Coffee Boy ☕️ | 2/? |

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A/N : The first bit will be Tommy's POV from the first part.

| — Tommy's POV — |
"Tommy, go get the purple boy please." My coworker, Ranboo, said. He was taller than me and had red and green eyes, also black and white hair. I walked towards the "purple boy."

I was in a pretty bad mood so I wasn't going to be nice to this bitch either, I would've insulted him but I chose otherwise. "What would you like to drink?" I asked grabbing out my notepad.

He stared at me for a while before answering, "The sweet coffee with cream..and a chocolate bar." I wrote it down on his note pad. "Your order will be here soon." I then walked away to Ranboo. He was still staring at me.. "Here you go Ranboo!" I gave him the order.

A few minutes later I had to go back to him with his drink, some mother fucker bumped into me making me drop the boys stupid order. I swear to God. I felt horrible for dropping it though.

"Sorry! So sorry! Sorry!" I apologized, he was about to speak but I interrupted with another apology. "I- it wasn't my fault. I'm so sorry!" The boy made an annoyed expression, his phone turned on with a notification and a message said; "Purpled! Where are you?!"

So his name was Purpled? Fuck I'm getting side tracked!

"It's alright." He accepted my apology, I'm still sorry..

"I'm still sorry." He made another annoyed expression, almost like he hated me saying sorry. Or anyone saying sorry for this matter.

"Jeez, can you just let it go! It's o-fucking-Kay." I frowned, then went silent. I didn't mean to annoy him.. I feel bad. I was probably being really annoying. Fuck, I always- "Shit- no..I'm sorry." He apologized? Why. "It's fine, I deserve it." I was previously looking at the floor.

Now I was looking up at him. I have an idea! I gave me a note, "Here have this! It's my gift for my apology." The note had my number. He smiled at me and I smiled back. The boy, Purpled, had purple eyes that reminded me of the galaxy. A purple collar shirt but it didn't make him look like a nerd, ripped jeans, sunglasses, and dirty blonde hair.

After my shift, when I got home I saw that Purpled messaged me.

Purpled < Hi! It's Purpled from the Cafe.

Tommy < Hello :D

I guess I'll change his contact name.

Purpled, cafe boy :) < I like the emoticons.

Tommy < You scare me when you use the "." 😰

Purpled, cafe boy :) < A period?

Tommy < Yea srry I forgot what they were called :p

Purpled, cafe boy :) < Yeah. Anyways, you down to hang out with me and my friends tomorrow night?

Of course I would!

Tommy < Oh yeah! Sure :]

Purpled, cafe boy :) < Great. I'll text you when.

I think I like him.

| — The Next Day ( Night ) — |
It was night, I received a message saying we were gonna meet at FairCreek park. 9:00 PM, it was now 8:57 PM. I should start going, I grabbed my small red backpack. I took a breath before opening my room door.

When I was about to close it I saw Wilbur, I jumped and screamed. "What the fuck, Will?!" Wilbur was my older brother. He was a senior while I was a sophomore in high school. "Where' you off to?" He asked suspiciously.

Uhm.. "I'm going to Tubbo's."

"I thought Tubbo was sick with the flew?" I chuckled, and took off my backpack.

"He is. Which is why I'm bringing him this... Chicken soup." I exaggerated the word soup. "You put soup in a backpack?" I knew it didn't make sense Wilbur.

"Yes, Will. That's what nice people do. When our friends are sick, we— we fill a backpack with soup and we bring it to them. Which you would know if you were a good per—" The brunette quickly snatched my backpack.


"I knew there was no soup.."

I grabbed my backpack from him, "Just give it!"

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