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Waking up, I looked around and immediately noticed I wasn't in my room. I heard noises on the other side of the door. Looking around, I grabbed the closest thing to me: a hanger. Why is there a hanger in here? I don't know! I slowly approached the door and opened it a little, peeking outside I saw Jace and his dad. They both turned to the door and I slammed it quickly, locking it back. I'm screwed!

They knocked and asked me to open the door but I wouldn't. No way. No way! I heard the tumblers on the door click and they were in the room, the only thing between us being the flooring and the blue hanger i held in my hands. What? You gonna shoot 'em with a hanger?! If I have to! I pointed back and forth between them with it while I stood in the corner of the room. I looked down and saw a little silver key in Jace's dad's hand. Of course.

"Ok ok. No need for all that" the dad put his hands up in surrender, amusement flashing across his face. "Just put the hanger down, pumpkin" I shook my head and looked between them, making sure they wouldn't get any closer.

"Na'Riyah, we're here to help. We're not gonna hurt you. I promise" Jace spoke up, his hands in either side of his head too. I don't know why, but I relaxed a little. You can't trust him! You've known him for like half a day!

"Why am I here? Why are you here? Who are you? Where am I?!" I shouted at them, my anxiety peaking again.

"Put down the hanger and we can talk. We could've hurt you while you were sleeping, but we didn't. We put you in a nice soft bed, in a big room and made sure no one disturbed you. We're no harm" the dad spoke again. It's true. I don't feel any worse than how I felt when I first got here. Ok. I lowered my weapon and lightly placed it on the floor. They put their hands down and the dad came closer to me, and I tensed up again. They lied! Not safe! Not safe!

His hand came up and I turned my head, closing my eyes tight, waiting for impact. 5 seconds. Ok. Maybe he's winding up. 10 seconds. Did...did he miss? Wait a little longer. 20 seconds. I turn back, slowly looking at them. I look at the dad and see his hand is held out to shake. Oooh. Handshake. Riiiight. I blush and gently shake his hand, turning away from their looks of disbelief.

"Well uhm..." he cleared his throat. "I'm Jesse Rivers. The head of this operation. Seems you already know my son. I'm sorry you got tangled up in this" looking at him, he actually looked...sorry. I just nodded and dropped my hand from his, looking back to the floor. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I didn't reply. I'm still in shock this is happening. "If you need anything, just ask someone. They'll be more than happy to help you get accustomed here" with that, he left. Leaving me and Jace.

"Are...are you ok?" He asked slowly. Am I ok?!

"Peachy! It's not like my dad, the only family I thought I had left, just gave me up to strangers for drugs!" I finally let that out, but the look on his face made me feel bad about it. "I-I'm sorry. You...you didn't have anything to do with it"

"Hey. Don't apologize. It's been a long day. All this happened and you weren't aware of any of it" he stepped closer to me. I looked at him. I don't why, but he almost makes me feel...safe? Ok ok. Chill. Dude you've known for a day. And you're probably in his house with his dad and a bunch of other people roaming around and you think you're safe?! Riiiight.

I shook my head and smile at him softly. It's probably the adrenaline wearing off. I would feel safe being inside of a tank full of hungry sharks I'm sure. "Thanks Jace. What even is all...this?"

"Maybe we should sit down first" he gestured to the bed. I sat in the very middle and he sat on the end. "From what i've gathered, my dad -gang leader of 'The Cobras'- had a deal with your dad. Your dad owed us a ton of money. He said he'd give his daughter for a month's supply of the good stuff. They agreed and settled on a date. I didn't know it was you though" I nodded and looked around. This could be a good thing.

I yawn and rub my eyes. "Ok. I think...I think I can do this" I looked at him tiredly and he smiled softly.

"You can. The people here are amazing. Well, most are anyway. Just watch out for Max. He's a reallll douche bag, but he's a good fighter. Definitely not the best though. That belongs to moi" he gestured to himself and I couldn't help but giggle and he let out a chuckle that made my stomach churn. I neeed to sleep some more.

"That's great and all but I'm kinda tired" he chuckled and got up.

"Well I'll let you know when dinner is ready. Take a nap" he walked over to the hanger and put it in the closet. "And try not to kill somebody else with a hanger" I laughed and made the deal. He left and closed the door.

Noticing a different door, I went and opened it. The bathroom is huuuugeeee. I went to the giant mirror to look in it and almost shrieked at the sight of me. Red eyes, red nose, rat nest hair -we upgraded from bird-, a bruise forming from where my dad smacked me and my neck bruises lighter than before. Maybe it's the lighting.

I slowly lift my hoodie up, realizing that some of me is still in pain, I look at my torso and the injuries contrasting against my honey gold skin. Dropping the end of it, I turn on the cold water and splash it on my face and dry off with a towel. Trudging back to the bed, I crawl under the covers and snuggle into a much needed sleep.

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