Are You Two Dating? | ☁️ | Funny (?)

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I was just doing my daily chores as a "Cheeto", nothing. And no reader, I am not actually a Cheeto. That's just my middle name. I was walking around FlowerSMP and I accidentally bumped into my friend, they fell down. "Sorry DPNovaChan!" I apologized.

They gave me an annoyed face, "Just call me Nova, Fuzzy." Nova? No! I only call Emerald by their first name, I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm close to them.. "DPNChan, I have a question." "Nova. And what is it?" They sat up, wiping the dirt off their pants and shirt.

I looked to the side, blushed slightly. "Would you ever-" then we heard a bump. Quickly, we ran to where it was. It was at the entrance of FlowerSMP, when we ran there it was three boys. Like me! One had light blonde, another dirty blonde, and the tallest had black and white hair.

"RANBOO!" Shouted one of them, "Sorry Tommy! I really didn't mean it." What was going on? Tommy? I'm not calling him that. "Who are you guys?!" Nova asked sternly, taking out an axe. I didn't feel like we should threaten them, they might be lost and scared. But I couldn't do anything.. I learned from Emerald that no one would listen to me.

He told me no one cared about me, only he did. He told me not to trust anyone and that they would all betray me, he was the only one I could trust. He convinced me we were the good team although he was being horrible towards this girl named Angel.

| — Tommy's POV — |
Who were these people! And where were we?! "I'm Purpled Sp-" I shut Purpled up by pushing him near me, "Shut up! They might be from like — I don't know, the FBI?!" He just laughed out loud, "My name is Purpled Space." He said proudly. Purpled never listens to me I swear to God.

"Ranboo Ender." "RANBOO!" Ranboo just shrugged. Everyone stared at me, I didn't speak. I was not giving it. No matter what anyone says.. "Tommy if you tell them I'll give you money." Purpled got me, I love money. Especially when it's for free. Money is great.

I looked down at the smaller, he had frog like eyes. "Tommy Innit." The boy smiled. "Hello Tommy Innit! Hi Purpled Space, Ranboo Ender! I'm Fuzzy Queen!" Fuzzy Queen is a weird name, but whatever. I didn't realize it but I was holding Purpled's hand. The other person I did not recognize noticed though..

"DPNovaChan, don't call me that though, like Fuzzy over here. Just call me Nova. Are you two dating?" Nova looked down at me and Purpled.. "NO! No..!" We both shouted at the same time, we stared at each other offended. We both basically said we'd never want to date the other, kind of an insult.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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