I hate it here!

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Bonbon's POV

We're nearing the end of Freshman year, so all the work is light and sometimes we do nothing at all. I wasn't expecting us to have to do anything in art today, but we got a random project out of nowhere.

"So, your project can be about anything you'd like, but you have to work in groups of 8 and assign roles. Make sure to gather information about what people think about it, how popular it is, and so on. It'll be due at the end of next month, so it should be perfect."

I knew a few people in here so I already knew who I wanted to work with.

"You'll have the rest of the class to figure out who you want to work with, and what your project will be about, so get started."

My friend Bella or Baby, as I like to call her, immediately came to sit with me.

"Bonbon, can I please work with you?" She asked quietly. I nodded. "Oooh! Me too!" Fenix shouted! He was a loud one, but I love loud people. "YES!" It gives me energy.

Usually if I let Fenix work with me, I let him pick who can join, cause he has good taste. "Go find more people to join us."

"I already did!"


"So, this is Jeremy, Fredrick, Samuel and Maddie!"

I clapped, then I realized we were down one person. "We need one more person." I say, raising an eyebrow. Maddie put a finger up. "Can Tyler, join us?" I shrugged saying I didn't care, so she walked off and soon came back with a blue haired boy, like myself, I say this is a win.

They all sat down at the big table, as Bella started assigning roles, cause we elected her as leader.

"Uhm, so Fenix and Tyler, you two will present the presentation, how does that sound?"

"I like it, I do have a great speaking voice don't I?" Fenix asked, making me role my eyes playfully. "Fine with me." Tyler says.

"Nice, so Jeremy and Bonito, you will be collecting majority of the information, if that's fine with you two..." Baby say worriedly. I nodded. "Eh, kinda sucks it's just us two, but that's fine."

"Thank gosh, then Samuel you'll get to set up the presentation and decorate." Samuel gasped excitedly. "That sounds fun!"

Baby smiled. "Uhm Maddie and Fredrick you two will write down the information that will be discovered."

"Got it." They say in unison.

"Then, I'll put the whole thing together." She says.

"See we did a great job making her the leader." Tyler says proudly, making her laugh nervously.

"Now...what will the project be about?" Maddie asked.

"Wellll something cool!" I say excitedly.

"I'm down for talking about abandoned things." Jeremy says, Fenix then grabbed him and shook him. "Me too! There's this abandoned Beach, called The Gallery an hour from the school, we could totally do that for the project!"

"WAIT WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS!!?" Jeremy asked, shaking Fenix.

"So do we all agree to this?" Baby asked. Tyler sighed. "Uhhh I hate the beach...and oceans.."

"We don't have to go near the water." Maddie says reassuring him. "...Fine.."

"I'm fine with it." Samuel says. "Me too." Fredrick says. "Yea me too." I say, giving them the ok sign.

"Alright...this weekend? Does anybody drive over here?" Bella asked. Samuel and Fredrick raised their hands. "Ok who wants to take us?" Jeremy asked. "I guess I can." Fredrick says.

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