Part 1

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Going into heat was nothing new to Amity. She'd gone through the process at least once (or eventually twice, if she was [un]lucky as her sister had warned her could happen) a year for the past three years. Her first time going through it was hard, which was to be expected as she was only fourteen, but it wasn't completely unbearable. Her parents simply brought her to a room in the manor designed specifically for times like that and she stayed there for the week that it lasted, visited and accompanied by only a select few assistants and her sister. Her sister told her about her own experiences while being in the room and assured her that she was completely safe, secure, and she would be okay.

The room consisted of a little nesting area full of blankets that had generic but comforting scents that would calm Amity down to an extent, snacks and drinks that would keep her from getting too dehydrated or hungry should she find herself in need of sustenance before it was time for one of the assistants to bring her a meal or after she had already eaten but it wasn't enough. It also had a lot of soft things like stuffed animals, various pillows, and different blankets she could choose from if she wanted something more or something else in her nest, or just wanted to cuddle up in something while she wasn't in it. It had a TV with all possible streaming services, and books that were brought in by Emira per her request. Emira would bring her her schoolwork so she could stay caught up and would leave it at the small desk in the corner of the room.

To put it shortly, it was basically decked out to the nines that covered any possible need the young Blight would have. It even had its own bathroom so she could avoid exposing herself to anyone not permitted to be around her for the time being by walking the manor.

It also had some -ahem-... specific items located in a drawer, should Amity find herself needing to relieve herself in that sense. At fourteen, the drawer moderately terrified her and she made sure to steer clear of it for the week. The colors, sizes, and shapes were intimidating to someone of her age. It didn't matter to her that it was normal for girls to indulge themselves as such when they started their cycles for the first time. It was uncomfortable and awkward. Especially considering that things of that nature weren't normalized in her household. Her parents were never exactly affectionate in front of anyone, except when they were obligated to show that they were together at events, and any conversation that should have been had about self pleasure while in heat was basically non-existent. Hell, Amity couldn't even remember the last time she saw her parents take their personal matters to the bedroom and she wasn't sure if they ever did apart from having her and her siblings.

Of course, the mandatory classes in school gave her some insight on how to handle and help herself while in heat, but even then it seemed outdated and, to be frank, a little uninformed. Sure, some of the methods could have been the way her parents' generation and the one before them handled things, but the current upcoming generation surely would not be interested in such things. The children, teens, and young adults of the 21st century were so very different than those before them. Her sister did what she could to help her better understand how her body was operating and what to do if it came to that it was becoming to much for her, and Amity appreciated it, but even so... She just couldn't do it. Masturbation during her heat was off the cards.

Fifteen came and went, with Amity again spending a week in the room and once again avoiding the drawer. Emira had tried convincing her to give it a go, promising that it would help out a lot with her emotional and hormonal imbalance, but the young witch refused. She didn't like the idea of it. Amity had come to terms with the fact that this would be her routine for the foreseeable future. She was okay with that.

...Then the human came. At sixteen years old, Amity Blight met Luz Noceda. A transfer to Hexside from the human side of town. She was strange, loud, a little obnoxious, and had a bit of a temper. Amity would be lying if she said that Luz didn't get on her nerves in the beginning. With her blatant disregard for school rules, or safety, or consideration of anything, Amity couldn't stand her. And when she noticed that the human had befriended her old friend Willow and another kid named Gus whom she'd seen around but never actually spoke to, she figured it pretty much a done deal of never being involved with her.

And of course, leave it up to fate that they would end up trapped in the library overnight fighting a mutated version of her favorite childhood book character and become something that wasn't quite friends but not exactly enemies anymore when Luz lended her the fifth book of Azura at the end of it all. She started to see Luz in a different light, realizing that she wasn't as bad as previously believed. She could be kind, caring, and it became increasingly obvious that how she acted at school was a front she put up. Kind of like what Amity would do when pressured by her family to keep up reputation. They became closer over time, and Amity found herself leaving behind her fake friends to hang out with Luz and her crew more often. She even repaired her friendship with Willow through the human. It was great, and Amity started to feel like a better version of herself that developed consistently the more she hung out with Luz.

