17- Y/N (Finale)

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A/N This is the last chapter of this book. Thank you everyone who read it and gave it a chance. Please do read the author's note on the end. Enjoy!


Seven months. Seven months had passed since the night I had killed he witch. Seven months since I hadn’t seen Howl. I still thought about him every day and I still missed him with the same intensity that I did before. I missed Calcifer and Markl as well. I missed the family that I had with them. Now I was alone. I didn’t stay in one place. I moved from place to place in search of knowledge. I wanted to use my magic to become a healer. I wanted to help people so I moved from one place to the other in search of a good teacher to teach me how to become one. I had picked a few things along the way while I experimented with things on my own but it wasn’t enough to make me a healer. I would come to a town or city or village and stay there for a short while – two weeks at the most – and search for a good healer who could teach me or someone who could help me.

I was on a journey to an unfamiliar town in search of a tutor. I had been told in the previous village I had been to, to journey to this particular city. An old man had guided me here and said that a wizard and a healer who taught magic had come to the city a few weeks ago and word said that he was still there. So he had told me to check there. I didn’t know if the information of the old man was wrong or not, but since I was traveling from place to place, it wouldn’t hurt to check this place as well. If the healer was there I would meet him and ask him to teach me. If he wasn’t there then that city would be off my list.

I had been on my journey to this city for five days. I mostly walked all my way. At night, I would stay in some small town or village or if I didn’t come across a civilization, I would sleep under some sheltered tree. It wasn’t really that tough of a journey. The places I went to, I would see patients who needed my help and if it was in my hands, I would use my magic to heal them. My grandfather had given me all of his money in the bag before I had left his house. It wasn’t much but it was enough for me to pay the inn keepers or barn keepers where I slept or ate.

Finally on the sixth day, in the late afternoon, I reached the city I had been told the healer would be in. As I made my way into the busy city and looked, I realized that this city was quite bigger than many of the places that I had visited. Life here was quite busy and fast paced. A few people stopped to look at me but said nothing and hurried along. I walked further into the city, through big and wide streets and roads until I came across some kind of a market place.  I moved on and looked at the shops and the people. I came to a stop near a particular shop. There were no people in this place. The old shopkeeper looked at me. “Travelin’ I see?” he said and looked at the backpack behind me. I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I was told that a healer wizard was in town. Would you happen to know something of him?” I asked him. He looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. “I heard some people talk about some wizard. I am not sure if he is a healer or not, but he is town alright. Why do ya ask?” “I want to become a healer so for that, I need to be taught by a mage healer. Could you tell me where he is currently?” “I’m not sure about the exact place he lives. I’m not much of a fan of magic if I say so myself; unlike many people here.” “Could you still tell me where he is?” I asked him hopefully. “Alright alright, I’ll tell ya kid where he lives. Go east into the city, further inside. When ya come to the first crossroads, take the left one. It will lead ya to the wizard’s house. Ask people for directions if ya get lost or somethin’. Everyone around here knows him.” He looked a little annoyed for some reason and so I decided not to bother further.

I left the busy market place soon and headed east into the city just like the old man had said. I continued walking in the same direction. Soon the late afternoon day began turning dark. People were turning on lights and lamps here and there in homes and streets and shops. I kept thinking about my task ahead. If the wizard actually was here, would he take me? Many thoughts filled my head but I pushed them aside. Even if there was no wizard or even if he didn’t take me, I would search the whole world until I found one who could teach me. I wanted to help people and I would help them. Firming my resolve, I kept walking and walking and just when I thought that perhaps the old man had lied to me and there was no crossroads in this place, I came at the crossroads. I was so happy to see the two roads. I set off on the left one and I didn’t know where it led. There were shops and houses on both sides of the wide road and by now it was very dark and lights had been turned on everywhere.

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