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Sweat pooled in Mereneith's palms as she waited for Kha to appear. In front of the central platform, Kanefer had seated himself back down and gestured for the overseer to start the proceedings for the execution.

We only have one chance.

If they failed, Nefermaat would be dead and the allegations against him would be sealed in stone. There would be nothing else they could do to turn the tide against Kanefer, even if they had the support of the king's secret guard, it would not be enough.

"Have you any final words, Brother?" Kanefer called out to Nefermaat.

The second prince laughed. "You have said enough for both of us," he replied, "so I think it best for me to conserve my own energy. My head hurts from trying to keep up with all the lies."

"In that case you can save the explanations for when you face the scales of Anubis."

"Nefermaat should not be the one facing the scales today," a voice called out, drawing everyone's attention away.

Kha stepped out from the crowd and lowered his hood, revealing himself. Loud gasps escaped from the lips of those who recognised the young prince, and even the guards looked startled by his sudden appearance.

"You!" Kanefer pointed an accusatory finger at Kha.

"Nefermaat is not the traitor. You are," Kha continued, striding forward.

Mereneith watched as he stopped at the exact position they needed Kanefer to be in. Now it remained to be seen if Kanefer would take the bait.

"Citzens of Memphis, do not be deceived by my brother's lies. He is the one who has committed the crime of treason by colluding with the Canaanites, and now he has poisoned the king, all for the sake of the crown. Kanefer, confess your sins now and perhaps you shall be shown leniency."

"Ridiculous," Kanefer scoffed, his brows arching with condescension. "Do you think a few words can turn opinion against the truth? Guards, arrest him!"

Mereneith's heart raced within her chest. The guards were closing in on Kha, and still Kanefer had not moved from his position. In a matter of minutes, Kha would be apprehended and they would still not have achieved their goal.

Everything that happened next was a blur.

Kha leapt forward and grabbed Kanefer by the left arm, yanking him forward. The latter stumbled, taken by surprise, but it was only for a blink of an eye. Kanefer quickly regained stability and countered Kha by twisting his arm around to his back. Kanefer was stronger and quicker than Kha, and it showed. They exchanged several blows. Streaks of blood appeared across Kha's face. He struggled to stay upright, but Kanefer's fists kept pummelling him to the ground.

Mereneith bit down on her tongue to stop herself from calling out.

She had to wait.

She had to trust Kha.

Kanefer's fist went for Kha's jugular. Once contact was made, there was no question that the young prince's neck would snap immediately.

"Kha!" Nefermaat cried.

In that instant, Kha's blood-stained hand shot out, catching hold of Kanefer's ankle. With an anguished roar, he pulled hard, and the eldest prince's knee gave way. Kanefer fell forward on top of Kha—fell exactly where they needed him to.

"Now!" Kha yelled.

Mereneith hesitated for a split second, then she flew into action. She pushed past the crowd and planted herself in position, holding out her prototype of the wooden crossbow. An Ak'heka crystal shaped like the tip of a spear sat in its little cage, sparkling under the sunlight, and Mereneith wrapped her fingers around it to keep it in its place. It was unfortunate that she hadn't had the time to figure out a way to secure it better. The crystal grew increasingly warm, until it was like a burning coal searing through her flesh.

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