16 || Mr Hyde

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Me and Peter were sitting on the couch, making out when we hear a loud noise. He rolls his eyes in annoyance and I get off the couch and put my top back on and my button up that I leave unbuttoned. 

I put my necklaces back on and he puts his shirt back on, we walk out the apartment and I shut the door behind us. 

We run into the forest where we heard the noise to see everyone else there and a huge unfamiliar vehicle in the sky. Emma walks closer and Regina stays a few steps behind, we see mr Hyde come out of the bushes.

"It's the pale man," i say, Peter laughs. After all that we think of a plan to get rid of Hyde and Jekyll figures one out.

We wait as Emma hides behind the car and Peter was with David and Hook. Once Emma shoots him and he falls onto the hood of the car, Peter and David with help of Hook take him after he taunts Emma. 

I was sitting at a booth in granny's alone bored as I play with the straw in my iced tea. Soon the bell rings and I look up to see Matteo, he walks over to me and sits in front of me. "I'm sorry for being immature the other day." He says. 

I narrow my eyes in suspicion at him. 

"I mean yeah you were, it was right after a funeral too. Look i understand I look younger then I am and that you didn't except me to be married but I've been married for over 300 years. So if you want more then a friendship it's not gonna happen." I explain, he nods.

"I understand, can we still be friends." Matteo says, I nod. We end up having a conversation and he was a nice guy. 

I didn't realize Peter walked in and when he did he wasn't happy, he walks over to us. 

"Get up before I rip you're throat out," Peter says, Matteo stands up and walks out the door. Peter sits down. "That's nice of you Peter," I say. He smiles, "I was generous." He says. I roll my eyes. 

"Jealous," I mumble, he looks at me. "What was that?" He asks, I sigh. "Nothing Peter." I say, "Hm," he says and looks out the window. 

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