So imagine Amity's surprise when she realized she was also developing a crush on her. It started out innocent, where Amity couldn't help but hold her tail a little higher and let it quiver a little whenever Luz was around, or being unable to keep her ears from twitching when she heard her particular footfalls approaching at a distance. It was something that her siblings and Willow would playfully tease her about, but Luz was blissfully oblivious to. Somehow. Though there were a few incidents that may or may not of been Amity purring loud enough for Luz to hear and leading the human to asking if everything was okay, much to the witch's chagrin. Even so, that could still be considered on the grounds of an innocent crush.

At least until the next time Amity went into heat. She was once more in the room of the manor, curled up in the nest of blankets with barely anything on apart from a sports bra and underwear. She was covered in a light sheen of perspiration, whimpering quietly at the throbbing neediness going on in her core. Her tail was twitching anxiously, her ears acute to every sound she could hear coming from outside the room even when burrowed in her hair. Her nails repeatedly dug into the pillows and blankets underneath her whenever she felt a sharp surge of want rush through her nerves, electrifying every inch of her and making her so painfully aware of everything making contact with her skin. From the soft brushing of the blankets whenever she moved to the smallest drop of sweat rolling down her neck, she felt it all.

Amity was confused, and to be honest a little worried. Granted, heats were expected to be intense but this was something more than what she had become used to. And it wasn't until Emira came to check on her and drop off her schoolwork at the end of the day that it started to make sense why.

"It could be because of your little crush on Luz." Emira explained, albeit sheepishly.

"What?" Amity asked. She hardly lifted her head from the nest and instead opted to turn her eyes up at her sister.

"...Did you ever think that your crush on Luz could've been... I dunno, more than that?" Emira said.

"What are you talking about?" Amity murmured, a little annoyed.

Emira sighed and stooped down a bit closer to Amity, her expression a mix of sympathetic, apologetic, and unsure. Her ears lowered a little and her tail tapped idly by her feet. "Maybe... you saw her as more of a mate? And your body is reacting to that because it, and you, want her?"

Amity's ears twitched, her tail tensing and she swallowed back a sound of partial unease. Her golden eyes widened in fear at the possibility of that being true, but she still shook her head.

"N-no, that's not.." she fumbled. "Luz is a human.. she's not like us, humans don't even procreate like we do, why would I..."

Emira shrugged, chuckling a little at her sister's choice of words. "I don't know. Stranger things have happened." She wiggled an eyebrow playfully. "But you know that they do make things for unusual relationships like that, don't you?"

Amity was almost thankful that her features were already flush, as she undoubtedly would've blushed at the idea of that alone and would have been subjected to more of her sister's teasing.

"I think.." Emira continued, standing back up. "That you might find it in your best interest to check out the drawer, Mittens." She ignored Amity's groan of indignance. "It's one thing to go through a heat when you aren't eyeing someone, but going through it when you are makes it that much worse. I know because I went through the same thing with Viney. You need to satiate yourself somehow."

Amity didn't respond to that, far from wanting to admit that her sister could be right for once, and only muttered a small goodbye when Emira finally took her leave. The greenette remained in the nest pensively, her tail flicking back and forth with her thoughts.

Sure, she had a crush on the human. But Luz Noceda as a mate for her? Ha.

And yet, she couldn't excuse nor explain the tug of desire in her nethers at the sheer thought of the human's name. And she definitely couldn't pardon the whine that followed after.

Amity hesitantly picked her head up from the pillow it rested on, her eyes trailing over to the aforementioned and previously evaded drawer. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, feeling it in tune with the throbbing between her legs and throughout her body, and she finally pushed herself up onto her hands and knees after another minute. Her tail lowered, partially tucking between her legs as she motioned to get up to her feet and make her way across the room to the drawer. Her bare feet against the soft carpet, she curled her toes into it as if to ground herself. She was really about to do this. She was really about to approach and open the very thing that she had been actively and openly against for two years, and was even considering trying one of the items out.

