Platonic Marriage 💍 | 1/1 | Short | Angsty

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Wilbur was yelling at me again, "I'm sorry." He scoffed. "I'm sorry!" I wanted to cry..he always mocked me. But I was not that sensitive anymore, I needed to suck it up. Unless I want to be seen as a cry baby...

"You are always fucking sorry Tommy! You can't do anything right at all!!! You are such a useless kid." That wasn't new at all. I was always saying sorry and he would always yell at me for it, never understood why. I was just an apologetic kid towards him..

Only towards him though. I saw Purpled running up to the distance. He was breathing hardly, "T..Tommy!" He yelled between breaths. "Purpled what do you want with him." Will replied, rather rudely. I looked at Wilbur and shook my head, as if to say 'Let him speak to me Wilbur.' But he didn't understand because he just ignored me.

Purpled got on his knees and grabbed something in his pocket, "Tommy will you marry me?" He giggled. "Platonically!" Purpled reminded us both...I knew already. "Tom I swear to fucking God if you say-" "YES! I'm tired of being the third wheel." Purpled smiled in excitement but Wilbur looked so angry.

Purpled stood up and hugged me while Will just stood there..when the hug was over I looked at Wilbur. "W-Will I'm-" "Shut the fuck up Tommy." Purpled's looked at Wilbur disgusted, "What is wrong with you man?! Tommy! You stand up to everyone else, why not Wilbur?" That was a good question..I don't know the answer.

Why didn't I stand up to Wilbur? "You're right...Wilbur you don't fucking control me!" He looked surprised, he being Wilbur. "Tommy I will make sure your little secret gets out, take off the ring." Secret..the secret he was threatening was me being..while....transgender.

(A/N: Don't worry I am transgender so I'm allowed to have that as a head cannon :D)

I didn't want anyone knowing that, everyone already thought I was an actual boy. "Wilbur..please." He smirked. "Take off the ring." Why does he control my every movement...? What's wrong with me getting married! "No! Don't listen to him Tommy. What's the problem with him getting married anyways?!"

Purpled asked, angrily. "Uhm..I- uh-" "Oh come on just say it Wilbur! You don't like the idea of him having someone that will tell him every single bitchy thing you do towards them!" I looked at Purpled and smiled..he defended me unlike everyone else. While actually Chat use to defend me, until their screen got broken.

"Fine! Purpled's right."


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