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A/N: I am sneaky and that's the only thing I can think about it right now! Yes, tomorrow or today is actually my birthday but this chapter is actually a belated birthday gift for a wonderful friend of mine 💕💕💕 

So... belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎂🎂🎂

Now to the story 💕

She was clutching her books and walking down the road. Her way to the college was mostly lonely but today for some reason the same way was filled with lots of people. People having fun, holding balloons, and enjoying the time. 

She was never a fan of actual parties, no, she preferred silence over noise, books over movies and definitely cuddling in a cozy blanket instead of being outside, even worse, when drunk. She tried to walk by without being too obvious, however, she was stopped in her way when someone stood in front of her. 

Well, not particularly someone, actually her huge crush. Jeeva, her accountants senior. She was a secret admirer in the actual sense, especially being secret. She admired him from afar, she loved to spend her breaks in the library, not just because of the books but because he would also spend it there. She did not know whether it was love but definitely something along the lines. 

So, when Jeeva, her ultimate crush stood in front of her with a rose in his hand her heart just skipped a beat. Her movements still, she just looked at him, all kinds of thoughts running through her mind, but she did not want to read too much into it. 

She waited for him to say or at least do something but he just smiled. He held the rose in front of her and showed her with his eyes that she should take it. 

Slowly, she raised her hand and was about to take the rose but he pulled it back, her heart breaking a little. 

"It would be wrong to just give you the rose without saying anything." He said in a gentle voice. She looked at him confused and waited for him to go on. "Happy Birthday, Aruna." He said with a smile spread on his face. He held out the rose again and she slowly took it. 

However, instead of being thankful she was confused. "Thank you but Jeeva, it's not my birthday today." She said in a low tone. 

"Hmm, I know, but it's my birthday today." Her eyes widened open at the new revelation, mostly due to shame of not knowing this detail. 

"I'm so sorry Jeeva, I didn't know." She stuttered out and looked at his face that held the same smile as before. 

"Shouldn't you be saying something else?" He teased her. 

"Oh, of course, Happy Birthday Jeeva." She said with a blush and his face broke into wider smile, however, she did not see it since she was looking down out of shyness. 

"Thank you, Aruna. So, where's my present?" He stepped closer to her and her breathing quickened. 

"I h-have nothing." 

"Wrong, you have something in your hand." He again teased and she looked down to see the rose. With a slight smile, she held out the rose towards him but instead of taking the rose, he held her hand. She gasped and looked at him bewilderment. She looked around herself but saw that everyone around them were in their own world. 

"Jeeva, what are you doing?" She asked him and was relieved yet sad when he let go of her hand. 

"I'll come straight to the point, Aruna. I am in love with you." He said in utter seriousness but still managed to have that calm yet beautiful smile on his face. "I've been in love with you for so many months, I wanted to tell you earlier but I did not want to make you feel weird due to a senior confessing to you but I gained my confidence when I saw you staring at me." 

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