Truth or Dare (Colby Brock)

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This one is a tad bit controversial so if y'all see fit... I'll delete it!

Fandom: Sam and Colby/Xplr
Date: February 2020
Reads: Never Published
Word Count: 5,407

Description: Carson Reign Aevia (Ay-via) partakes in a fairly interesting game of Truth or Dare that takes a turn for the worst when Luke spills that he thinks she would beat the rest of the group and be hottest as the opposite gender.

     "Deal?" Luke spoke confidently after setting the rules. Cara thought back on each one, carefully making her decision.

1. There will be no special exceptions for ANYBODY.

2. You must last the entire school year. (Excluding breaks)

3. People that do not work at or attend Finchester High can know the real you.

4. No fake name. You'll stick to Carson.

And most importantly...
5. NO ONE can know that you're a female or you lose and the money is ours. Immediately. . .

     She pushed her hand towards him, ready for the deal-sealing handshake. She took his hand, grasping it tightly.

     "You're on, asshole."


Personal Rating: 7/10. The writing is amazing and I really liked the idea but again... it's a bit controversial, I feel like...

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Part One

HCarson grew up known as the weird girl with the boys name. Since as long as she could remember, she had been made fun of for a curse her parents had put on her when she was born.

     She was now to start her senior year of highschool soon and her best friends never left her side. The four of them (excluding Alivia's boyfriend who only joined sometimes) were constantly together causing chaos.

     Her and Alivia had been inseperable since that first day in kindergarten. Alivia had always been much more outgoing than Carson and she admired her best friend for that.

     As far as the others go, she met the twins (Maya and Walker) their freshman year of high school. She remembered it perfectly because Walker had been the first gay male she'd ever met. Before that, it was Carson and Alivia against the world.

     The most recent addition to the group, Lucas, had only come about because he was Alivia's boyfriend. Carson and Luke didn't have the best relationship and it drove a slight stake between Alivia and Carson because of it. Maya had taken the role of best friend right from underneath Alivia but Luke kept her busy enough that she never cared.

     That brings us to now: a cool August night, the group causing chaos just as they always had.


     Carson released a groan from her lips, becoming unhappy with the news her best friend had just shared.

     "School starts in like two weeks... Isn't that scary?" The entire group became a dramatic mess at her words and Carson was the first to speak.

     "Maya why the hell do you have to bring that up right now?!" Maya put her hands up in a mock surrender and the group laughed. Walker was the next to speak, being the same ol' positive guy he always was.

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