The young Blight bit her lip and closed her hand around the handle, dragging it open tentatively and peeking inside as if she expected to find something different in it. Of course she didn't, and when the drawer was fully open she felt something pang in her gut at the sight of all the different dildos ripe for her choosing. Her tail swished interestedly behind her and she reached forward to run her finger along the length of a purple one. It was slightly curved at the head and had deliberate bumps and ridges on the shaft. It was almost intimidating to look at alone, and it wasn't even the worst one the more she looked. There were bigger ones, smaller ones, ones with and without the bumps and ridges or with only one or the other. There were some that had vibration settings, some that had the inflatable knot (that may or may not have made Amity whine softly at the imagery and clamp her thighs together just a little tighter), some that had both, and a few that were just plain with no features whatsoever and were just straight or slightly curved. There was also lube, condoms, and other minor accessories off to the side.

Well, she knew she definitely wouldn't be in need of lube at the moment... And the condom, too, for obvious reasons.

In all honesty, she felt like she was looking at something forbidden and taboo. Like she wasn't even supposed to think about the existence of the toys. And she knew it was due to the stigma in her household that instilled those feelings in her. That's not to say that she didn't masturbate at all, she would use her fingers at the very least but never anything more than that. Ironically, it was only during her heat cycle that she avoided masturbating because she knew that it would only make it worse and she would refuse to divulge in the toys, thus plunging herself into an endless loop of suffering until the week was over.

It was no surprise the way her heart thumped in her chest as she reminded herself that she was staring at the very things she swore to never touch, and possibly in the name of her... crush.

Her stomach swirled. She shoved down her inhibitions and opted to grab one of the more basic toys, a yellow one with the little curve, an inflating knot at the end, and approximately seven inches. Shame heated her cheeks because she knew that she was willingly going to let herself be knotted by a dildo. She enlightened herself with the thought that her sister always made sure to let her know that, while the walls weren't completely soundproof, anyone that wished to approach the room would have to interact with the intercom at the end of the corridor before doing so to give some warning and her some time to prepare. And no one could just enter the room without her say so. So there was no fear of being heard right away or directly interrupted. Even her food didn't have to be dropped off in person, it could easily be left in the slotted cubby beside the door if she chose not to let the server in. She would be fine.

She closed the drawer before she could give herself a chance to second guess and made her way back to the nest. She settled down in the little crater in the center, crossing her legs and wrapping her tail around them with the tip patting against the blankets in mild anxiousness. Her ears perked up with intrigue as she turned the toy over in her hands and dragged her finger against its silicone material. It wasn't all that scary now that she was holding it, and it wasn't that thick considering she could close her fingers around the shaft with the tips of her fingers nearly touching. However, she knew that the scariest part remained to be seen as she had yet to trigger the switch at the bottom that would blow up the subtle bulb at the base. A chill ran down her spine.

Amity set the toy aside and reclined into the bed, reaching down to hook her thumbs into her underwear and drag them down her legs and off. She attempted to ignore the clear wetness coating the inside of them when she dropped them to the floor next to the nest.

The excitement that laced her veins accelerated when she lowered the toy to her sex, tensing when she felt the smooth material barely graze her clit and summoning a whine from the back of her throat. She moved it further down and her back automatically arched when she finally slipped it into herself with a groan of both want and utter relief. In reality, the dildo was nothing special as it was simply an average size, but that didn't keep her tail from curling and quivering senselessly as it filled her nearly to the hilt and the curve of its head rubbed against all the right places within. She stopped when she felt the little stretch of the bulb. She wasn't anywhere near ready for that yet.

Swallowing back her hindrances and letting go a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, Amity eased the toy back out and moaned under her breath when the tip hit that spot again as it passed. She thrusted it back in with a little more force and inhaled sharply, the sound high-pitched. Back out, and back in. Out. In. Out. In.

It wasn't long before Amity was fucking herself with no restraint, mewling and moaning to her heart's content. Her free hand had long since found itself at her chest where it fondled her breast, occasionally tweaking her nipple and aiding the pleasure concentrating at her core. Her ears and tail trembled from the sensations taking over. With one hand caressing her body and the other plunging the toy between her legs, Amity would later mentally scold herself for not taking Emira's advice sooner because everything in that moment was doing wonders.

