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You know the saying, 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade'. Well, what if your abusive dad basically sells you for drugs to a very wealthy drug lord and his son just happens to be the new kid in your class? Yea, I'm stuck too. I'm in a house full of strangers -minus Jace and his dad (who's name I've already forgot!)- this is just great.

Positives. Think of the positives. No more Xavier. But who knows? These people are probably worse by themselves like...a lot.

I hear a knock on the door and jump before seeing Jace's head pop in. Nothing, I feel nothing. Or do I?

"Hey...uhm...we're having dinner, if you're hungry" I was about to decline when my stomach completely gave me away. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as he chuckled and opened the door some more. "Come on. I'll show you the way" i slightly waddled out of the room because my regions were still sore. I glanced up and Jace had a confused look on his face before I looked away, but I could still feel his eyes on me.

We walked down the hallway, which was longer than I remember it being. We took a couple turns that I was sure to forget before the scent of food made my tummy ripple inside me and churn. I can't remember when I had a proper meal that wasn't school cafeteria food.

We arrived where everyone else was and I almost cried at the sight of so much food, even though it was just five pots of pasta that was supposed to give everyone at least three stacked plates of it. We sat down next to his dad, who sat at the head of the table. Looking across was this guy who was big and muscular like Jace. He had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Next to him sat a woman, who had blonde hair and blue eyes.

He looked me up and down before a smirk stretched across his lips. Creep. It looks better on Jace. Wait what? I shook my head to clear that thought out of my head. For good measure though, I did look over at Jace. He must've felt me looking because he turned his head to me and smirked. Yea. It definitely looks better on him. I give him a small smile back.

Everyone else sat down around the table. I slid to the edge of my seat, closer to Jace just because I know him compared to everyone else. Keep telling yourself that.

Everyone went and grab the claw thingies in the pots closest to them, scooping the food in their own plates before passing them on and digging in. I felt too stiff and scared to reach anything. Jace put a large portion in my plate and I looked at it before looking over at him. He chuckled and nodded before digging into his own food.

Picking up my fork, I twisted some of the noodles around it and slowly brought it up to my mouth, eating a little bit off the fork. Wow...that's amazing! I ate the rest off the fork and I screamed in my head at how good it was.

I ate half of what Jace gave me before I got full from the delicious meal. Glancing around the table, some people were still eating and others were talking amongst themselves in hushed whispers, eyeing me before looking at away to whisper again. Wow. So much for that.

I felt the food spin in my stomach and I hung my head, letting my hair hide my embarrassment. The tink tink tink of a fork hitting a glass hushed everyone and all eyes went to the sound: Jace's dad. What is his name?

"As you all may have seen, we have a newcomer to 'The Cobras'; Na'Riyah Carson" he motioned to me and a few people mumbled a greeting my way. I just nodded. "She is to be treated as one of you, remember how you all were when you first arrived here.

"Na'Riyah" i turned my head to him, refusing to look anyone else in the eye, but he held mine. "You are welcome to leave at any time, but snitches don't last long" he narrowed his eyes and made a zip motion with his fingers. Keep your mouth shut when you leave. Got it. I nod and bow my head again. This has got to be a dream.

After dinner, that blonde guy offered to walk me back to my room. How'd he know where my room is? No clue. Jace walked off to go talk with his dad. Talking with the guy, I found out his name is Max. Didn't Jace say something about him? He's pretty nice though.

"Thanks for walking me back. Don't think I would've made it on my own" he shook his head, laughing under his breath.

"No problem. My room is up the hall. Four doors to the left" Jace is two doors to the right. He winks at me. I give him a soft smile and step inside my room, gently closing the door, locking it out of habit.

Walking over to the closet, I grab a set of the few pajamas I have that aren't torn to bits and pieces. I go and take a steamy, hot shower, humming to myself, feeling myself get sleepy and the steam relaxing my body. I get out and dry off, braiding up my long, curly hair then putting on the stickman pjs. Once I crawl into bed, I hear the pitter patter of rain on the window, letting it lull me to sleep.

Rapping on the door ruins my wonderful sleep. I sunder out of the soft comfy bed and answer it, seeing Jace on the other side, smirking at my appearance. "Can I help you?"

"Yea. School starts in half an hour" what?! I look over at the clock and I mentally curse my for sleeping in so late. I dive into the bathroom and take a 10 minute shower, unraveling my braids right after. I dry off, and throw on a hoodie and jeans, considering I do feel better compared to the last two days.

Slipping on my sneakers, I leave the bathroom and look over at Jace who's still in my doorway, smirking. A blush creeps over my cheeks but hide it from him by looking at the clock. I grab my bag and walk out the room, following behind him, to his car and getting in.

At least I slept good.

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