Part 2

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Oh no. Oh no no no.

"You can't just come down here-!"

"Fuck off!" Luz yelled back, and Amity would be lying if she said the anger in her voice didn't excite her just a little bit. It was forceful, dominating, and-

"Amity!" Luz's voice broke through what was quickly becoming a rabbit hole in her mind. Her fist met the door harshly. "Amity, I know you're in there!"

"Miss Noceda, please, you're disturbing the manor!" Amity finally recognized the other voice as one of the help that routinely patrolled the floor to make sure that she, and whoever else would need the chamber, would remain unbothered for the course of their heat. Clio, she believed was her name. "And Miss Blight must be left alone!"

"Oh, por la mierda-" Amity heard Luz grumble. "Amity, Ed already told me something's going on so you might as well open the damn door and talk to me."

Amity was going to kill her brother.

"Miss Noceda if you don't cease I will have to get security to escort you off the premises!" Clio insisted. Her voice was filled with worry and albeit maybe a bit of fear. Luz didn't always give off the best impressions with how rugged her style was and how stand-offish she was with new people. Amity could understand her plight.

"I'd like to see you try." Luz said back.

Amity slowly and quietly picked herself up from the nest, shuffling over to the door on trembling legs. If she didn't step in, Luz would surely be thrown out of the house and barred from the manor for as long as her mother and father lived. And evil loved to be persistent. She could still hear the two of them going at it as she raised her hand to press the intercom button. It beeped and clicked on, which brought upon silence on the other side of the door.

"Amity?" Luz's voice came through the speaker now.

"Miss Blight, I apologize for the disturbance!" Clio immediately interjected. "I tried to keep her from getting past the door, but she-"

"It's okay, Clio." Amity spoke quietly. She wrapped her tail around her legs, ears burrowing into her hair. "Please. Leave us."

"Miss Blight?" Clio sounded unsure.

"You heard her." Luz snapped. "Leave us alone."

"If I need you, I'll call for you." Amity assured Clio, attempting to put the sound of a smile in her voice. "Oh, and... please say nothing to my parents. Not yet."

She knew Clio had taken her at her word when she heard the sound of heels clicking back down the hallway with a bit of hesitance. Once she was mostly sure Clio was out of earshot, Amity finally spoke.

"What are you doing here, Luz?" she asked.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?!" Luz exclaimed. "I haven't heard a single word from you in three days! Willow won't tell me anything, Gus claims he doesn't know what's going on, Em didn't tell me jack, and Ed only said you were going through something! Why does everyone else get to know what the hell is going on, but not me?! Your girlfriend!"

Amity winced, gulping. "It's complicated..."

"What's complicated?" Luz asked.

"I'm.. I'm..." Amity shut her eyes tightly. Tell her. "I'm just sick... I need to be alone to get better and not make anyone else sick."


The human was silent for a beat. "You think I can't tell the makings of a heat chamber, Blight?"

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