Two More Scrybes!

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{3rd Person POV}

         It has officially been a few months since Y/N started living with Leshy. They cleaned and did chores for him daily and shared dinner with him every once in a while (since he demanded that they reserve their food for themselves).  Leshy has also convinced them to stop referring to him as 'Mister' Leshy. He doesn't like how formal and alien it feels. Y/N happily accepted the change. 

         Y/N was now allowed to go out on their own to run errands and they've made a couple of friends and... acquaintances... along the way!

~Timeskip back a few weeks ago~

         Y/N was making a trip to their fishing spot (they decided that they'd rather fish for themselves since it would save Leshy more resources) when they came across two new faces who were in the midst of a conversation; one appeared to be an older woman and the other looked like a sentient Christmas tree. Immediately they panicked. They have tried to avoid contact with as many beings as possible. 

         The two happened to be blocking the route which Y/N usually took to the fishing spot. They tried their best to make a wide path through the woods in an attempt to avoid contact with them. 

         "Hello there."

         'Damn it,' they thought to themselves. Hesitantly, Y/N walked out of the woods and towards them.

         "H-hello! I am Leshy's apprentice. Sorry for disrupting your conversation! I was trying to go around without bothering you guys heh heh." Y/N awkwardly rubbed the back of their neck, trying to get out of the situation. 

         "Oh, dear. Do not worry about bothering us! We just unexpectedly ran into each other and were just catching up. I'm Grimora and this is Magnificus. What is your name? Are you the challenger?" She kindly smiled down at Y/N. Magnificus stayed silent, clearly suspicious of the new face.

         "It's lovely to meet you Grimora and Magnificus! No, I'm not the challenger. Just someone who unfortunately ended up here for no reason. Please, just refer to me as Apprentice. I must be going, though. Leshy doesn't want me to talk to anyone!" Y/N began to walk past them when Grimora reached out and halted them by gently grabbing their shoulder. She lightly chuckled.

         "Ah, that sounds just like Leshy. What a harsh man, keeping someone hidden away. I would appreciate it if you and Leshy would stop by my place tomorrow around noon for some tea! Do not worry, Magnificus will not be a part of it. He has his own students to keep his eye on." 

         Magnificus scoffed to himself. "Well, 'Apprentice,' stay away from my students and me. I do not want anything to do with someone working for Leshy. Now, I have some art to be working on." With that, the wary bush began to leave.

         "Wait! I love art! Would you ever teach me some painting techniques? I'm not the best at painting, but it's still fun!" Y/N blurted this out before realizing that they just completely went against Leshy's word. 

         Magnificus stopped in his tracks, still facing away from the two of you.  He was a little baffled that he found someone else with a common interest in art. He thought to himself for a few seconds. "...Perhaps," was all he said as he continued on. 

         This left Y/N with Grimora. 'Well, I already fucked up this bad. I might as well let Leshy know about Grimora's invitation," they thought to themselves.

         "Okay! I'll let Leshy know that you'd like us to visit you, but I'm not sure if he will be too happy about that. Don't get your hopes up about seeing us!" With that, I waved to her and continued down the path. 

         "Of course, deary. I'm sure you two will show up." She waved goodbye. 

         'Leshy isn't gonna be happy about this. Hopefully, he'll understand when I explain the situation to him,' Y/N thought anxiously to themselves as they set up their fishing line. They stayed there for two hours before heading back. 

         The sun had started to set so Y/N had packed up their equipment and the few fish they caught and began to head back. By the time they reached the cabin, the sky had turned grey and lights shone through the window. 

         "Hi, I'm back!" Y/N set their gear next to the door. "I caught some good stuff today heh."

         Leshy did not seem impressed. He was focused on something else. "Took you a while today. Did something happen?" He knew it was a good call to question them once he saw their poker face. Y/N is a bad liar. Therefore, they almost always told the truth. 

         "Uhhhh well get this. The craziest thing happened! I was on my way to my fishing spot when I... uh... ran into... Grimora and Magnificus, but don't worry! They did not mind my existence! If anything, they, well, Grimora was excited! She even invited us over for tea tomorrow afternoon! I'm sorry!" Y/N word vomited the whole situation out and immediately bowed their head in apology and covered their ears, expecting their demise of being yelled at.

         "...I could kill you right now, Y/N." 

         "I know. I'm sorry."

         Leshy wanted to explode with anger, but he managed to collect himself. He sighed.

         "It is fine. Everything will be fine. If anything, I was expecting you to screw up within the first week of being here. It was inevitable. I accept your apology."

         Y/N was a little shocked at Leshy's calm reaction. However, they were too afraid to look up because their eyes had filled with tears. They hate revealing when they are upset. It makes them feel weak and pathetic.

         "Thank you. Thank you for accepting my apology. I really didn't mean to mess up," they said barely above a whisper.

         "Look at me." Leshy already knew they were either crying or about to. He also already knew how they felt about crying because they've discussed it in the past over a card game. Y/N refuses to play his card game. They claim that their mind cannot process the rules enough to enjoy playing. They are not wrong. Instead, Y/N recreated a regular deck of cards by hand and taught him some simple games from their world.

         They wiped their face and looked up with their eyes squinted, barely open. They know that Leshy knows they're crying, but they don't want to show their teary eyes. 

      "Don't apologize more than once or I'll revoke my acceptance. I have a suitable punishment in mind for you," he said with an evil grin. Y/N whined, already knowing what it was. 

         They were right. The next morning, Leshy had Y/N splitting logs. This was their least favorite chore, and Leshy usually does it himself, but he enjoys seeing them dread the act and struggle to swing the axe. It was also the first week of July, so it was scorching hot outside.

         After a few hours and a lot of complaining, they were finally finished. They brought a bucket over to the well and dumped it on themselves. After, feeling utterly defeated, they plopped down on their stomach in the tall grass. However, their relaxation did not last long. 

         "Get up. We're going to give Grimora a visit." He had a long plan in mind starting from last night. If he drained Y/N of all their energy, then they wouldn't want to go and have tea with the other scrybe. He smirked to himself, proud of his scheme. However, that did not last long as Y/N jumped up.

         "Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that! Let's go!"

         'Damn it.'

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