Chapter 6
Carrying Illidans unconscious body, I quickly leave the house. Once Im at the far end on the garden I open my wings and use my demon sense to find the nearest demon hunter house. I land in front of a small cottage in the middle of the woods and peer inside the window carefully concealing my demonic energy. Inside a couple are sitting on the floor with a young girl, showing her what weapons are which and how they can be used to kill demons.
I smile and look down at Illidans sleeping face. Youll be safe here. I whisper and slip the dagger into his tiny hand, then kiss his forehead. I sneak around to the front door and lay him on the mat outside. Then I knock and fly into a tree near the door.
The door opens and the woman pokes her head out. Looking down she sees Illidan laying there and gasps. Honey! Theres a little boy out here! Come quickly!
Her husband comes out and picks him up. Lets take him inside dear. Well wait for him to wake up then find out what happened. They go back inside and shut the door.
Satisfied that hes safe I fly back to the Stormrages house. Back in the living room I kneel over Emily and Tristans lifeless bodies. Placing my hand on each of their chests, I use the very last of my holy magic to extract their souls from their bodies and seal them within my own. Knowing that this makes it obvious they are dead, I hurry from the house and run into the garden. I fold in my wings and hide in the forest around the garden hoping to lay low until my magic returns. After climbing into the branches of an old oak tree I lean back and fall asleep seemingly safely hidden within the foliage.
I wake up about three hours later. Looking around me I feel like someone or something is watching me. Deciding Id better move on I let myself drop to the ground. My wings open and I quickly search for the nearest opening in the canopy. Finding one I flap my wings and fly through it into the blue sky only to find myself completely surrounded by angels. Baring my fangs, I lash out at the weakest looking one, a young looking boy no older than me. To my surprise he doesnt dodge or move apart from the movement of his wings. I stop short of his face and grab for his neck. Suddenly hes behind me and his sword comes down on my back. I scream and fall the ground rushing up to meet me. Then abruptly, Im no longer falling, but instead wrapped in the arms of the same boy whod slashed me.
Laying me gently on the ground, he heals my wound then sits back and smiles. Youre as predictable as always my dear. He runs his hand along my face and laughs lightly. Diva darling when will you learn? his form begins to shift and my eyes widen as he returns to his original appearance. You cant beat me little sis.
I stare at him in stunned silence. Two of the angels, seemingly guards, that had cornered me up above land behind him and draw their swords glaring at me murderously. Your majesty, please get away from her. Shes dangerous. One of them reaches down to pull him away.
I hiss and bare my fangs. Stay back. I growl threateningly as I glare at them. They back away and I feel the boys hand on my neck. I stop growling and turn my eyes to him. I didnt think Id ever have the pleasure to see you again, Charkell. Or should I say, older brother?
The guards gasp and stare as I start to sit up smiling, genuinely happy to see my brother, but also knowing hell never let me go. He laughs and turns to the guards. Boys, Id like you to meet my younger sister. Shes annoying and hot headed, but shes family. Treat her like it.
Since his back is turned to me, I dont know what he did, but he must have signaled them because the next thing I know, Im being dragged to my feet. I struggle against their hold as they fasten holy chains around my wrists and pull them behind me, securing them so tight it hurts. Gasping in pain, they force me to my knees as Charkell stands up. He takes a fistful of my hair in his hand and forces my head up to face him. I glare at him murderously, feeling betrayed as I hadnt lashed out knowing it was him. Youre enjoying this arent you? I growl.
Yes Diva, I am very much enjoying this. He laughs. Take her away. He flies away leaving me alone with the guards, who clearly dont intend to treat me like family.

Caught by Love
FantasyIn a world where humans rule the earth and demons lurk in the shadows, where angels watch over all, Diva the queen of demons awakes from her long sleep. What will she find waiting for her in this world that has changed so much in the time she was im...