And it only got better once she closed her eyes and her mind started to wander with imagery of a certain human being the one fucking her relentlessly and touching every inch of her skin like she'd done it a million times. In her head, it was Luz's 'cock' relieving her ache, Luz's fingers pinching her nipples, and Luz's hands brushing down her stomach in between every few thrusts. Amity moaned her name into the air.

She could imagine Luz suspended over her, balancing herself on one hand while the other explored and taking her with each thrust into her pussy. The human would murmur to her in her human language that she didn't understand yet with that stupidly charming grin she would almost always wear around Amity. It wasn't Amity's hand that picked up the pace but Luz's hips, and it wasn't her hand that was now fisting at her hair but Luz's.

Amity cried out when the dildo was reangled and for a brief second her body seized, stars bursting behind her eyes when she shut them tighter. Her body was on fire, and she felt a rush down to her loins. Her body had broken out in an even more profound sweat, her hair clinging to her forehead and back. The slightest of breezes could've sent an instant chill down her spine.

Imaginary Luz fucked her harder as if she knew that the witch was nearing her orgasm, and Amity could hardly breathe. She was pleading in mumbles for imaginary Luz to breed her. In the real world, though, Amity was scrambling to find a proper grip on the switch that would basically end it all. She turned it on when she finally managed a hold and she could just barely make out the sound of the little motor within the dildo that would start to inflate the knot. She could feel it slowly begin to swell, whining at how differently it felt when it made contact with her entrance.

She knew for a fact that Luz wasn't exactly... equipped with a penis, or with a knot, but that didn't keep Amity from begging for it nonetheless. Her senses were on ten, her body metaphorically aflame with pleasure, and all she wanted was to be Luz's.

Amity stopped denying to herself the idea that she wanted Luz's toned arms to embrace her as she made love to her, that she wanted Luz to murmur sweet nothings into her ear in that language she didn't know a single word of, that she wanted Luz to be the one to take care of her when she was a mess of hormones and desire, that she wanted Luz period.

There was no hesitation when the young witch thrusted the knot into her dripping cunt, and she all but screamed Luz's name as she came around the bulge. Her body trembled uncontrollably, her scream quieting down to tiny whimpers as she rode the wave of her high. Her ears pressed against her head and her tail tensed in its curled state, both appendages quivering as if little electric currents were being sent through them. Amity hadn't even realized her back had lifted from the blankets until she collapsed back down onto them breathlessly and almost satisfied with the feeling of the knot swollen and stretching her walls pleasantly. Almost. Because even with the knot, it was only that. And her body was distinctly aware of the lack of... insemination, but it could at least take the artificial knot and be happy for the moment.

But as the young Blight came back to her senses, staring up at the ceiling, her eyes widened.

Crap. She really just did that, didn't she? She just masturbated, technically knotted herself, and came to the idea of her crush fucking her. And possibly being her mate.

Amity let out a disgruntled moan of embarrassment and covered her eyes with the heels of her hands. She shifted, wanting to just curl up and forget about the entire ordeal in her moment of shame, but let out a little yelp when she felt the still very knotted dildo move within her. She dropped a hand from her face and reached down to turn the switch the other way, sighing quietly when the bulb began deflating and she could safely withdraw it after another minute or two. She remembered seeing some sanitizer in the drawer and made a mental note to clean the toy later when she could muster the strength and get over her internal struggle with herself. Amity turned over into a ball, wrapping her tail around her leg and burying her face into the pillow beside her.

That was the first time Amity had given in to her previously suppressed biology and admitted to herself what she wanted. And she tacked that on to stuff she would never dare bring up with anyone. Especially not Luz.

A few months later, when Amity was approaching her seventeenth birthday, is when fate decided to play another one of its dirty jokes and pit her and Luz into a situation where she would have no choice but to confront the human about her feelings for her.

And by fate, she meant Hooty. Hooty had cooked up this entire scheme, scooped up Amity out of the safety of her home (which was borderline kidnapping, she still had no idea how the house demon had managed to get away with it), and dumped her into the basement of the Owl House where she was eventually found by Luz. The floor had caved in, they went through an admittedly well constructed Tunnel of Love which Amity had no idea how it was done when Hooty had no hands or any sort of appendages even close to being able to grip things, and emerged on the other side with both of them questioning everything. And while Eda and King had distracted a distraught Hooty who thought he'd ruined everything, the two girls came clean to each other.

