6 || Going Home

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Mr Gold's POV 

I watch as Neal pulls out a giant squid, I was confused why. 

"You know how to extract squid ink?" Neal asks, I nod. "Indeed." He says. "But how will you get close enough?" I ask, "I don't need to get close, I just need one clean shot to get Henry back." "Leave that to me," I nod. 

I walk out of the bushes into Pan's camp, he looks at me. "The dark one," he says. I stay silent, 

He starts taunting us once Baelfire shoots the arrow and once we get back to the camp baelfire starts yelling at me. 

Alex's POV 

We were walking to the Echo cave, a place I know to well. It's when I admitted I loved Pan, I sigh as we walk into the cave and see a cage on the other side. 

"Who wants to go first?" Asks Hook, everyone stays silent. 

So Hook goes; then snow then charming, then Emma runs across the bridge and tries breaking through but nothing works. She spills her guts and they run over to us, we run out the echo cave. I ended up hearing Emma and Hook's conversation.

We walk back to camp, Emma and Neal soon following after. 

The next morning it was time, everyone figured out Pan's plan. We were currently running to skull rock. 

Fear fills me; I had no idea what was gonna happen. 

We walk into Skull Rock and Gold walks through the protection spell. Emma gets shot back right when she tries, I try and walk through and I succeed. 

"How come she can get through?" Regina asks. "I don't know," I say pretending to not know. "I'm sorry but I can't keep this in anymore, Alex is Pan's wife." Hook reveals. Everyone stares at me besides Mr Gold. 

"How could you love a man like that?!" Regina asks, I sigh. "I don't owe you a explanation of my love choices." I say, "one question then, if you could redo the moment you met to where you didn't meet at all..would you?" Emma asks. 

"No, I wouldn't change a single thing." I say, they look at each other then back at me. "It's okay, you can think you're in love when you're really just in pain," snow says trying to convince me I never loved Pan. 

"That's fucking pathetic," I walk up the stairs and Gold follows. Pan ends up trapping Gold in Pandora's box and I glare at Pan. 

"Sorry love," he says, I roll my eyes. Everyone else runs up. "Cant we just leave Alex here?!" Regina asks. I glare at her, "Storybrooke is my home too." I mumble. 

Soon I watch as Henry puts his heart into Pan and pan flys in the air and flys out the eye socket of the skull after Emma nicked him. 

I watch as they talk about killing my husband.

"You knew the entire time didn't you?!" Regina says as she runs up to me angry. "Yes," I say, Regina slaps me. I roll my eyes, "next time you slap me, actually put strength into it." I say annoyed. 

Regina glared at me and we start an argument. 

Snow pulls us away, "we need to save Henry!" "Alex doesn't care about Henry! She hid this from us," Regina says. 

"I don't have to tell you anything of my life if I don't want to and I do care about Henry and I always will. This is why I didn't tell you in the first place! Yes I married Him, yes I still love him and yes! I would marry him again as many chances as I get, but don't think for a moment I do not care about Henry Mills." I snap. 

Everyone stayed silent and they ended up interrogating lost boys and now we were in front of his thinking tree. 

"Don't pick up Pandora's box unless you want to be trapped," I warn but they don't listen and now vines came out and forced us to the tree. 

"Idiots," I mumble, Regina glares at me. 

Pan comes out and picks up Emma's fallen sword.  He starts talking to everyone then finally gets to Regina. She ends up breaking through the vines and takes Henry's heart out of pan's body. Pan falls to the ground and they run off, 

I look at pan and then the direction they went, Pan looks up at me. "Help me.." he says. I run off in the direction they went. 

I get onto the ship and Regina goes to tuck Henry in, I sit down on a barrel on the ship as everyone ignored me and talked to anyone around them but me, I looked at Felix who seemed pissed. 

"Hey Felix.." I say, he glared at me. 

"Nevermind..." I say and he looks away, Henry climbs up the ladder and talks to Neal for a bit then grabs a plate of food an hands it to Felix, after some talking which I couldn't make out.

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