt. He zoomed into his face, taking in the impish grin and dimples, he knew Harry loved the outfit more than he would let on
Louis: buy it. And the skirt.
Angel: you serious?
Louis: check your Venmo then ask me again babe x
Angel: you will not regret this
Angel: that's a promise
Louis: I already don't, I love your dimples in the picture
Louis: see you soon my love x
Someone cleared their throat loudly above him, Louis startled. He was sitting cross legged next to the tree, having completely lost sense of his surroundings as soon as Harry's name had flashed across the screen.
Looking up sheepishly he met Anne's small smile,
"Busy with something?'
"Bored out me mind actually, got something for me to do?"
"Well, Harry says you're terrible at cooking but how are you at setting the table?" She teased
"Oh, I'm great at that" he said earnestly, "me mum says I have an artistic flair,"
"An artistic flair do you?" Anne held in a laugh,"alright, let's see how you do then."
Louis soon lost himself in trying to set the perfect table. Christmas Eve, his birthday, first holiday as Harry's open boyfriend. It had to be perfect.
He twisted napkins as he'd learned from Fizzy and made little flowers for each cup. Then he got to work on laying out the forks and knives perfectly straight. Eventually, he stopped checking the clock every few seconds and just worked himself into a mind numbing rythm. He was so lost that he didn't hear the door open. But there was no way he could miss the familiar vanilla lavender scent of his boy as he nuzzled his head into his shoulder, snaking his hands forward to hug him from behind.
"Lou," he whisped into the smaller man's neck, "I'm home,"
Louis turned around and sat down on the chair, pulling Harry on top of him and letting him cuddle back into his neck, "I missed you angel." He said softly, "don't ever leave me for so long again."
Harry just hugged him closer and Louis felt his  eyelashes tickle him as he closed his eyes.
"Okay, come on baby, you need to go shower and get ready for tonight."
"Come with me," Harry demanded, not sitting up.
"No my love," Louis stroked his hair gently, "I have to finish setting the table, besides, I'm already ready."
"Then I'm not getting up," harry grumbled, "I'm gonna stay on your lap forver."
"You can't baby. Because if you do it would mean wearing boring black jeans for the rest of your life."
"Don't care." Harry grumbled sleepily, "don't care, don't care, don't ca-hey!"
But Louis had stood up, making sure Harry's legs were securely wrapped around him as he started heading towards the stairs, the younger man's face still hiding in his shoulder,
"Be right back to finish the table!" He yelled at no one in particular, passing a startled Gemma who's features softened into a smile at the adorable sight.
Laying Harry softly on his bed, he placed a gentle kiss to his forehead before turning to go.
"Baby, you need to shower and change, I'm going to lay out an outfit for you and then I'm going to go downstairs. You're going to wear exactly what I put out for you. You can nap for a little bit before you shower, I'm setting an alarm for half an hour. Be down by 6:30 latest. You hear me love?"
Harry nodded, already feeling calmer as he always did when Louis adopted a more dominant voice. They didn't play Dom, Sub in the bedroom at all, but Louis definitely used his top status to his advantage and Harry liked to let go of control. "wait, Lou" he pouted
"What is it babe?" Louis looked over at him,
"I didn't get a kiss yet,"
Louis grinned and pressed a sweet kiss to Harry's lips. Harry sighed blissfully. "see you in a bit, boo" he whispered, rolling onto his side.
Louis watched him for a second fondly before slipping out of the room and back to the dining room to finish his all important job.
At 6:30 sharp, Harry appeared at his right, looking adorable with a faint sleep line on his arms and an oversized Christmas sweater with tight black jeans and his gold sparkly boots, Louis favourite.
"Your bum looks good in those jeans." He whispered, not wanting to be overheard.
"It looks better in your hands," Harry sassed back semi sleepily
"Bit presumptuous love aren't you?" Louis raised an eyebrow
Harry smiled widely at him, "it's your birthday Sunshine, I'm going to give you my everything,"
Louis hugged him close, ignoring the awws from Gemma and Anne, who were watching them across the room, "I love you H" he said softly, "I love you too Sun, happy birthday" Harry pulled away and walked across the room, taking one of the gift bags Gemma was holding. He cermoniously gestured to the table,
"Ladies, if you please take your seats at this magnificently set table to commence the birthday ceremony of my wonderful boyfriend, we would be much obliged." He made a grand sweeping motion with his arm and pecked him mother on the cheek before slipping into his seat next to Louis.