Luz had feelings for Amity.

Luz. Had feelings. For Amity.

The Blight swore she could just die. But in a good way.

Luz asked her out (well, to be frank, Amity asked her out first because her nerves got the better of her but she let Luz go ahead and do so because she felt bad for interrupting her stumbled attempt), and even held her hand afterwards. Her tail flicked with shy happiness and her ears stood just a little taller on her head.

Amity was on top of the world. She took being Luz's awesome girlfriend very seriously. She'd do anything for her, from running to the shops to get her things when she fell ill with the common mold to death-glaring anyone that looked at Luz for too long. Luz wasn't particularly phased. She found it rather entertaining and cute that Amity was so possessive of her.

They'd only been dating for a few weeks when Amity's seventeenth birthday arrived, and the witch had ditched her parents' plans for her to be with Luz and their friends. Gus supplied them with an illusion spell to pass as humans and Luz drove them to her side of what the humans knew as Woodsborough. The witches were amazed by the wonders of the human's reality, much to Luz's unrestrained amusement. They wanted to taste everything, touch anything, and Luz enthusiastically encouraged them, Amity especially as it was her birthday, what they wanted to experience first.

They looked to the Blight for the first answer, and she wanted to know the places Luz frequented when she wasn't in Bonesborough. She wanted to know nothing more than what the human did on the daily to get to know her better. Luz brought them to a small store where she stockpiled on snacks and drinks for the witches to try, then brought them to a cliffside overlooking the human town.

This was where they had their first proper kiss.

Sure, through the first couple weeks of dating they held hands and shares little kisses on the cheek, but the two felt a little bit of anxiety over actually kissing. But with Gus and Willow distracted by Luz's car radio at the moment and bantering over what snacks to pull out next, and Luz and herself sitting at the cliffside with the brunette pointing out all that she could make out of the town below including the direction that Boneborough was in... the moment had presented itself, and she took it. When Luz turned her head towards her, Amity didn't allow herself even a moment to hesitate and swooped forward to capture the human's lips in a kiss. While Luz had initially been caught off guard, she didn't pull away and kissed Amity back with just as much fervor. The young witch lifted her arms to wrap around Luz's neck to hold her closer. Luz's hands went for her waist. Luz smiled into the kiss, and it summoned a satisfied, trilling purr in the greenette's throat. She was grateful for the illusion Gus had casted on them, otherwise Luz would have been able to see the happy quivering of her ears and the curl of her tail.

It wasn't until they picked up on the sounds of their friends both cheering and teasing them with kissing noises from the car that the two broke apart, but the grins on their faces trumped any embarrassment. Amity knew she couldn't have asked for a better seventeenth birthday.

From that day forward, the girls began exploring within their relationship more openly. Kisses came more naturally, and those led into make-out sessions in privacy. From there, the affection elevated into experimental touching. Feather-like grazes, gentle pressing against each other...

The first time they almost went all the way was just over a month later. They were posted up in Amity's bedroom, Luz straddling either side of her legs as they kissed. Luz's hand caressed her cheek while the other kept her suspended slightly above her. It wasn't like it was a lot, or anything exceptional in that moment, but for some reason it was still causing a gentle smolder in Amity's body. She was acutely aware of every bit of Luz's body that was making contact with hers. Her tail curled at the sheer revelation alone. Luz's fingers all but literally scolded her cheek as her dulled nails clawed lightly down to her neck and on. She felt a whimper bubbling in her throat and only let it escape when Luz parted her mouth to catch her breath in the middle of the kiss. Amity knew Luz had heard it based on how her wandering hand hesitated at her exposed collarbone. The witch felt her face heating up, but instead of repelling the reactions she found her hands urging Luz back to her mouth on their own accord, her nails digging slightly into Luz's t-shirt and feeling the slight ridges of her spine through it. A sound rumbled from the human but she didn't resist, happily capturing her girlfriend's lips in another fervent lip lock.

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