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They reached Memphis at sundown, a whole ten days after leaving the banks of Saqqara. Seeing the familiar walls and streets of the capital felt surreal. As if they had been away for years.

"What should we do first?" Mereneith asked the hooded figure walking alongside.

They had purchased a cloak for Kha from a seamstress near the outskirts of the city, made of cheap linen and of a design that was commonly used by travelling merchants who plied the trade routes between the different towns. Until they were certain of the situation in the royal palace, it was deemed wiser for the prince not to reveal himself too readily, in case the vultures were lying in wait.

Which they were.

From the moment Mereneith and Kha stepped foot into the heart of the city, they sensed a tension hanging in the air, like a suffocating mist that made the once-vibrant market streets feel muted and devoid of its usual colour. Market vendors and pedestrians alike would constantly look around with fear and hesitation written all over their faces, and everyone moved with a purposeful haste—as if their only goal was to get to their destination, and off these streets, as quickly as they could.

"You should go back to the temple," Kha said, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings as they moved.

"And you?"

"I'll have to return to the palace and secure an audience with the king. And hopefully avoid getting killed before that."

"I don't think it's going to be that easy."

Since arriving, Mereneith had counted over ten guards she had spotted patrolling the streets, far more than usual. Two of them had even been questioning a fruit vendor with a portrait of Kha, and judging from their hostile manner she had a feeling that their intention wasn't to rescue their lost prince, but to see to it that the loose end at Saqqara was tied up.

"I know," Kha replied. He suddenly grabbed Mereneith by the wrist and tugged her into a tiny back alley. "One of the guards was looking our way. We need to move." He pushed her quickly along. "Don't worry about me. Go back to the temple first and see if anything is amiss. We still have some time before the crystals are due to exchange hands, so it's critical that you're there to gather any evidence you might find about this matter."

Mereneith's heart pounded in her chest as they manoeuvred through the maze of alleyways. She silently prayed that they wouldn't be caught by any of the guards along the way. When they finally emerged along a major street, she realised where it was that Kha had led her to.

Two towering statues of Ptah could be seen in the near distance, standing watchful over Memphis as they flanked the stone pillars that marked the entrance to the temple.

She took hold of Kha's hands.

"Come with me. You can hide in the temple until we're certain what the situation is in the palace. It's too dangerous for you to go back there now."

"I can't. That would put you in danger too. They don't know you exist, Mereneith, and we have to keep that to our advantage. You need to remain in the shadows, else who's going to save me when I need saving, right?"

He gave her a wink that was meant to be reassuring, but she could tell right away that it was merely a front. Kha was as terrified as she was.

"I won't do anything stupid," he continued. "I'll try to find my mother first. She'll know what to do."

Mereneith knew that nothing she said would convince Kha otherwise, so she reluctantly let him pat the back of her hands and then let go.

"I'll make contact in three days to let you know what the plan is. In the meantime, keep yourself safe, got it?" Kha turned to leave, but then he paused and turned back once more. "If you don't hear from me then... I know you want to see justice served for Rekhmir's death, but this might be beyond us. I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you in harm's way."

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