"Much obliged? Really?" Louis rolled his eyes but grinned widely nonetheless.
Harry filled each of their flutes with champagne and held his up.
"To Louis, the light of my life and the boy who will always bring a smile to my face. I love you, I adore you and I cherish you. Happy birthday my love."
Gemma and Anne smiled, joining in the chorus of, "to Louis." Drinking down their flutes while holding back their laughs and Harry's pompous air.
"Gemma, if you will," Harry turned to her
Gemma slid her gift bag across the table, "it's nothing much but I want you to know that I'm glad your in our family," she smiled.
Louis smiled back at her warmly and opened her gift, suddenly feeling a wave of affection roll over him as he uncovered the forest green Adidas hoodie.
"It's perfect Gemma, thank you."
"Happy birthday,"
"I also got you a little something" Anne smiled at him,
"Aww Anne, you really didn't have to-"
"Nonsense, Louis, open it"
Louis fingered the wine glass gingerly, too afraid to ruin it's delicate beauty. "anne," he breathed, "it's perfect."
"Now me," Harry jumped in eagerly, pushing a small box towards him, his green eyes sparkling with anticipation
Louis smiled fondly at him, before leaning forward and whispering onto Harry's ear
"How have you gotten me so whipped H?"
Harry chuckled, "lost your sass, Tommo?" He teased out loud
Gemma giggled as Louis started opening the box slowly. "Harry," his voice somewhat awes, "is this real?"
Harry helped him lift the tattoo gun out of the case, "real as my love for my big toe, sterilizing equipment and all," he grinned, and Louis couldn't help but poke his dimples lightly, "use wisely, my boy"
The small man threw himself at his boyfriend, hugging him close and giggling, reaching his arms out to Harry's mum and sister and making grabby hands until they were in one giant love cuddle, laughing in the middle of the room.
Gemma pulled away first, lifting her flute once again and looking Louis straight in the eye
"To family," she said simply
"To family" they repeated, downing the drinks
Then they were huddled on the couch, giggling like kids until Anne excused herself and retreated to her bedroom. Harry watched amused as Louis tried to convince Gemma that she really did want to get tattooed by him, she just didn't know it yet. He was about to interject and help his sister out when his phone buzzed. Zayn.
He leaned over to Louis and whispered a quick, "later baby" into his ear, followed by a peck on the cheek. The smaller man turned his head and pulled him in for a proper kiss, whispering back "you already know what to wear princess"
Harry grinned and accepted the call, slipping out the room
"Ringo," he greeted warmly, "sorry about the other day, what's up?"
There was silence on the other side, worrying the green eyed lad
"Zayn?" He asked softly
"Hey Harold" Zayn sounded strained
"What's up man? You don't sound good."
"Just, bit of a shit vacation is all"
"Sorry to hear that, want to tell me about it?"
"Just...are you alone Hazza?" He asked, tension lacing his voice
"Course Ringo, I'm outside, the snows quite beautiful here," he said softly, trying to give Zayn a space to speak
"Yeah bro, it's pretty muddy here, not so much pretty."
Harry was silent
"Harreh...I know it's Louis birthday, I'm sorry, I shouldn't called, I just needed a friend"
"Hey" Harry said softly, "you know I always got your back Ringo, even if it was my own birthday"
"I know." Zayn said shortly. He was quiet for another minute and Harry was starting to wonder if he was actually going to be able to open up, something was clearly bothering him
"Im scared." Zayn said, so softly, if all of Harry's senses hadnt been completely in tune with the conversation he might have missed it. He stayed quiet, wanting Zayn to share, knowing he had a hard time getting the words out and how being interrupted would stop him
"I...I had to text Perrie one night, ask her to hide all the pills in the house...and I felt so guilty Haz, because now she's also worried about me...but I was more scared that if I had access to them then I would I didn't have a choice but she's being distant from me and I need her not to be...I need someone to promise me I'm not alone but she's scared of being close now...and I'm so so bloody scared because I don't want to die, but I'm so skinny, I weigh nothing...but I can't...I can't eat,"
Harry breathed deeply, sensing Zayn had said everything he had to. His heart ached for Zayn, wanting nothing more in the moment than to hold him close and hug him hard enough to squeeze all the shattered pieces back together
"Zayn..." He said softly, "listen to me, okay? I need to know you're going to do what I say, so you trust me?"
