15 || Land Of Untold Stories

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We're all in snow's apartment trying to figure everything out when Regina enters, "where is he?" She asks. "I told you we'll find gold." Emma says, "not gold, Henry." Regina says.

Regina reads a text from Henry out loud and Emma reads her as well.

"What does he mean? What is the source of all our problems what is he gonna destroy." Snow asks, I sigh. Gold walks in, "well I think I can answer that." He says. Everyone's eyes widen, "the Olympian Crystal and all the magic tethered to it, it would appear my grandson outsmarted us all." Gold says. 

"He used his authorial power, to steal the Crystal right out from under my nose." Gold says. 

"Would Henry even do that? Destroy magic?" Snow says, "we better hope he doesn't." Gold says. I sigh, "why? What happens if Henry succeeds." Regina asks. "Storybrooke was built on magic, no magic." I say, "No Storybrooke." Pan says.

"He would never destroy magic if he knew it could hurt us," Emma says, "I'll be sure to tell him that when I take the Crystal back." Gold says.

"Don't you dare go near my son," Regina says. "Sorry dearie, but he's threatening me now." Then gold disappears. 


We all decided to split up, Regina and Emma left to follow Henry while the rest of us are working out a way to get everyone back.

Once Zelena tries to close the portal after everyone went through it took all of us in. 

We land on grass, i sit up and so does everyone else. Which was Peter, me, David and snow and Zelena.

We stand up to see we weren't in the enchanted forest or Storybrooke, "cant you do something pan or Alex?" Zelena asks annoyed. 

I look at her then I let my sarcasm take over, "yes of course Zelena! Do you happen to see the Olympian crystal?!" I ask. She sighs, "our magic won't work well and we could kill you all!" I say. Snow sighs. 

"What about the wand?" Asks David, Zelena shows the broken wand. "Great, I'm guessing you don't have any of the supplies." I say, she nods. 

We start walking, We were able to find a way to cross over without falling to our deaths and now we're walking up to this giant house. We see a groundsmen, "excuse me, do you know where we are." David says. 

The man cowards away in fear and hook grabs him, "am I the only one who wants to just say boo and scare the shit out of him?" I whisper to Peter. "No, I really want to scare the shit out of him," Pan says. Soon the man starts freaking out as we mention magic and then a man walks up and I remember being shot with something purple then falling to the ground, then everything went black. 

We wake up in a enchanted cage. 

"Great, now we can't get out!" I say, annoyed. Pan sighs and looks around the cage for any way out. I look around at our surroundings as everyone else stands up. "Did you find anything?" I ask the brunette in front of me. "No, sorry love." Pan says. I sigh,

"Okay. Well, does anyone have duct tape?" I ask, David shakes his head. 

"Then we're screwed, might as well feel bad for ourselves," I say and sit on the ground. Pan sits besides me, soon a man walks in and starts interrogating us on how we know rumple then snow says, "he's our enemy!" 

"Eh," I say; everyone looks at me, including the pale man. 

I shrug, the pale man narrowed his eyes at me and then he left soon after saying if he didn't wanna worry about something he locks it in a cage. 

"Anyone else think he gives off scary vibes?" I ask, Zelena sighs. "Underestimate," she says. "Cant we just kill him?" I ask, David and Snow look at me. "That's not the right way and besides you said you can't," Snow says. 

"No I said I'd kill all of you if we tried, so I cross my fingers and hope it's him instead!" I say as I raise my hands in the air. 

"I'm not taking that chance," David says, I sigh. 

"Scaredy cats." I mumble, Pan laughs and so does Zelena. "Just sayin'," I say, David glares at me. "I would rather be anywhere but here right now." I say, "would you rather be in the underworld?" Zelena asks. I nod, "yes, yes I would at this point." I say.

"I can make that happen if you continue talking," Zelena says, I stand up. "Oh you're a newbie witch compared to me!" I laugh, "you wouldn't even be able to make me bleed," 

She glared at me and Pan shrugs, David looks at pan. "Aren't you gonna get in between them?" David asks. "No do it yourself," pan says, I roll my eyes. "Watch you're mouth next time witch," i say annoyed. 

"Please, you're a child." Zelena says, "a child that is more powerful then everyone here combined." I say, she walks to a corner of the cell. 

"Nevermind, can I kill Zelena?" I ask, snow sighs. "No alex." 

I sit besides Peter on the ground, soon a figure appears in the glass of the door and the figure walks over to us. David grabs a board of wood and keeps it behind his back,

We soon figure out what he wants and I stand up and walk to the man, "if you don't come back with the wand I will kill you and everyone in this building," I threaten. He nods and takes the wand then runs off in fear. 

We follow the cowardly man to his house as he had potions or something there. I wasn't paying attention. 

But of course the pale man was there which his name is Hyde and the cowardly man is Jekyll. After all that, we appeared by a water fountain in Newyork. "This place is weird." I mumble, Peter chuckles. 

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