Coffee Boy ☕️ | 1/? |

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| — Purpled's POV — |
It was an average day, I went to a different coffee shop that just opened though. I went there alone since my friends were busy.. As I was sitting a cute barista walked up to me, "What would you want to drink?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

His looks did not match his attitude. "The sweet coffee with cream..and a chocolate bar." He wrote it down on his note pad. "Your order will be here soon." He then walked away. His name tag said "TOMMY!" So I'm guessing his name is Tommy?

A few minutes later Tommy walked back, but someone ran past him and it made him drop my drink of himself. "Sorry! So sorry! Sorry!" He apologized to me. "I- it wasn't my fault. I'm so sorry!" He apologizes too much.

"It's alright."

"I'm still sorry."

"Jeez, can you just let it go! It's o-fucking-Kay." He frowned, he went silent. Now I felt bad.."Shit- no..I'm sorry." I apologized, he looked up at me. "It's fine, I deserve it." Man he's making me feel so horrible.

He gave me a note, "Here have this! It's my gift for my apology." The note had his number I'm guessing? I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was wearing a black loose shirt with light brown overalls, blonde fluffy hair and bright blue eyes. He had a necklace that said "Your Tubbo."

When I got home I immediately opened my phone, I texted him;

Purpled < Hi! It's Purpled from the Cafe.

Tommy < Hello :D

I'm going to change his contact name..

I'm going to change his contact name

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He's adorable

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He's adorable.

Platonic PurpledInnit OneShots Where stories live. Discover now