"I trust you."
"Okay," Harry looked up at the stars, "I want you to either put the phone on speaker, or put on headphones so you can have your hands free,"
There was a scuffling sound, and then Zayn's voice telling him his hands were free
"Alright Z, sit on the floor, cross legged and put both your palms on the floor on either side of your legs,"
"Okay," Zayn's voice was a little shaky
"Alright, this is your safe pose Zayn. When things get overwhelming, I want you to sit just like this, pushing all your weight onto your palms and into the ground, can you do that for me?"
"I'm doing it,"
"Good, now listen to me love, you're going through allot of shit, and that's rough, and it hurts to do it on your own. You don't have to feel guilty for asking your girl to help you. You don't have to feel guilty asking anyone to help you. If you need help, you ask. And if you're worried it will strain your relationship, call me. Or Niall. You know our little baby Nandos would do anything for you."
He smiled as he heard a choked chuckle, "was that a laugh, Ringo?" He asked softly
"I still feel like shit," Zayn sighed
"Yeah, but at least you don't feel that way alone. Because you aren't."
"H, you know you mean everything to me." Zayn said randomly
"You mean the world to me too, Zayn. And promise me please, you'll eat 2 things every day?"
"Please, Z?"
Another minute of silence and then a whisper, "for you, Harry,"
There was a pause, as each man stayed wrapped in their own thoughts and then Zayn broke the silence
"Merry Christmas H," he said gently, "I love you, take care of my Loueh will you? Wish him happy birthday from me,"
"Course, Ringo, love you too. Good night. And , text me k?"
"Alright lad, good night"
Harry layed the phone beside him and placed his head between his knees, feeling the wind rush through his hair, becoming aware of the cold for the first time. Zayn would be okay, he would. And Harry...he just needed to forget. To forget how his closest friend just told him he needed someone to intervene to stop him from a suicide attempt. To forget how he was helpless to stop him himself. To forget how fragile Zayn sounded, words spilling out of him as his voice shook. And so he stood up and went back into the house, not even stopping to say good night to Gemma who was still laughing with Louis on the couch. He simply gave the half hour symbol to his boy, and proceeded to his room, pulling out his purple lace bra and mini skirt and forcing his mind back to his own home on Cheshire. Focusing on the hooks as he breathed deeply and started thinking of how he would treat Louis for his birthday, how he could trigger his tiny little boyfriend into making him stop thinking, to bring out the side of him that Harry loved, when he exuded dominance and confidence and treated Harry like his little princess.
He checked the time once he was fully dressed. Louis would give him another fifteen minutes.
Harry took himself in, the purple was soft enough to blend into his milky skin, but the lace sort of enhanced it, making him feel like his skin glowed a little. The skirt fell in soft pleats, ending mid thigh. He had decided not to wear any underwear at all, just knee high white socks that had a delicate purple ribbon running along the top. His outfit was perfect but since he had a little more time anyways, he took a purple eyeliner and ran it along his bottom waterline, loving how it contrasted his green eyes. He applied some mascara as well and then checked the mirror as well. He didn't feel quite brave enough to add anything else, not very confident with a makeup brush, but he only had five minutes left, so he settled himself on the bed, facing the door with his feet hanging off the edge and crossing his ankles in a ladylike way.
He reached over while he waited and picked up his stuffed giraffe, smoothing an ear that had somehow gone askew.
"Hey Sophie," he whispered to it, "I'm going to make Louis rim me until I cry so I'm going to have to move you under the bed so you don't watch." He gently pushed it under the bed with his feel saying, "don't worry darling, I'll get you soon,"
"Talking to someone?"
