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Waking up, i take note that i didn't have a nightmare but I felt like I was still sleeping as all I could see was darkness. I blink a few times, trying to figure out if I'm going crazy. Or blind. I move my head and see my ceiling. I look at it, unmoving until I realize that I'm not alone in my room...in my bed.

My eyes travel along the arm around my waist up to the shoulder it's connected to, searching for a face. Jace. Scrunching my eyebrows, I wonder why he's in here...with me of all people. In a moment's notice, last night's events come rushing back to me and an unwarranted amount of blood rushed to my face.

Shifting to try and get up, I gasp when his grip pulls me back and tightens around me. The situation dawns on me and a giggle leaves me lips. I try covering the sound with my mouth but it does me no good as I see his eyes flutter open. He looks at me for a minute before letting me go, mumbling an apology. Dismissing him, I go to the bathroom glancing at the bruise on my cheek and checking a few of the ones on my body, some faded, some getting there, some far from it.

I brush my teeth and hair only to throw it in a messy bun, going back to my room. Me and Jace make eye contact for a quick second before walking into my closet. "Riyah...i was thinking I could uhm...take you shopping, considering you don't have many clothes here"

Stepping out with my last hoodie and leggings in hand, I look at him waiting for him to tell me he's kidding, but he doesn't. He looks back, awaiting my answer. "Y-yea. I mean...thank you, Jace" I sigh, smiling softly. His face lights up and he nearly jumps out of my bed.

"Great! We'll go whenever you're ready" he walks out and I throw my head back in joy and anxiety. Shower. I go back into my bathroom and start up my shower, waiting for it to heat up and stepping in, letting it massage my wounds. A random thought made it's way into my head and a different rush of anxiety and doubt engulfed my heart too quickly for my liking. Did...Jace and me? No no. That's not possible...right?

I get out the shower after another 15 minutes, throwing my hair up into a neat messy bun, and then getting dressed. I look over at the little makeup items I own and decide a little wouldn't hurt. Just applying mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss, I head out to let Jace know I'm ready.

Slipping out of my room, I take the 10 sec walk to his door, hitting my knuckles against it lightly. The door opens not too long after and there, standing shamelessly in front of me, is Jace shirtless. His lips rest in a calm smile and he steps back from the doorway. "Hey, I was just about to put a shirt on. Come on in. I won't be long"

He disappears inside his closet. Me and my conscious argue for a minute before I take the bold step to set foot in his room. I look around at the dark blue walls and matching bedding, the curtains tightly drawn beside it. Gangs. I hear footsteps from behind me and turn, seeing the man of the hour in a gray shirt, black jacket and matching jeans. "Ready?" Nodding, he leads me out to his car, unlocks it and we get in, heading to the mall.

Walking around, Jace never leaves my side, even when I insist because I've heard that guys don't typically like shopping with girls, but he never complained. Instead, he picked up everything that caught my attention for more than two seconds, and that was a lot of items. Some of the older couples and employees there mentioned that we were a cute "couple". Couple, ha. As if someone like Jace would go for someone like me. At least he's my friend, I can live with that.

I blushed when we found our way to Victoria Secret. Did he really have to come in here with me too? Well, he doesn't seem to be leaving my side anytime soon, he's paying, and I don't have much of a choice. Great. We walk around the shop and I have no doubt that my Face is beet red. I glance at him and he looks...bored. I see his eyes find their way to me and I turn my gaze away, picking up different articles of clothing in my size that weren't overly...yea.

I hear a chuckle from beside me and I have my hair shield my face from anyone that could see how embarrassed I was. Heading over to the cashier, she rings up the price and he pays. He spent at least three grand on me at the mall and he didn't seem annoyed or disappointed in the amount. Dad would get upset if I asked him for even a dollar.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I looked up at him from the ground and before I could answer, my stomach beat me to it, making my cheeks turn pink. Am I ever gonna stop this needless blushing? His laughter found my ears and it brought a smile to my face. "How does Chinese sound?" I can't remember the last time I had Chinese food!

"Sounds great!" I chirp, getting really excited. We put the bags in the car and head over a block to a plaza and to this place called 'Dragon Garden'. Jace asked me to find us seats for us. I found a small booth near the back and wiggled my way over to the wall, a giddy smile resting on my face, refusing to leave.

The bell to the restaurant rings as someone opens the door, followed by the sound of laughter and loud voices. Me, along with several people, turn to the voices and my insistent smile falls. Trina and her friends just walked in. She catches a glimpse of Jace and she goes over to talk to him. So much for that. Of course he'd choose the popular crowd over me. I should leave.

I sigh after a minute of fighting it over in my head and move to get out the booth when his voice stops me. "Hey, sorry it took longer than it should've" I look up at him, his lips curled up into an apology. How could I leave?

"It's ok" I slide back to the wall and that same smile tugs and pulls on my lips to the the point where my cheeks start to hurt. He chose me.

Our food is brought over to us and it looks and smells amazing. Sesame and orange chicken, spring rolls, and noodles with water. I eat kinda slow, not sure when I'll ever have something so good again, but I am really hungry. However, Jace wastes no time, slurping and munching down his food.

A disgustingly girly giggle leaves my lips and I have to cover my mouth in embarrassment, but I still let out a few more. His eyes find me and he smiles like a little boy who's mom gushes over how they eat. He picks up a few noodles with a pair of chopsticks and holds them out to me.

My eyes widen and I feel cheeks redden while he looks at me expectantly. Leaning over, I open my mouth and eat the noodles, giggling as I eat the food. His smile grows wider and we finish our food as an employee brings out the check. He pays for it and tips with cash before we leave. I feel eyes in the back of my head and of course I turn to see Trina across the restaurant glaring at me with her mouth open in disbelief.

I hurry to catch up with Jace, getting in his car and heading back to the mansion. Max and another girl, who's name is Rebecca, come out to help bring in the bags full of my new clothes. Maybe...it won't be so bad here.

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