Harry turned his head quickly to the door, tensing up as he saw Louis, still in his oversized sweater and tight ripped jeans, taking him in as if he were the most beautiful sight in the world
"Just Sophie, I didn't want her to watch,"
Louis smirked, entirely unsurprised"stand up baby." He said firmly
Harry obeyed, his legs shaking a little
"My boy." Louis whispered, walking closer slowly and trailing a hand over his torso lightly. He leaned over and pressed his lip to Harry's ear, all too aware of the goosebumps Harry was suddenly feeling, "look at you princess," he whispered, "all dressed up with makeup, like a little doll, just ready to be played with,"
"Play with me, sir" Harry whispered back and Louis nodded approvingly
"My good little girl. Come here"
He held out a hand, watching as Harry's big fingers completely engulfed his hand. He led him to the mirror. "did you look at yourself yet baby?" He asked, "did you see how lovely your skin looks? How your eyes glow? How sexy your legs look under that skirt?" His hands grazed up and down Harry's arms as he spoke, causing the taller man to shiver slightly at his touch
"Yes sir, I did" he answered
"Good." Louis said firmly. "now baby, good girls get choices and I think you've been good yes? Have you been my best girl?" He asked sharply, challenging Harry to really think through his answer
"Yes sir, I've been your best girl, special because it's your birthday"
"Okay then baby, it's your choice, do you want me to open you up? Or do you want me to take off each of your rings and then watch you open yourself up, give me a show for my birthday, right here in front of the mirror?"
Harry was quiet, looking at Louis dazedly, he never realized he wanted that
"I'll do it for you sir, you can watch how good I'll be."
"Already so good darling," Louis kissed his cheek lightly, reaching down for his hands, "made my birthday so nice didn't you? Such a good present you got me, such a nice time with your family and now this. My favourite person in the whole world, all wrapped in lace. Look how your little birds look," he pressed a kiss to each bird as he continued slipping off Harry's rings, "and your butterfly, all pretty and girlie," he pressed a single kiss to it, before stroking his Fern leaves so lightly Harry almost wanted to cry, feeling himself grow harder under his skirt from watching the way Louis was erotically removing each ring slowly and letting them fall like petals and from his way too soft movements that did nothing to alleviate the tension in his stomache. He looked down at Louis who was now sitting on the floor, surrounded by Harry's rings, the back of his hand on Harry's ankle.
"Love your ankles," he sighed, lifting Harry's and placing it on his shoulder, exposing Harry's semi erection clearly.
"Oh baby, I thought you were being good, but you were being greedy from the beginning." He sighed, "I've never seen a good girl who has nothing on under her skirt. Should I still let you open yourself for me? Do you think you've still earned it?"
Harry groaned lightly, "please sir, let me do it. I want you to watch, youll see, I'll do such a good job. I'll make you so proud."
Louis trailed his hand up, along the inside of Harry's leg, slowly reaching higher. He stopped right before touching Harry's cock, his hand resting right at the top of his inner thigh.
"Okay baby," he whispered, "because I love you,"
It turned out that having Harry open himself up while both of them watched him was so obsene and so beneficial for both, it took days for the lovebites on his thighs to fade. Louis had lost all control that night, truly giving Harry the relief he was seeking. But New Years eve rolled around and there were only faint marks left as proof of their antics as they cuddled on the grass watching the fireworks together, Anne and Gemma a little distance away to give them some privacy.
"Happy New Years baby," Louis kissed him gently
"Happy New Years my love," Harry kissed back, slipping his tongue past Louis lips and licking into him. It wasn't urgent or needy, just strong, passionate and full of love. It was perfect.
Louis pulled back and signed unexpectedly. "What is it Sunshine?" Harry asked
"I've been pushing off telling you, H, but I El is coming over, we were supposed to do a Christmas photoshoot but I didn't want to leave here."
Harry started to speak but the smaller man held up his hand to silence him
"Niall reckons we should go on a double date, with Taylor also, and discuss boundaries. He also said we should get you to take the pictures just so we can have a laugh. What do you think?"
Harry leaned forward and kissed him reassuringly
"I think our little Irish princess is a genius." He grinned, "and I also think it would be lovely to have a public date with you. Let's enjoy our night, just us two, and discuss the details tomorrow."
Louis snuggled closer into him, pressing a kiss to his temple,
"Just the two of us sounds wonderful." He whispered contently. L
There was a comfortable silence between them before Harry looked up
"Yes my angel?" Louis asked,
"Could you teach me how to do my makeup sunshine? I tried for your birthday but it was harder than I thought"
Louis laughed, "course my love," he chuckled, feeling some tension leaned his body. "and thank you,"
"What for?" Harry asked his green eyes wide with wonder
"The whole situation with the girls, for taking it on stride...and for making this the best birthday, Christmas, new years vacation ever" he grinned "I love you, H"

Did I lie?
Question of the chapter: do you think Larry is still real? Or that they were together at one point but have since broken up?

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